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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yes it will. RT2 and MJ already had a giant issue about that :\
  2. But if one wants to borrow your cfg changes and release a new cfg, is that allowed? Hence license. You obviously don't need source though.
  3. Spaceport. HurricaneBlack, looks cool! Especially the FX. However, since you've copied stock model/textures without changing them (as far as I can tell), please just reference the original model using a MODEL node; otherwise KSP is loading duplicate assets. Also, you do need a license for this. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44738
  4. Weird to toot my own horn, but: Realism Overhaul, in my sig. Read the thread for lots of stuff other people are working on too (SFJackBauer's engine, jrandom and eggrobin on life support, etc). If you want to play career, I suggest Medieval Nerd's Realistic Progression Lite tech tree MFS should be done in a day or so (3.3 is totally broken in .23); RSS a few days after that (depends on how much I find broken), although it APPEARS RSS is playable at the moment.
  5. Yeah, you'd need to compile the project from source to get the DLL. MFS should be done pretty soon though.
  6. Nutt007: There's methods in PQS to render diffuse and heightmap, and to warp a spherical mesh to conform to the PQS-displaced terrian. Look in RSS for how to use the former; I haven't implemented the latter yet, but ZRM found the two mesh ones.
  7. IMO the best option for a LES is to have both decoupler and solid motor in the part. Both activate on staging (for powered tower jettison during ascent). Then you add "activate engine" for the LES to the abort group, along with decoupling from rocket or service module. Then on abort you hit abort; tower fires. Then you can stage normally to jettison it via decoupler. For added security you can set a second action group button (I use 5 instead of abort/backspace) that will activate the decoupler on the tower, decouple heatshield and any other remaining parts, and trigger parachutes. Then if you abort from pad or early ascent, you can hit backspace and on LES burnout hit 5 and automatically do everything needed for rapid landing.
  8. Starwaster: it's to do with OnInitialize being called on stage separation, and that reloading from stored tank definitions rather than current resource amounts. I can see it in the log; if you switch to it, that goes away.
  9. I can't answer the MS19 questions, but MFS is definitely broken and getting fixed. Also lots of cool stuff I've been working on for like 3 weeks for it, plus now I have to fix it for v4. (Well, I and taniwha, who did most of the fixing! Woo him!) RSS scaling works some, but atmosphere is broken and I don't know what else yet.
  10. RSS being fixed is news to me. I'm tackling it once I finish MFS. Vanguard...AFAIK we don't have a Vanguard yet. Although it shouldn't be hard to make: A Viking kerolox lower stage, an Able/Delta/whatever upper, and then two small solids.
  11. I said a few days yesterday (last page). That was D-1 ago, so now it's (a few -1) days. Seriously, pretty close. Finally fixed engine FX, currently trying to fix a bug where discarded stages get their fuel back. Shouldn't be more than another day or two.
  12. Hodo: you should also halve the heatProduction values of those engines, if you're using DRE.
  13. Razorcane: Add a "dummy" ModuleEngineConfigs to the part, with one CONFIG with the same values as the regular engine config. For an example, see what I do to SRBs. Zander: I've said since I started maintaining MFS that 1 unit is 5 liters. I've also said in a bunch of places that MFS v4 will switch to 1 unit is 1 liter. But as Starwaster said, making this thing actually work in .23 is...really a higher priority.
  14. Uh, that fixes some of the issues. You'll see last night I committed more. taniwha is currently the maintainer of Extraplanetary Launchpads, and was kind enough to do some massive work on MFS. MFS v4 is in testing, and will hopefully be done soon. It still has some serious issues.
  15. The ONLY confirmed thing attach node size affects is open-node drag in FAR. Well, and snap distance in the VAB, but that's cosmetic.
  16. Woohoo! Very much looking forward to this.
  17. AbeS: Alas no. For some awful reason, Squad both keeps time in seconds AND casts it to signed int. Which means the maximum time the game will allow displayed is a bit over 67 years (anyone remember the "67 years til node" issue in MJ?). So I can't set it to display 1950. At most I could get it to say 66, but then you'd only have a bit over a year's playtime.
  18. It's more like DRE doesn't detect it as an engine since it uses new modules, and thus doesn't cut its heat production in half, but DOES cut its maxTemp in half since it has too high a maxTemp. Like I said above, quick fix is to manually halve the heatProduction values in its part.cfg
  19. AbeS: It already is set to 1950. Epoch, at the top of the Settings.cfg file, is the number of seconds until 12:00AM Jan 1 2000. (Or, if a negative number, the number of seconds after 1/1/2000). Camacha: No idea where, sorry. Re: tilt, I asked Mu about three-four weeks ago. He said he'd ask around. Not for .23, but for later updates. He said it would be a quite big change, although I have yet to come up with why.
  20. metaphor: freakin' amazing, as always! Camacha: find that person's original project, whence s/he derived Kerbal TOT: it was originally for Orbiter. Ah: http://orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=19682 Yes, you should be able to use real planning software, just remember that as of RSS v5.3, KSP year 0 is 1950. EDIT: CRAP, KSP starts at Year 1, right. That's 1950. Guess I should change it to epoch 1951 or something so the math works better Wish we could just change the display...hmm. Note that Kerbin's rotation shouldn't matter; it's only rotation on its axis that's off, not rotation around the sun. It just means you might have to complete another quarter of a parking orbit or something. AbeS: Basically, although as above since KSC is at 74d West, midnight at KSC will occur at 5am UTC.
  21. Read have Read, rickyhewitt, thanks! Will check. SSR Kermit: for now, open the Rapier's part.cfg and cut both heatProduction lines in half.
  22. Dragon01: It's been my plan for, oh, since I started working with MFS, to have CONFIG-based engine FX. It won't be in v4, but it's definitely planned. Dirt_Merchant: YGPM. ialdabaoth: cool! Although given how many stats are involved (and that it's not just engine fuel mode but also techlevel that MFS changes) I'm not sure it's worthwhile; you'd still want to have the MFS GUI up to see thrust, Isp, mass, etc. SFJackBauer: thanks!
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