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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Razorcane, very nice! Unless you've made your own changes to mods, we can figure out what's used from the craft file and the log entries it spits on trying to load if we don't have required parts.
  2. Dragon01: By misreading your post and then typing on my phone without reference materials. Apologies for the mixup.
  3. junkie_business: KSP uses volume ratios. Real life stats use mass ratios. F-1 uses 2.27:1 ox:fuel mass ratio; given the densities of RP-1 and LOx, that comes out to 62% LOX by volume, 38% RP-1 by volume. AbeS: LES are engines, and thus been taken care of by SFJackBauer or myself (RftS rescales the NP Apollo ones and the KSPX one) or by a historical parts patch (FASA, or Dragon01's Soviet patch). Nobody's done TKS yet though...
  4. That's actually perfect because then you can make the top node of the lower stage a decoupler and add some small solid motors to the skirt. Then you'll get realistic two plane separation for the S-IVB
  5. Redrobin: rockets will return soon (as well posting in general) when I return from my trip. Turbojet: what mod? All the craft I make I will post. As this is alternate history, you won't see me making any real aircraft, or rockets /spacecraft, but they might, as Mark Twain says, "rhyme" real things. Form follows function, similar design environments and requirements lead to similar approaches
  6. Welp, it looks pretty much as awesome as expected. Love that you're making it separate parts, as usual. Makes reuse so much easier. To get working ullage motors on the interstage skirt I think you need to make two decoupler parts back to back, one to decouple the skirt from the S-IB and fire the motors, and one to decouple the skirt from the S-IVB. Ideally that upper decoupler would have a hollow center so the J-2 can fire through it during ullage burn.
  7. Yep, it has to read and uncompress and resize and recompress and write the texture. For an 8192x4096 texture (which is 128mb uncompressed) that takes a LONG time. And that's just one (Kerbin1) texture...
  8. Add one of these blocks for each wing part's name into a new cfg file. @PART[DYJwingwhatever] { @maxTemp = 1700 MODULE { name = ModuleHeatShield direction = 0, 0, 0 // full-surface coating reflective = 0.1 } } Change the number after reflective to taste. You might need to go up to 0.5 or so.
  9. jamis: cool! Explorer patch isn't done yet, that's probably why
  10. Change upper radius with y. Looks like upper radius is too small... Also make sure you attach the interstage adapter via the floating node.
  11. CoM offset is easy to apply. RO does it to mk1-2 pod. You can just put mini RCS thrusters around the upper lip of the pod, they should be shielded then.
  12. Tell you what then. Name a mission that could reasonably be done by 50s technology and I'll do my best to work it into RftS. (Look at KATO for some examples; coming soon are the first satellites, the first Mach 2 aircraft, other early satellites, an X-15 like spaceplane, etc). (And no, you have no idea how many people have been asking for a bundle or installer, and how much work you're saving me. Thanks are all yours. )
  13. blackheart612: late to the party but...have you tried setting the MODEL node such that the fairing base has its origin where the fairings should start? I.e. move it so the attach nodes are at Y=0?
  14. Nope, all you do is make a file of some name, give it a cfg extension, and place it in game data. Fill it with this: (Requires ModuleManager 1.5.6+) //Starwaster and NK @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines],@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %isTweakable = false %hideFlow = true } } It's the lack of those two values for those resource nodes, when combined with maxAmount=0, that causes the issue. The little patch above will add it for any engine that lacks it, fixing the error.
  15. Or rather, that wouldn't do the same thing if you flew a similar ascent. I.e. pitching over 45 degrees at 10km and calling it a "gravity turn."
  16. That's *really* weird. Can your repeat it? Was the SM shielded? (ALT+D+R to turn on debugging info, see if the shockwave line reports shielded).
  17. No, it's that we want fx from the turbopump exhaust as well as the nozzle.
  18. Are you using any other RCS related mods? Like RCS sounds or Kerbcom avionics etc?
  19. ToyToy: sounds like you didn't install it right. Follow the exact installation instructions as provided in the op. (That happens when you, for example, change the name of the DRE folder/install it to a different location) Sokar408, what other mods do you have installed?
  20. ....they're undesirable, yeah. You only ever want one ModuleManager, the latest version, in the root GameData folder. They're named differently to ensure that newer ones aren't overwritten by older ones. Sarbian added functionality so if you have more than one version only the latest *should* execute, but it's still best to only have one (and if you have more than one of the latest version...bad). So happy this is shaping up well. Kudos!
  21. DarthVader: the game can address somewhere around 3.4 *giga*bytes of RAM.
  22. I changed a bunch of stuff in MEC for tech levels but that broke something in the hybrid, it nulls in OnGUI.
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