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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Grim187: as the RPL tree OP (that lists its required mods, and that gave you this very link) says: #4 - Realism Overhaul Tweak/Resize Pack - By NathanKell & Myself (LINK): NOTE: follow the instructions immediately below the download to switch to the RftSEngines engine configs.
  2. Check FAR. Ferram does that. EDIT: Displays speed on the navball, I mean.
  3. You can launch and make a dogleg. Each station needs a unique GUID.
  4. It says right next to the link, installation instructions in the zip. Follow those instructions.
  5. Open your KSP folder. Then open KSP_Data. Upload the output_log.txt file somewhere and post the link.
  6. curiousepic: I believe that the SABRE M is modified by Real Fuels to have the real life Isp, thrust, and mass (to the best of my research). Not sure if AJE tweaks it; don't have B9 installed at the moment. Woopert: ah, I see. Yeah, just open the sumghai rescales; it should be pretty obvious how it works; holler if you need help. Twinky827: aMake sure that there is one, and only one, Module Manager dll anywhere in GameData. If still no parts, post your ksp.log.
  7. Lat/long is given in two forms: decimal and minutes/seconds. RSS wants decimal. Let's say the form is Hº M' S" (e.g. W 74º 23' 15") You convert as H+M/60+S/3600 and then make it negative if it's W or S (E or N are positive). That'd be -74.3875.
  8. Real Fuels says "Hi, solved problem pal" Also, thanks so much for that LMAE class SPS!
  9. Check again. It's now open, and HoneyFox is updating it!
  10. camlost: the issue with using multiple engine modules (and a switcher, yours or MultiModeEngine), is that RF doesn't support that (for thrust correction or mixture switching or funky throttle behavior). That's why you should still be using ModuleHybridEngine (for, say, multi-mode NTR) if you *do* need RF engine-modifying functionality. However, as regards *your* bailiwick, you basically don't (you're doing it yourself), so it's no problem. Also, as HoneyFox says, it's a big problem that your configs are run before literally any other config ever. Especially since you're mentioning it requires HotRockets but your changes will be clobbered by HotRockets. brooklyn666: sure. Or do you want me to just include it in RO itself? HoneyFox: RF's cfg uses its own module for SABREs, though I will pull support for them and direct everyone to AJE. Oh, that reminds me. camlost, does AJE do anything to the SABRE/RAPIER/whatever in closed-cycle mode, or do you only update the open-cycle ModuleEnginesFX?
  11. Woopert, what size are sumghai's modules now (in RO)? Also, MM is not bad at all. Easy to learn. Check out for example the patch to those parts. advice_dawg, this is a request for stuff that's done that should be included, not a request for ideas for what to make... that said IIRC Dragon01 was working on them at one point. camlost: RF supports them from v5 on, doing that should be fine (well, wait a few hours for RF v5.1). Next RftSEngines will do that for all supported engines and rely on SmokeScreen. Also, I need to put AJE in post 2... Edit: as HoneyFox says I don't support RF configurable Multimode engines using Squad's module. But SABREs don't really need MEC, since thrust correction isunnecessary and they don't support multiple fuel configs per mode. You can use RF resources for them without MEC or MHE.
  12. Ok, this is a PSA / REQUEST I'm about to (finally) release the next update to RO. So please, if you know of a rescale / realism-izing patch, and you want it to be in RO, TELL ME NOW. Preferably with a link. If you just want a link to it in the 2nd post without it being in RO itself, that's cool too.
  13. KSPI sets part eat each tick, so it clobbers the heat value anything else (engine heat production, DRE, whatever) applies. camlost: ah, thanks! Given one can't model that aspect of the J58, how would you suggest going about configuring a (non-pure-ramjet) engine for Mach 3+ flight?
  14. OtherBarry said what I'd say, so... There will be changes both with RF and with PP to better integrate.
  15. Well, I run ATM in aggressive mode with no scaling of regular textures. I do scale normals some (or rather cap them at 512 for parts) since usually modders include way-too-hires normal maps for the value.
  16. 1. There is not yet such a thing. On my long-term list is writing a "Generic TL module" that will change arbitrary values in other modules based on tech level, but I haven't done it yet. 2/3: Sorry, not sure what's answering what. First you say can't be done, then you suggest lowering prat3 and tt4? Let me re-ask if I might: 2. How might one simulate a J58 (SR-71 engine)? And/or other turbojets with adaptation for very-high-speed (Mach 3+) flight? (engines of MiG-25 or XB-70). 3. How might one simulate a true combined-cycle turboramjet? 4. Cool. (Gimbal modules operate independently of engine module type.)
  17. Sorry, this sounds like "reinstall the game" time--those textures are stock textures, not made/changed by any mod. Sounds like the Squad folder itself got messed up.
  18. RSS v6 adds 2x8192 textures and 1x 4096 or 2048 (I forget). Combined, it's about 200MB RAM over what v5.5 used. And KSP, as a 32bit process, is limited to ~3.4GB of RAM. If you check your crash output_log, you'll probably see something about allocating memory and that failing. Use rbray's Active Texture Management mod in aggressive mode, and play with the scaling line until you get enough free RAM.
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