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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. I'm sure as heck interested! That's another I've been wanting.
  2. Ah. Are you running the probe compatibility pack that adds SPUs to all probe cores? If not, you still need to add an SPU to your craft, so don't delete the SPU parts folder. When I said delete all dishes and antennae, I meant only those folders, not the SPU folder (or the other folders, if you want access to the aeroprobe, etc)
  3. Alas no. But you can add one. Arbitrary key/values will be stored in confignodes, even if they aren't used. So you can just do a find on confignode(RESOURCE) with name PartResource.myfuel.name, and then GetValue("hypergolic") == true. (after finding the RESOURCE{} block with name = MMH, and adding hypergolic = true to the block)
  4. My understanding is that most reignitable (non-hypergolic) engines have a small tank of hypergolic fuel and oxidizer used for ignition; when the tank's dry (or the reigniting mechanism/circruitry fails, which may be before the tank runs dry) you're out of luck. Even hypergolic engines usually have a limited number of restarts they're qualified for (Agena Target Vehicle was qualled for 5, though IIRC one managed 15 in ground tests).
  5. I mean using hypergolic fuel and oxidant. I added NTO (N2O4) and MMH to modular fuels (see MFS thread) as the first step on making this (you can see discussion about limited ignition a few pages back, there). So for engines configured for hypergolics, they'd just draw from the regular fuel supply, and for kerolox or hydrolox engines (or whatever else that's non-hypergolic) you'd need a separate tiny tank of hypergolics for ignition, the ignitertank you have.
  6. Dingdingding. Correct. LH2 is _good_ because it's _energetic_. It's _bad_ because it's _light_. (For values of light equaling "low density").
  7. It was nestled a page back, with the first set of install instructions: https://github.com/NathanKell/RemoteTech I edited it in to the install instructions--thanks, should have been there from the start.
  8. Other way round. Just plain white. You can get the striped one from 1.71.
  9. Look at the very post from which you downloaded it. It says "Reflective FAR support: Reflective FAR support means that to install the FAR version you simply make sure that FAR is installed."
  10. Honeyfox, might you be at all willing to modify this to use actual resources, rather than variables? (I ask because then I could just plop in my existing hypergolics). That would be especially awesome because engines configured to use hypergolics would automatically be restartable.
  11. I'd hazard a guess that most of the people who post in this thread use DRE (as do I). So you're fine. You'll note (in DRE's cfg file) that spaceplane nosecones and fuselages function as heatshields, among other things.
  12. That version still has all the old parts, you know...What do you need in an older version?
  13. Well, it works in CS5 at least. Dunno what version you're using. Note that 4-channel images come in as CMYK, but the resizing algorithm doesn't care, and they'll be written out with the same channels again.
  14. OMGOMG Squee! I've wanted this for ages, and was going to do my own, but put it on the back burner. Thank you so much for doing this!
  15. Just rename all mbm to raw, import to photoshop with a 20byte header and appropriate channels, choose to keep the header. Resize, save; PS handles the header. Then rename to mbm.
  16. ChestBurster, check inside my archive for my excel file. I did exactly that, basically, but also rebalanced all engines to tech levels. It autogenerates cfg files for all values you input. Should be very helpful for what you want. (Check the Isps sheet--it's almost identical to yours. ) Just reset all data to stock (including the names), and set the multipliers as you want under KL/HL/HG (it controls sea-level Isp multiplier for that mode, so hydrolox can have proportionally lower IspSL). There are multipliers on the right for thrust under different regimes, although I should add more for the most flexibility. I'll do that for you if you want. Anyway, no more manual editing of cfgs: I make excel do it for us, hurrah. Yeah, I should create a new thread. And interesting you should mention thrust correction: I was just looking at doing that (Starwaster mentioned it), and forgot that ialdabaoth was going to add that. Sure, I can do that.
