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Everything posted by Stavell

  1. Yes and as has happen on a few of my Kerbal missions( lasting longer that expected), if his retro rockets hadn't fired his orbit would not have decayed until 20 days after launch... opps
  2. I based the 3 stock pods - off of real life Mercury Gemini and Apollo capsules - without service modules - the I fudged the MK I pod to 7 units because in career you needed the ability to go-to the mun and back and at the time I didn't have a LS Tank so for playability I made it 7 units the real Mercury had at most 2 days worth in the specs listed on the wiki. I had planned to revisit the numbers but had not got around to it.
  3. One thing to note even if a Pod with crew doesn't contain the LifeSupport Resource you do need to add the IFILifeSupport module to the part or any Kerbal on that part will not consume resources. I programed the module this way to make tracking LS easier and to keep from having to code tracking for docking and de-docking of vessels. Basicly if the part containing the IFILifeSupport module has no kerbal actively in it the PartModule onUpdate does not fire - which saves CPU time on large vessels and makes tracking even when crew is transferred easier to code.
  4. I understand what he means if RSS are pods model after real life counter parts. He wants the values in days to reflect them example the Lunar module in Apollo missions carried 3-5 days of life support for 2 astronauts which would be 10 units in my Mod. Other Gemini capsules could carry up-to 14 days of life support for 2 astronauts or 28 units in my mod. Now I'm not using RSS - but if given a link I will look into it and come up with values for you.
  5. On the thought of Greenhouses I'm trying to figure a balance between fact and SCI-Fiction and playability. very good article about it here http://settlement.arc.nasa.gov/Contest/Results/96/winner/seis.html. Stuff that is important to note root vegetables have the shortest grow time 20-25 days which if you spaced out planting you could have food each day. and having a composting section return nutrients to the system (with constant electric needed and if lost electric or sun for a short time. You'd lose the whole greenhouse with no way to recover except by bringing in new supplies) also it takes about 20 trees or 10-15 thousand leaves to generate o2 and scrub co2 per person. Now with technology I'm sure this will be worked out. (Biosphere 1 and 2 they admitted after a month they had to scrub the air for CO2 to keep it viable and the had 3.15 acres of plants growing) Now on to game play how to I keep it simple and add the challenge of managing the Biosphere/greenhouse and not make my system more complex - that is what is going on in my head now. Until I figure it out I like spiritplumber's part mod does a good job, as it works without new code. Thanks for all the support
  6. It supports 0.24.2 which is my main install of KSP. I have a 0.23 install also so I know it works with .23 too so that is why it lists multiple KSP versions.
  7. Download link has been updated to VERSION 1.09 release. 9-22-2014 : Release VER 1.09 - IFILifesupportPlugin109.zip or GitHub IFI Life Support Releases or Project Page on curse Changes: Added code to track solar-panel charging while vessel is unfocused. Fixed attach nodes on inline tank Fixed hatch on inline tank Adjusted LS Values on custom parts Up-coming: Cfg file for consumption rates. internal view for inline tank.
  8. Yes I have considered a Greenhouse - I'm still running ideas through my head on how to implement it. One idea is Sunlight or electric charge + 1 unit od Lifesupport creates 2 units of Lifesupport. Not sure on time for generation but formula would scale depending on size of then Biodome. using Lifesupport to Generate Lifesupport would simulate the biomass needed to generate food air and such.. Just one idea I'm tossing around.
  9. Status update - Finishing up testing of Solar Panel code - if all goes well I hope to release VER 1.09 on the 20th.
  10. Electric charge and Lifesupport are both required and are used up at same time - either run out and kerbals can die. you'll have to dock and transfer Lifesupport to a ship that is low.
  11. NP - I do plan to add a CFG file for tweaks most likely in 1.12 or so. Also I think I'm going to look a checking SOI - if around sun almost always have sun. with Planets you'll almost always be 50/50 or so sun dark. Then even look a distance from sun and lower the amount of EC made the further out.
