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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeah, um, unless you asked carmics and received permission to use those parts, then (as best can be told from the AIES license) you're breaking the license.
  2. Um, please say you meant 2048x2048, not 2000x2000? (Unity does NOT play nice with NPOT textures)
  3. Procedural Interstage (In proc fairings) Also, could have sworn I added a 2m heatshield in RO. But anyway, the stock 1-person capsule doesn't need an extra heatshield, it has one built in. When you right-click on the part in the catalog, on the right it mentions Heat Shield.
  4. Check the second post of the RF thread. You need a set of engine configs as well as RF. Otherwise your engines won't actually be configured for RF.
  5. Ferram: ROMBOID - ROMBUS-Originated Multistage Booster for Orbital Insertion of Double-million-pound payloads.
  6. You should never use autoconfigure with FAR anyway, and you should be flying FAR with RSS. Regarding burns, a suggestion Sarbian was going to look into was cutting off a hair early and fine-tuning with RCS. It is bad news for landings, though, you're quite right.
  7. Agathorn: Heh, yeah, I know. Oh well, better than it was though. Will do. Ferram: Heightmap resolution at 8192 is 4.88km, so not really. It's Cape Staten now, at best. 1,000 tons? Wow. That's, like, two Novas or more. Heck that's more than two ROMBUS! Have you been chaneling Phil Bono lately?
  8. Florida looking kinda like Florida now: Launching from the Cape: Ferram: Will do--thanks!
  9. Probably, since that *is* what the engine configs usually do. SFJackBauer's RealEngines pack have real stats (as it says), and my RftSEngines don't clone any particular engines but do have realistic stats. The changes to piwa's Saturn V that I made had all real engine stats and it was fine...
  10. MaverickSawyer: Well, there's shielding for them in the FASA realism patch I wrote.
  11. rbray89: sorry, it's been so long I've forgotten. What do the various colors on the city lights mask signify? As you can see here I'm finally changing Kerbin's terrain to Earth's, so I'll need to change the city lights mask. I have a mask that's black and white, but I recalled the one in VE is colored...
  12. Thanks folks. Working on it now so PQS terrain sealevel is correct, but there's still procedural hillyness. Also, we're talking 3 8192x4096 textures here--32mb + 96mb + 32mb = 160mb of textures just for Earth. (That's with a DXT5 color texture, an RGB normal map, and an 8bit heightmap.) So...make sure you have the headroom. tygoo7: yes, as mentioned, that's a known issue, and no there isn't a fix right now. I tried to explain what's going on more technically, Deathsoul097 has the clearer explanation, but the short answer is: I don't know of a way to make them match up without turning your computer into slag. Regarding 10x kerbol: obviously I'm not going to remove the link, and the cfg should be forwards compatible. Wallenberg: good idea.
  13. Deadly Reentry spawns some prefab particles. You'll likely need to setup the particle system more since you're using new particles, not one of the stock ones, I think..
  14. What I'll do at the start is put a dialog box in the VAB where you can enter the latitude and longitude of where you want to launch from. Well, one for KSC, one for the flat piece of land under it. Instead of physically having multiple KSCs and writing my own launch method, that should be much easier.
  15. That is one *really* nice H-1 you got there!
  16. Lucy1nTheSky: Delete your DRE folder. Redownload. Reinstall. Create a new sandbox game. Check the structural tab; DRE parts should be near the top, since D is early in the alphabet. If the heatshields are still missing, post your ksp.log.
  17. Different mesh resolution between collider and actual terrain is my guess. Odds are in other places you'll be a few cm in the air?
  18. Andrezado: what changed? dlrk: that's a turbopump-fed engine, not pressure fed, and therefore you have to worry about ullage. Also: no idea why tweakable gimbals would interfere with a non-ModuleGimbal module, unless assumes a regular ModuleGimbal is present and has trouble if it's not?
  19. Which engine configs are you using? I assume by needing Exsurgent Engineering you're using RftSEngines? Did you delete the CFGs in the Engine Ignitor folder after installing Engine Ignitor? Did you grab Exsurgent Engineering from the link in the OP? Did you delete any RftsEngines.cfg in the RealismOverhaul folder before installing the RftS Pack?
  20. Agathorn: Make sure that no other tanks accessible to the engine have kero or lox in them. Make sure you empty the feeding tank(s) first, then fill with the correct button (check the tooltip, make sure it lists the engine you're filling for). Should work then.
  21. B9 is. KWRocketry, like all other parts mods that don't have their own CFGs in the Deadly Reentry folder, is handled automatically: max temps above 2500 are halved, and then clamped to 2500 if still above it (with engine heat production scaled proportionally). Because it's automatic no heat shields are added, but none are appropriate.
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