  17. LOL @ note. Re: TACLS, https://www.dropbox.com/s/dy69i4x93c2bm0z/TAC_LS.cfg NOTE: I am using TACLS with renamed resources (the _TAC stripped from the end). If you want to use this for stock TACLS, put the _TACs back on all the resources. Has support for, oh, tons of mods. Change quantities to taste. NOTE: This adds an MFT to each part in it, so...if it already has an MFT, you're in trouble. Has Values I Like , tweak to taste. I defined three custom MFT tanks: LifeSupport (has only food/water/O2), LifeSupportWaste (has only wastes), and LifeSupportCC (has all six, but comes full of only food/water/O2, and the other three tanks are amount=0). CC = closed cycle. I also added support for the six resources to tanktype Default (at amount/maxAmount = 0), and ServiceModule(amount = 10%, so it will take up the same ratio of the SM tank as monopropellant, roughly). Tank masses and utilizations are guesses: I figure sealing a tank costs a bit of mass (for water and wastewater) and pressurizing a tank does too and has lower utilization (O2/CO2). That's why the volumes are multiples of 1.01 rather than 1, a tank of 3.03 volume has exactly 1 unit each of food/water/O2. Mass equates to the standard LifeSupport tank in TAC.
  18. Fixed. I should point out the main reason I did the amount fix, at least, and added the SM tank, was so that life support resources (and life support _waste_ resources) could be handled by MFS. I have a MFS-based TAC config if anyone wants that too.
  19. Apologies. Typo on the mass for the realfuels version of electric charge. Should be 4875, not 4375 like in the regular version (because SM basemass in RF mode goes down from 625 to 125). Will fix asap.
  20. The right amount If my calculations are correct 100 units of charge should mass (basemass + fueltypemass) 0.005, just what the 100-unit battery does.
  21. It's cause it uses the RCS effect, which is a single sprite, not a billboard particle stream. Same with SPS. Kyle, a request if I might, on behalf of all FAR and Deadly Reentry users: would you mind using scaled attach nodes in your parts? size0 nodes on size3 parts means (a) DRE raycasting fails, and ( either FAR treats that connection as a massive taper, inducing lots of extra drag, or, if using only parts with the wrong node, FAR thinks the vessel is far less wide than it actually is, inducing far less drag than there should be.
  22. ok, my dropbox link for MFS is updated. Changes to MFS source: 1. Fixed bug with amount/maxAmount. amount now acts as ratio of maxAmount, with full = 1.0. Clamp to 0 if tank is not fillable. 2. Added support for ElectricCharge where 1 unit volume = 100 units charge. 3. Added support for parts that have both modular fuel tanks AND modular engine configs. Note that it's still at most ONE of each. 4. Allow basemass to be set in part module definitions, not just in tank definition. (For instance, Oscar-B's can be less efficient) 5. Allow part mass changes to be disabled by setting basemass = -1 (used for parts that combine tank and engine like Bobcat's stages, where you don't want the mass to be changed by fuel tank changes). 6. Add support for fuel-specific TANK overrides in part module definitions. In a ModularFuelTank module, you can add the same TANK{} blocks you would in a TANK_DEFINITION{} and they will override what's pulled from the appropriate TANK_DEFINITION. You can add as many or as few keys to the TANK{} as you want; unspecified keys will be pulled from the default. In configs, I added a new TANK_DEFINITION, ServiceModule. It contains LF/Ox (or NTO/MMH in RealFuels mode), some monopropellant, and a bit of ElectricCharge.
  23. Yay, you're back! We did the KW stuff for you above, and I _think_ that's the only stuff that changed. If it breaks for .22 I'll fix it, don't worry.
  24. Sorry, I totally forgot to respond here! To use my branch: 1. Install Remotetech1 2. Delete all the dishes and antennae in the parts folder. 3. Drop in the dishes and antennae from the RT2 playtest version's parts folder. 4. From my github repo, download the RemoteTech DLL and replace your existing copy with it. 5. From my github repo, download the two CFG files and place them in your RemoteTech folder. Done. ( My repo: https://github.com/NathanKell/RemoteTech )
  25. It probably doesn't break the tanks because they don't use MODEL nodes? The old system looks in the present folder, the MODEL system needs a full path.
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