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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. There's a big difference between refurbishable on the ground, and restartable in flight. FAR and Deadly Reentry are already mentioned, but the third in the holy trinity of realism is RemoteTech: no more can you just magically control your probes. Instead you have to build a satellite network and deal with lightspeed lag. I also second the nod towards Modular Fuels, since it lets you use real fuels and makes your thrust correct. Another realism mod that doesn't appear to be one on first glance is Procedural Fairings. Especially necessary if you're using FAR, but either way, no rocket in the world would have an unfaired satellite payload.
  2. Looking very good! And I too would love to have clouds as textured on a separate mesh, not a replacement main texture. Regarding clipping: not that many cities in the mountains, you know--I'd call it a feature, not a bug. :]
  3. rescaleFactor isn't broken, as far as I know. I mean, I'm using it, and it's working fine. You just have to be careful if you're using MODEL nodes with non-1.0 scales.
  4. Great to see this fully realized! A note on FAR compatibility: to make the BPC count as a fairing, I think all you have to do is change its title to Boost Protective Cover Fairing. (Add "Fairing" to the part title). Since the side fairings already have fairing in their name, they should be good to go.
  5. Nope, not a corner case. It's using the MODEL nodes, which Squad is moving to using. Unless you want gazillions of redundant models and textures taking up your memory. And if you don't like the way the paths work in MODEL nodes, take it up with Squad, it's their (much-requested, I must point out) new feature.
  6. Hmm. You're using my DLL; did you enable the new range calculation? It defaults to off. Go to remotetech settings and turn on "use multiple" and "use new range." Also, when you say "pointed at"...stupid question, but are you targeting the dishes (right click on dish->set target->pick target from list) or just orienting them?
  7. That's why I suggest setting maxThrust to 0 rather than relying on always keeping throttle at 0 despite user's attempts to throttle up.
  8. Check out how MechJeb does its limit-acceleration code. It's certainly possible. (Heck, everything MJ does in terms of setting throttle) Alas, as you say, it's not quite perfect. So what the plugin would need to do is _also_ set maxThrust to 0, and leave it there until IT notices an attempted throttleup. Otherwise you'll get little spikes of throttle before the plugin steps in.
  9. Yes, apparently if a download takes too long Spaceport closes the connection. Only people with slower connections (either to their ISP, or to Spaceport) see the issue. Workaround: use a download manager that will grab a file in multiple smaller chunks.
  10. Yes, it does. But I don't see an easy way, other than (I was actually thinking about this, this afternoon!) writing yet another module that controls throttle: it would detect throttle lower than "min throttle" and set it to 0, and when you next tried to throttle up, would jump to min throttle (but only if ignition was possible).
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36425-20-2-EVA-Followers-0-12-%28Open-to-a-Good-Home%29
  12. IIRC ialdabaoth was trying to do this too, and (I think?) eventually solved it. The answer might be in the Modular Fuels thread. Sorry I don't remember where, or if he ever posted how.
  13. I'd love to see a Thor-Able/Ablestar! The early stuff never gets the luv... And with frizzank's Agena, it can be a Thor-Agena too.
  14. The thermal fins are ialdabaoth's work. He was kind enough to send me his dev branch, and I'll be making an official MFS-continuation thread shortly. a) You should be able to keep your own configs, although when I updated resource densities the ratio of LH2 to LOX changed, so you might want to change their ratios in your own configs. All engine configs are now in OldEngines.cfg in the root of the zip, but you can tweak the values in Calcs.xls and re-export if you like. spot on. They now work just like ModuleEngineConfigs, they just can be switched on the fly. Check the KSPX_Modular Engines.cfg for how it works. c) you will be able to have a single ModuleFuelTank block and a single ModuleEngineConfigs block (with as many configs as desired! It's no different from any other MEC block, I just moved the GUI so they don't overlap). PLUS you can put TANK {} blocks in that ModuleFuelTank block, and they will override the default values. For an example, check OldEngines.cfg's version of the FASA Gemini descent module: it calls upon tanktype ServiceModule but then overrides some values.
  15. minThrust works great, it should be set to maxThrust unless the engine is throttleable. And engine shutoff can be handled with action group engine->disable. And then your ignitor mod can prevent engine->activate. Would need to, for instance, write support in MJ to disable rather than merely throttle down, though.
  16. enki, you can just plop the old dipole part back in, though I suggest lowering its range some since range is now additive, not clamped to the weaker. From the RT2 parts, the DF-RD antenna is kinda like it: it can work at any speed and has a megameter range. Have a look at http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:RemoteTech - it might help?
  17. Nope, stock RT1 has max range of the _weakest_ link. Only exception: dish aimed at antenna yield range of antenna x 2. The mod I posted upthread changes that.
  18. Um...it's the same dropbox link I'm always posting in this thread, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/16v210v2vbwv3ov/nmInpsRZ1P
  19. No, it's where an engine can switch modes in-flight, like the B9 SABRE or a LOX-Augmented NTR. I fixed the can't-have-tanks-and-engines-on-same-part bug in my dev build. It supports FASA.
  20. The resource you change it to...is that ALL_VESSEL too, or STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH? That might be the problem.
  21. Well, hybrid engines configs work differently now. But everything else should be forwards-compatible. Only difference is the densities of various things have changed rather slightly, and I created an excel spreadsheet to autogenerate engine configs. So even if you did need to update, it wouldn't take long. Oh, and there's now correct thrust scaling (by Isp) so your TWR at sea level will suffer.
  22. So, before I headdesk any more about this--has anyone had success in programmatically overriding a part's FX? I've looked at part.SaveEffects(ConfigNode node) [hoping then to change the configs, and then call part.LoadEffects(node)] but that didn't seem to work right--it started playing all effects. I'd really rather not have to manually create emitters, I just want to change a part's existing FX defines. (Disclosure: this is so engine FX can be changed based on their fuels)
  23. When you consider that it's not just shape but area ratio, the options get even worse, because while the the T30 might have a longer more bell-like nozzle, it's clearly got a sea-level-optimized area ratio. On the other hand, the 909 and Poodle do at least appear to have the correct area ratio (if you trace the nozzle upwards and assume the throat is a reasonable distance from where the nozzle emerges).
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