  12. No problem - I was just explaining more for additional info for the community on my thinking and where I came up with my MOD. I'd have to say without TAC I would not have found out how much I enjoyed using a Life Support mod to play KSP. And where the balance was for me between Playability and to much clutter to the game.
  13. You're correct. Lifesupport resource represents O2, Dehydrated food, CO2 filters, and ECLSS consumable parts. Electriccharge - keeps system running , IE waste recyclers - scrubbers - heating and cooling. either one runs out Kerbals are in danger waste recycling is figured into the mass per unit of the Lifesupport resource. Without black and grey water and CO2 scrubbing - MASS and volume of LS units would be 10x higher. - My opinion is although separate Food, water, air, and CO2 resources are cool they do not add to the playability of KSP except by increasing the cpu load - and the size of RT Click menus. Again this is my opinion and is the reason for my mod.
  14. I am still working on code for tracking the solar panels when the vessels comes back into focus (Basically I look at amount of time ship has been dormant find all deployed Panels x Generation rate x amount of time unfocused then I subtract electric use for Life-support. I take this number and use it to request electric charge from vessel so a negative number adds Electric and a Positive number uses electric.) This is not active in the release version as I'm testing it for the 1.09 release. I've ran 12 Vessels through the current code and all behaved as expected. At this time when coming back in focus I don't kill kerbals if electric runs out until the next request for LS runs. Gives solar panels a chance to add Electric Charge. When it makes it into the release you'll be able to see the code on Github I do not have plans to separate but I'm sure someone that finds it useful might make their own plugin by editing my code for LS. Here is the code I'm currently testing and is working well. double resourceReturn = active.rootPart.RequestResource("LifeSupport", resourceRequest); double ElectricReturn; if (TTtest >= 2200) //TTtest is the number of seconds since I last requested LS higher than 1801 means the vehicle has been unfucoused. {// This is a check for Solar Power after vehicle comes back active int CountSP = 0; foreach (ModuleDeployableSolarPanel PP in active.FindPartModulesImplementing<ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().ToList()) { // Count Extended unbroken Panels- if (PP && PP.stateString == "EXTENDED") { CountSP += 1; } } IFIDebug.IFIMess(" POD Active Solar Panel count is == " + Convert.ToString(CountSP)); double SolarPower = CountSP * 0.51; SolarPower = SolarPower * TTtest; ElectricRequest = SolarPower - ElectricRequest; ElectricReturn = active.rootPart.RequestResource("ElectricCharge", ElectricRequest); if (ElectricRequest >= 0 && ElectricReturn <= 0) {ElectricReturn = 0 - 1;} else {ElectricReturn = 1;} // Tell System if Electric need was met. } else { // This is the normal electric use while vehicle is active ElectricReturn = active.rootPart.RequestResource("ElectricCharge", ElectricRequest); } IFIDebug.IFIMess(" POD resource Avalible == " + Convert.ToString(ResourceAval)); IFIDebug.IFIMess(" POD LS Resource Return == " + Convert.ToString(resourceReturn)); IFIDebug.IFIMess(" POD Elect Resource Return == " + Convert.ToString(ElectricReturn)); I want to use the flow rate from each panel - problem that concerns me (testing atm) is if you focus on a vessel after 6 months and it happens to be on the dark side of a planet the system would get 0 and panels would not provide EC for the whole 6 months. (so I went with a straight count of panels and a flat rate to simulate partial dark time per panel.)
