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Everything posted by Stavell

  1. Kerbals only die while assigned to a command pod with no lifesupport. at start of campaign all kerbals are in astronaut complex and don't die.
  2. Version 2.5 Released : 4-28-2015 Links updated in main post. Compatibility Release for KSP 1.00
  3. Yes still live, I'm having server issues, that tech support is working to resolve I'll post when they get it fixed, until then it will be up and down without notice
  4. I'm still keep trying to figure this out. Articales I've read and still haven't come up with a answer to size of greenhouse for sustainablity. http://io9.com/5955071/how-many-plants-would-you-need-to-generate-oxygen-for-yourself-in-an-airlock http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q767.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2038180/TV-scientist-suffers-blinding-headaches-experiment-living-airtight-box-surviving-solely-oxygen-emitted-plants-comes-end.html
  5. Still working kinks out of lastest dev build- added electric tracking to LS window and now opening window kills kerbals- so I'm trying to figure out what in the heck I did to cause that. So that's the delay in a new release.
  6. I'm still here... Just thought I'd post. been working on the electric code (also adding a buffer to when LS runs out and when kerbals start having a chance of dieing (This should help when I forget to transfer LS to pod on reentry)) Also added 2 editable blanks to the LS Status screen so you can set the caution and danger levels for the system. Hope to have a release ready next week.
  7. Added to engancement list on GitHub. I'll look at getting Blizzy toolbar support added
  8. I have not tested it with RSS, but it should work I see nothing that RSS does that would interfere or vice versa
  9. The US o2 container is for tac LS mod. I like the MM's. I have a plan for a small stack can just keep forgetting to build it might be time to tackle that and add a small surface mount can for rovers and short duration missions
  10. I'm working on the electric thing. still not the way I want it to feel. Till I get it sorted a Solar panel will save kerbals from electric death even with 0 electric charge. - - - Updated - - - Ver 2.40 has been released links updated in main post and files uploaded to Curse and Git. Fixes: Fixed Bug where AP would lower on timewarp cancel.
  11. I have fixed the Timewarp cancel lowering AP bug, testing to make sure I didn't break something else. also: I'm gonna try different flow modes and see what happens. (problem I see is decouplers and docking port cross-feed could cause problems. - - - Updated - - - That would be great - I had interplanetary trips on my mind when making the containers, and completly forgot about short trips and eva until I started testing and playing
  12. 1. I working on that. My workaround for me is to disable feed on pod that way I just have to enable it on reentry ( I've had my share of forgeting the LS in pod is 0.0 2. I will fix that hadn't played with 24 hour time in awhile so hadn't noticed. - - - Updated - - - I will look into this. not sure why it does that cause all I'm doing is setting time warp to 0.
  13. Yes some of the changes t the code are just so I could add Green house functionality to the mod. Once I get the electric working smoothly I'm going to start working on some of that. Been alitle slow because I had a pacemaker implanted in DEC and have not done a lot lately.
  14. sorry about that, I thought I had a limit in client I will unban and also fix the client. - - - Updated - - - New version available, Download link updated in main post. Version 0.9.1 Added Chat Length Restriction to KLFClient so players do not get banned accidentally when using Console as chat interface outside of KSP
  15. I'm working the Electric remaining into the display (Also At this time ant solarpanel on a vessel we stop kerbals from being killed even at 0 charge (Had to until I updat emy code so it doesn't kill because the SP haven't given there charge fast enough when timewapring) as for Trip duration if you find a good tool I want it too ) I mormally launch a probe to the planet I want to go too the have it make return calcs before I even launch the mission.
  16. Well recycling of waste is figured into the consumption rate of LifeSupport resource. there is a greenhouse config file here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92011-Part-Release-24-2-Interstellar-Flight-Inc-Kerbal-Life-Support-Mod?p=1433282&viewfull=1#post1433282 which could be used as a guide if you wanted to modify something to generate the resource. But there are no plans to change the current consumption model. When the config file gets added you'll be able to adjust the rate lower so you need less lifesupport.
  17. New version available, Download link updated in main post. Version 0.9.0 Server Side update. Screenshot Next and Prev button update
  18. This Mod only shows other player ship's locations and orbits on the mapview. if you share a craft and they don't have the mods for it it will tell them when they try to load it.
  19. Links updated for new version V0.8.9 Fixed Bug that could lock main menu and keep you from exiting game. Increased chat scroll back to 100 messages. Small update to screenshot buttons
  20. Hopefully not too long been working on making the MOD function and fix bugs - while adding features last add was the GUI window - next on list is config. as long as not bugs happen I should have the config nodes done by next release
  21. This might be possible once I get the customizable config file put into the plugin
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