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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. A bug in horizontal speed calculation was fixed, as was a the 'cap' of 750m/s in the F3 flight log window.
  2. Also, I find it very hard to believe that this shuttle is identical aerodynamically to the last update...when it's using parts not in the last update. for instance, the SSMEs are very low drag, that will shift CoP forwards, making it unstable.
  3. Please do not assume mods will just work If you have an "issue" make sure that it actually exists in KSP, and is not due to an unupdated mod.
  4. Really hope you enjoy the new buoyancy stuff, and the better support for prop engines.
  5. Most certainly we will be updating for 1.0.5.
  6. Gendered docking ports was a modder request. We do tend to do them from time to time.
  7. I just want to note here that some of the new tweakables in 1.0.5 are heavily inspired by the excellent work toadicus has been doing in this mod. So a hearty thankyou.
  8. No. x86 or x64, floats are floats and doubles are doubles.
  9. It's something that's fairly hard to do--as Mu mentioned a while back, when he looked into it for us, the assumption of no tilt goes quite deep in the codebase.
  10. Pushed a last update before 1.0.5, thanks immeasurably to stratochief for writing the release notes!
  11. FlowerChild, there's a difference between the part tree, and Unity rigidbody joints. The part tree is a tree, but joints (say, struts---how else would struts work?) can be between any members of the tree.
  12. There will be when someone makes one. falken: You add that to the existing node, not make a new node. Or make an MM patch in a new cfg @REALHEAT[Default] { %multithreadedTempCurve = True //whether calculation of temperature curves is run in another thread; leave on unless debugging race conditions in temperature curve calcs %aeroFXdensityExponent1 = 2.0 %aeroFXdensityMult1 = 90 }
  13. Check the draw rate of parts, 15.6 W is not a bad charge rate consider parts can draw only a watt or two.
  14. All it takes to enable/disable staging toggle on any part module that implements the staging method, is to add a couple lines to the cfg.
  15. 5thHorseman: the problem is getting the info back from the GPU. Mu looked into that first, of course, but in U4 / DX9 that's slooooow.
  16. The procedural wings gives old cfg values, and DRE doesn't detect that and trap.
  17. cantab: I certainly trust that the thermo issues are gone in 1.0.5, but the proof will be in the pudding. As for turbofans...in 1.0.5, per pics, the Wheesley will be the 1.25m turbofan, counterpart to the big 2.5m turbofan. (Even in 1.0.4, it's a turbofan, just with its performance modeled on the F100 in 'dry' mode, not an airliner one). There will, however, be a real turbojet (the Juno), and an afterburning low-bypass turbofan (the Panther).
  18. They don't go in the Physics.cfg, they go in the RealHeat cfg. It's adding them, they're not stock parameters.
  19. Because you deleted the Squad folder? Even if you delete the _parts_ in it (and you probably shouldn't) there's lots of stuff in that folder that every game of KSP, period, needs. So don't nuke it. Also, make sure you have Community Resource Pack installed.
  20. KSP spaceplane parts do have heat shielding. How else do you think they can survive 2500 K or more in temperature?
  21. Yep, only drag occlusion is stack-only. Convective occlusion will take location and geometry into account.
  22. Yeah, I believe that this is a once-only thing. Apologies for inconvenience.
  23. Jovus: You need a highly pressurized tank. ServiceModule or Fuselage type. Switch type to one of them.
  24. News to me that colliders have anything to do with drag. Dragcubes render the part to texture, they don't touch colliders.
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