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Everything posted by Toyotawolf

  1. I wish i could say i did but the modders have made this game so much more than the stock game, its hard to play vanilla, i want my cranes, and kethane, and kick ass alien drop ships, and VTOLs that go squirrely and kill you everytime lol yeah im looking at you Devo lol
  2. Hey Devo, is 21.1 still breaking your mods? and trust me we hear you, take your time man
  3. Yeah i was able to get the docking autopilot to work and everything else finally, of note i would say dont shut off your reaction wheels keep them off and Kill Rot whatever you are docking with, that is what worked for me, almost instantly docked after i did that.
  4. Why does everyone want my cheezies harumpf, yea here have some. Well i will load up B9 and see what borks out
  5. Not sure what i would be looking for and yup recreateable, and i couldn't even move the camera around in the VAB, i have NP, MJ2, Kethane, and procedural dynamics installed
  6. My opinion of you was already high but it just went higher, thank you and keep up the good work and thank you for the update
  7. Slight issue when using this, when i revert back to the VAB, i can't click on anything and one of the modules has dissappeared. I think 21.1 broke it
  8. Mouse over the fairing base then hold r and drag your mouse, no clicky
  9. The spaceport description lists it as for 0.20.2 I think it goofed on ya, smack it around.
  10. I too was a late adopter, can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
  11. Yes you can, *tosses you cheezie bag*, personally I love the look of this mod, can't wait to see what comes out in the wash
  12. Lol I see the confusion on my post Khaos, I meant to say that it breaks the geodesic grid with just kethane installed lol, I don't use the catalog....yet
  13. Hey it's all good take your time and make that stuff...er...shine....did not mean to rhyme oh nvm
  14. Unfortunately yes it does oh well I'm sure they will fix it soon, for now ill find new and exciting ways NOT to kill my kerbanauts
  15. It's all good LJ we know you guys are working hard and we can wait for this bag of awesomeness that is your external controller. Curious question, any chance it cod be used to say I dunno display mech Jeb windows so they don't clutter the screen?
  16. HUZZAH +10 to this mod never has a cracking egg been soo beautiful, keep up the good work.
  17. I would also like to point out that some of us are merely asking whether or not the mod works as it is, if it does great, if it doesn't that's fine too I am perfectly happy playing vanilla, i know Bac9 is busy, so please stop jumping on those of us who are talking about a mod as opposed to if we were going "WTH!!! Bac9, where's my freaking update man *eats handful of cheezies and takes a sip of Mountain Dew Code Red*"
  18. Yup i have but that's not the point, I am merely reporting a bug and obviously something is throwing it off, i turned off my reaction wheels while docking and it still couldn't dock to save it's life.
  19. Kethane is broke for me when i go to the orbit map and scroll in or out it fluctuates and dissapears, the entire grid and then i can see it fluctuating gettign big and small and i have to close KSP and reboot it.
  20. Unfortunately i too am having issues with docking, i am using a fresh install of KSP and MJ2 won't dock on autopilot. everything else seems to be functioning
  21. Love the new look of the engines Tiberion and gang, keep up the good works
  22. they cant turn a rocket sideways and go gansta on each other.....
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