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Everything posted by Stavell

  1. Well found a slight bug, seems if vessel is flagged as a plane it does not show in the Lifesupport status window.. not sure if this means it doesn't use LS but checking and attempting to fix.
  2. I am not going to be updating this mod anymore, I will leave the server up at least over the next year for anyone that is still using the client or for anyone that wants to pick it up and move it forward. If some does pick it up and wants a place to host I just need the updates to the server whenever you make them and I'll keep the server running.
  3. Thanks all, IFI LS is getting some more love for the past year its been just keeping it working with each new version of KSP. I'm going back in and activity working on it again finally going to get the custom config stuff added (Now that it looks easier to save it per save game).
  4. Seems 1.2.2 has broke Kerbal Live Feed, I'm troubleshooting it now.
  5. Not many logins lately from the logs, but the server is still around.
  6. @nebuchadnezzarThanks for letting me know, was getting ready to test, and then make new build now I can take my time.
  7. Test Build for 1.2 is now available on Git and Curse. IFI Curse Page IFI on Github
  8. Looking good, I have everything working, except my resource and PartModule do not show up in the VAB or SPH.
  9. So when watching items in the Watch panel of the Debugging console. some items have a blue box and others have a wrench beside them. I have seen the same variable change between the two. What do they mean?
  10. Still fixing things that broke with 1.2. Also without a update to ModuleManager releasing a new build will just cause problems ( Which exposes another problem dependency on another Author to make my Plugin work might not be the best approach) And since it has been eluded to that Modulemanager might not be updated until the official release of 1.2. I am currently testing doing all the updates that I used MM for in my own code.
  11. 1.2 Prerelease is here.... So I'm working on a update for testing, seems 1.2 seriously messed with my EVA code and for initial testing build I'm just going to disable it. Until I can figure a new way to do it. Should be posting a test build later today.
  12. Figured I'd post here first, Just started a Jool mission and will be using a Blog to follow it's progress. Jool Mission Blog This will also be a great test of my plugin.
  13. I'm working on a fix, was out of town should have it posted 6-29-16..
  14. Released version 9.7 added default server address. links updated in OP
  15. lol, Well dang it I thought I had done that a long time ago. I guess since it reuses the config file in my install I never noticed. Thanks for the catch.
  16. Recycling is assumed in the consumption rate of Life Support in this mod. For my Jool mission I sent resupply ships ahead of the mission to resupply once the crew arrived at Jool.
  17. 9.6 Released should fix FPS problem. and Null Reference exception.
  18. Since that helps I'll work on making sure removing the code didn't break anything else... and update Git.
  19. I removed calls to the renderManager to see if that was causing the issue...
  20. Try this DLL let me know if it makes any difference... gaterunner.com/ksp/KerbalLiveFeednewdll3.zip
  21. sidfu what OS are you on and which KSP 32bit or 64bit? trying to replicate but I don't have a FPS drop now so I'm not sure whats going on.... and the Button code disbled provides no change on my end
  22. http://www.gaterunner.com/ksp/KerbalLiveFeednewdll2.zip another new testing dll with vessel update back in and just 1 line of code disabled
  23. Ok I disabled the object tracking code in the dll and the FPS issue seems to be gone. Before I set about trying to figure out how to fix it please test and let me know if the FPS issue is actually gone with this new DLL. During flight you will get a null error spam in log.... http://gaterunner.com/ksp/KerbalLiveFeednewdll.zip it should track the last 10 screenshots but isn't, I working on it ( right now it stores the screenshots in memory on sever untill you disconnect, I want to have it read the saved ones from disk and not keep them in memory. The plan is you will be able to recall all the shared screens of any play currently online and also delete add comments to any screenshots you have shared.)
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