  15. Release Thread -http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92011-Plugin-Part-Release-24-2-Interstellar-Flight-Inc-Kerbal-Life-Support-Mod
  16. Release - IFI Life Support. 10-2-2016 : Release VER 3,21 for 1.2 (on Curse of Github) (ModuleManager no longer required for this Mod) or Project Page on curse Source Code available at GitHub Released Under GPL3 License. Author : Stavell Bugs can be submitted in this thread or at GitHub. If plug-in seems not to be working right you can enable Debugging log entries via the right click menu on any pod (recommended to be left off unless you are experiencing problems.) Released Under GPL3 License. I know that there are a few Life support mods in development. They are too intense for my tastes. SO I designed my own. GOALS I have for my plug-in: Tracks life support use even when ships are not loaded into scene. Based on Realistic Life Support values on use and weight. based on information from Life Support Systems at wiki.org Low overhead and play-ability with KSP. Life support tracked and used on EVA. Use only one new resource to simulate O2-Food-CO2 Scrubbers and recyclers, and emergency power ( LS resource use figures in Waste recycling based on Tech tree advances) Currently the MOD is working with no game breaking bugs found yet. therealcrow999 - Thank you for contributing the nice Logo and Flag for Interstellar Flight Inc. Universal Storage - Has Created a wedge that holds Interstellar Flight Life Support Resource more info can be found here spiritplumber - Has created a Part cfg for using a greenhouse part for use with the system Can be found here Sandworm - Created Modmanager file for HGR Parts -Thread is here Akinesis - Created more tanks for use with the mod Thread is here maxrsp - Has made a video featuring IFILS, thank you. Video Here Current Working Features: Kerbal going on Eva takes Life Support from pod/vessel. Boarding a pod returns unused Life support to pod/vessel. Running out of Life Support can kill crew All pods have LS Resource and plug-in installed using Module Manager. 2 Custom parts a radial and a inline tank for Life-support resource storage. Universal Storage has created a wedge to hold Life-support giving you 3 options for extra LS storage. Plug-in Operation Info: Currently there are several Status LS system can be in: Pod Standby - No demand for LS and no resources consumed. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining is hidden. Active - Demand for LS and resources consumed. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel. Visor - Kerbal on EVA breathing outside air decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again (fixing). Intake Air - Pod using air intakes to provide O2 to crew - decreased Resource consumption. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how much LS remains once active again. CAUTION - Less than 2 days pod or 1 hour EVA of LS remaining. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read how long LS will last for whole vessel. Warning! - LS at 0. Kerbals will start dying if immediate action not taken. Life Support tag for days / hours of LS remaining will read 0. Each unit of Life-Support should provide 1 Kerbin Day (6 hours) of Life support for 1 Kerbal. In Career and Scince game modes this goes up and down based on Tech tree. Mod uses the time as set in settings menu so it will track 6 or 24 hour days depending on setting in main menu. Days remaining on RT click menu are accurate based on this setting. Only change in mod is that if not using kerbin time each Kerbal requires 4 units of LS per day. Screen Shots Crew Pod Life Support Eva Life Support: Parts for system
  17. Thanks - I'm actually working on the POST, I was waiting to get the parts in to move to the release thread, and now I'm working on the Post so it looks good )
  18. Or you are warping months ahead to reach a optimal escape burn window. Halfway through the warp the mun's gravity grabs the probe and it smacks the surface.
  19. I thought my 1000 unit (or days ) for stack tank was high. But after reading this http://www.inspirationmars.org/Written_Testimony_DTito_Nov2013.pdf. This Mars mission design has 501 days per crew member x two crew members is 1002 days of life support. The vehicle is about the size of 3 mk ii command pods (based on visaul since I haven't found hard stats on this mission vehicle.) After a mission to EVE I'm leaning towards 900 units in the stack tank and 30 in the radial.
  20. Download link has been updated to VERSION 1.08 release. 8-26-2014 : Release VER 1.08 - IFILifesupportPlugin108.zip or GitHub IFI Life Support Releases or Project Page on curse Changes: Added Inline Stack Life Support Storage Tank
  21. Both tanks are error-ed on the high side - Now that everything is working - I am moving into the balance phase and will be tweaking the amounts (with input). I am trying to balance realism with game playability. At this time after playing with the radial tanks I'm leaning towards 30 days per tank.
  22. Well I added room for 1 kerbal to the stack tank - airlock meshes so you can board it from eva. After all Jeb needs a place to hide from Bob while he's sneaking all the peanut butter and crackers
  23. Made some changes to see what it looks like - and added a center-line hatch just to be complete )
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