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Everything posted by Toastie_Buns

  1. [snip] This all started when I told Rocket In My Pocket (Chibbity on the Steam forums) that he was a rogue element, a loose cannon, an uncultured barbarian for rotating the craft in the VAB. I assured him that nobody does that. Nobody. At all. Not a soul. However, in my benevolent manner, I made two topics. One on here, one on Steam, in order to give him a chance and see if others were like him. I thank you all for your time and realise this is trivial, but it was merely to discover how many people were on each side. There wasn't really another way to do this. For the record; I use the D
  2. Just a quick thread to see how everyone plays the game. Do you rotate the command pod in the VAB so you use a different key? Do you spin the craft on the launchpad/after launch to use a different key? Do you press D?
  3. Yeah, I got the same question. Unmodded install. I was quite excited to see the new IVA
  4. I'd be tempted to restrict admin building use. I used it to nuke my reputation in return for funds because I forgot to set reputation at the start of the game and was surprised at how much you get for nuking rep. So this challenge is kinda like my usual game! (except now I'm untrustworthy with buckets of funds!) I usually roll my eyes at people nitpicking challenges, now I feel bad D: Just a heads up I guess?
  5. The technical limitations of blue lighting. See that bit that isn't lit up? That's the current tech limit.
  6. Hey OP Did you ever think about *drumroll* Quicksaves? What happens when a player desyncs the server by loading a quicksave from 5 minutes ago?
  7. I think Tex is trying to reinvent the wheel. The problem with DMP was never its time sync (that works fine) it was what happened when two physics bubbles collided and desync.
  8. Pretty sure I was the first to make the fuel overlay mesmerizing. http://i.imgur.com/qK7plhc.gifv
  9. Heh, I did this a few days ago with the Sombrero. No cheats involved. Craft file: https://mega.nz/#!HB83VJTC!7p2uhwYRyglJxHDlReofKngtU8y923BmE3EvbasV5so Oh, minor note: You have to launch vertically...skid horizontally, fall off the runway, quickly pitch down and just *hope* it takes off.
  10. Heh, I wonder if my DankNet nodes count. It's in an extremely high molniya-esque orbit, as seen by that little Kerbin in the background, serves a giant rely for Outer Planets.
  11. Fair enough. It'll just make the recording a bit hard to see, that's all. I doubt I can do it anyway, my stock missiles aren't great.
  12. What are you using to record? I used OBS. Pretty suite program (pun intended). Doesn't hog resources and outputs a reasonably small file.
  13. I managed a slightly better time! I also managed a 1 minute time, but the video was awful. Still, no chutes were needed, so I finally get those sweet bonus points! All I can say is THANK YOU BASED GAS, GAS, GAS! I knew the secret to this was the OST.
  14. Can I get a 'one strap like the cool kids' bonus for technically not needing the parachutes? They didn't really do anything. Curse my idiocy, I'd have had an amazing time.
  15. Please overlook the fact I was listening to Initial D's soundtrack for speed inspiration. Also, it's a little blurry full screen because I play in a window *shrug* I originally managed this: ....But then I realised to my shock that I'd paused the recording and didn't fire it back up for that attempt. So... I didn't realise I had to name my craft. I shall call it "Do you like my Plane?" for the sake of irony.
  16. Minmus intercept is easier than you think. Mess around with the camera a bit until you find the point of which Minmus's orbit intersects the Mun orbit. At this point, you can intercept for a perfect polar orbit. Line up a node so you're boosting in that general direction and you'll be fine. Obviously there's two points like this, so use your judgement for which one Minmus will be at first.
  17. Oh, I get that. The 'windows' are fixed monitors, they don't create screen clutter. You have 3-4 fixed monitors, but you can create several (or more) screens for them to display.
  18. I think I understand. The reason I suggested this was simply because Rasterprop already supports Scansat maps, so you could easily create my idea if you so desired and have orienteering navigation, whilst you'd have another 3-4 displays for literally anything you wanted. I now understand you don't want that, which is totally fine, but I still feel you'd get a kick out of the multiple displays, because they come with IVA arrow keys to cycle through screens, so you could create several 'windows' to cycle through on the 3-4 monitors. This way, you can incorporate your compass on a large scale, as big as the IVA screen itself if you so desired, whilst having the other screens free for a myriad of things, such as a flight management system, or perhaps a LSAT system for safe low flying from point to point. Hope you understand where I'm coming from, I explain things badly sometimes. EDIT: I guess in both points you'd need to plot a route to your waypoint, as you would in reality with a flight plan, since the FMS and LSAT would still need to know 'where to go' to manage this information though. *shrug*
  19. I like how the 'compass' is just a fancier HDG readout I thought you wanted a traditional analogue compass. Btw, check out Rasterprop if you haven't already, that'll be easy to insert an analogue compass onto the screens and save you doing IVA work in blender, unless you're talking about something else.
  20. CALLING DIBS ON HIS POSITION Hahaha, can't believe nobody else thought of this. Playground rules, suckers.
  21. I realise this isn't what you want, but you did give me an idea. Scansat gives you nice maps of the planet, if you replace the ship icon with an orienteering compass and have waypoints draw a line from itself to the craft, you'd have a basic orienteering map.
  22. Just open the GearFree.cfg in notepad and add this before the second to last brace: MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBrakes baseModuleIndex = 0 maxBrakeTorque = 2 brakeResponse = 1 } And your wheels will be identical to their non-steerable counterparts.
  23. Technically, aren't all our designs TSTOs? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-stage-to-orbit#Airplane-like_first_stage
  24. dmp file suggests the game is looking for a file that isn't there. Error code: (Win32) 0x2 (2) - The system cannot find the file specified. Potentially a deleted mod?
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