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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. The models you have will probably be better (though the KAX radial, and the new SXT props, are wonderful), so I'd say use them in preference?
  2. No problem. Helpful responses are always awesome, typos or not.
  3. regex is correct. The densities broadly equate to 1 g/cc (tonne/m^3) if we assume 1 KSP fuel "unit" is ~5 liters. That's off for NTO and AZ50, but those densities are, shall we say, grandfathered in.
  4. Yes. You'll have a bit closer to the feel of stock KSP in terms of ease-to-orbit; payload fractions are, IIRC, just about halfway between real life and stock KSP.
  5. That makes sense. I've been doing similarly: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/master/tree.yml#L508-L547
  6. Make sure to manually remove the FerramAerospaceResearch folder in GameData. CKAN won't remove files it doesn't know about, i.e. settings files a mod creates, and that means the folder stays...which messes up everything else if MM patches detect FAR being installed.
  7. If you remove Spaces and then also remove all INTERNAL nodes in part cfgs, that makes it work fine. Great work sal! (Quick note: DDS size on disk actually is proportional to memory usage. because there's no conversion process once the texture is imported. It's not *equivalent* to memory usage per se, because of how the shadowing bug works, but it's at least linearly proportional.)
  8. No problem, it's fixed on the CKAN side so no matter what it'll work in future. You still get massive kudos for an awesome release, worry not.
  9. 1. Yeah. I hope 1.0.5 will fix it, we'll see if it does. If not, it means I have to go back to my first idea, writing a plugin (I then later had the brainwave of changing flowmode to get nearly the same effect). 2. Nope, all it does is make sure lower-stage batteries drain before upper-stage ones. You can do that manually by transferring any remaining EC in lower stage batteries to upper stage(s) before separation, or by locking upper stage batteries until separation. 3. It will be removed from the next RP-0 release, so you're safe. 4. It only occurs when there's a lower stage battery that's nearly empty (<0.001 EC or so)--in such circumstances the flow logic gets trapped there and won't realize there are later stage batteries it can draw from.
  10. Yep, the license is open. As to removing--wait, why do you say you can't remove stock resources? -RESOURCE_DEFINITION[LiquidFuel] {} will kill it. Though you will also have to change any references to it elsewhere or the game will hang on load. Also, the MM script shown won't work. You're checking for RESOURCE, but then modifying PROPELLANT. You seem to be confusing tanks and engines.
  11. Starwaster apparently packed the zip different from how we normally do, and CKAN didn't know what to do with it. The CKAN folks kindly updated our metadata to work with either directory structure, so it should be appearing shortly.
  12. A DSI is a type of inlet used for excellent transonic pressure recovery. It's a fairly distinctive shape. See this article here. It's a lighter inlet that avoids the need for an adjustable ramp, as traditionally used for high efficiency supersonic inlets.
  13. Just what speeds are we talking about here? (Navball in Surface mode at 90km alt--what's the speed?) Also the periapsis.
  14. Bug in B9 cfgs, look at the last few pages of the B9 proc wings thread.
  15. It's possible up to 6km/sec entry velocity with a shielded Mk1-2 pod if you get your entry corridor correct. That means any fully-shielded craft of similar ballistic coefficient should perform similarly.
  16. And that (wrong generated values) is another bug fixed by 1.0.5.
  17. It's worth noting that DynaSoar was indeed to be cooled by LH2 boiloff, so your idea is not at all far-fetched.
  18. Shocking! Fantasy cost units in a fantasy game don't match reality!
  19. While the -89 was 19k in WWII, by the time the -143 rolled out the -89 would presumably be cheaper. So say 25 for the -143 and 20 for the -89.
  20. Err, s/some tweaking/shedloads of bugfixes and some major new contract mechanics/
  21. RealFuels engines shouldn't be producing much heat anyway, if they are that should be lowered. That's the point of having an independent chamber temp rather than using part.Temperature itself as a proxy (with all the weird conduction that flows from that).
  22. Ah, sorry! Thought you were saying you didn't get those errors. Now I'm confused, because I figure if anyone will follow installation instructions to a T it's you...but I have yet to see those issues myself, like Starwaster. Well, at present my hope is that it's 1.0.4 bugs which 1.0.5 will fix. Let's reevaluate shortly.
  23. Delete the electicity flow cfg from the RP-0 folder.
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