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Everything posted by annallia

  1. I don't mind the new atmo. Sure I burned up/crashed a few times at first but I learned how to work with it and now rarely have problems.. Most of the ones I do have are more user error than anything else.
  2. Yay great work Now I can make my lifters somewhat, though still not quite, but closer to pretty
  3. While I waited for my new space station, or rather the first part of it, to build I launched an expedition to the north pole. And bombed it with science! I also learned a few things. 1) While prop driven planes are fun... they are sloooooooooow. Took me 2 days each way (I landed in the middle of the night and took a little break.. total trip took 4 1/2 hours using time warp on and off..) 2) Once you shed the 5 ton lab and a little over half your fuel they get a fair bit (though not much) faster. 3) The plane I used has exactly enough fuel to make it to where I went and back... the engines cut out while I was on the runway landing... 4) The plane I used is high enough that if you jump from the cabin to the ground without your rocket pack... you die! (lost one scientist, but brought 3 anyway so its ok). And finally... Because a lot of little things went wrong I should have realized this rule also applies in game.. Never trust a Kerbal with two first names.
  4. Well since I had to start over.... My KSC needed a recruitment drive so they decided on a few shots for a propaganda poster.... Unfortunately marketing couldn't come up with any witty slogans to go on them. While it is fun flying 3 jets at once... Landing proved difficult...
  5. I read it the same way and was expecting something somewhat insane Also nobody mentioned Laythe? Ok so nobody mentioned Laythe except for the guy above this that posted while I was reading/typing
  6. ^^ This. Though personally I wouldn't consider it cheating. The sliders are there for a reason, use em if you want. That being said I don't worry much about science, once I get over the initial grind to get steerable wheels (which is early) I really don't worry about science at all... its funds that become a problem.
  7. I had something of the opposite experience (to those saying it is harder in 1.0.4) I mean I was never really good at space planes most had at least a SRB assist it wasn't until 1.0.2 that I even gave serious effort to a true SSTO plane. I did manage one that barely made it into space in 1.0.2 and then built a larger one (I do better with big, over engineered things...) which made it to space but wasn't all that much better than the little one. In 1.0.4 however they both worked better, once I learned to fly them differently. Yeah they burned a little more liquid fuel but they reached orbit with a higher % of their base.
  8. Maybe I am just a little slow this morning but... I know you are letting us change the color, what about fuels? I mean are we just going to have one tank of each size and able to change the fuels in them? Or will it be one tank for each fuel config and then we change the color?
  9. Out of curiosity would it be within the rules to use the anchor/claw/harpoon from KAS to stop? I mean I would have to fine tune the speed I drop/fire it at to find out where the breaking point would be but I could see it making me (and others) more willing to get more speed to stop.
  10. I do the same thing (in respect to the chairs) but I wont even leave them in pods that long anymore unless they are on kerbin (which means they are drivers and only active once in a while). All Kerbals manning posts inside Kerbin SOI need to return home every 3-4 months. Outside is quite different but I do try to get new crew as often as possible. That being said if I hopped back to my 0.2x save I do have one that has a kerbal that had spent years rocketing out into space.. I can no longer remember his name but every mission I had ever used him on had gone horribly wrong so I did the only thing I could at the time since I refused to kill them then, I shot him as far out into space as I could and left him there.
  11. I've done it too, one thing I have noticed is certain areas of the bay tend to I guess you could say hotter than others. Keeping everything centered with absolutely no clipping (I mean not even touching!) seems to fix that issue though there is still a bug that makes it explode from time to time instantly. This was my second thought. Sometimes the heatshields sink in a fraction and when that happens they tend to not work.
  12. ^What they said. If you are using the heatshield and things are still blowing up (like the goo canisters) whcih does happen because they stick out I recommend using the 1.25 service bay (bigger if you need bigger but doubt it early on) and sticking the canisters in there to bring them in line with your heatshield.
  13. Not sure if this counts as a quirk but... Something I did recently was increase the electric charge on all command capsules (left it alone on probe cores though for some reason). Pretty much tripled it, now I don't use batteries anymore except on things that use a ton of power like drilling rigs and such.
  14. I don't stuff em that full, but I do usually stuff em with science stuff, sometimes put mono tanks in there if I am too lazy to hide them on the outside, or RTGs and extra reaction wheels.
  15. First I made this: It was for a challenge thread I saw and seemed quick, easy, and something that could be fun to kill 20 minutes on. Of course it wasn't until after I submitted it that I had realized the thread was a few years old... Thankfully I wasn't the one to necro it Then I thought, you know, that design has a lot of unnecessary parts to it.. I can do better so I made this: It didn't fly so well. First it went completely nose down, then upside down, then climbed up about 90 meters and went straight back down into, or rather through the runway, then I heard an explosion and my screen went mostly black, the altimeter was still there but the numbers were all blank and that was really all that was showing. Reverted to launch and all I could see were stars, nothing else Kerbin was gone (even in map view). Reverted to SPH, relaunched, stars! Went to space center, went back to SPH loaded up a new vessel and launched it... Stars! Back to space center, went to VAB put on a rocket pod and launched it... Stars! (and an instant explosion). Closed the game down, loaded it back up went to SPH loaded up a new plane launched it... Stars! Closed game again, restarted, decided to switch to my minmus satellite... Stars! Restarted game again, went to my duna colony (what I had landed so far anyway)... Can you guess it? Yep Stars! Restarted game... noticed a little eva icon near the runway, clicked on it went to fly and well... I think he is mocking me... Also the only thing in that save that doesn't seem to destroy the universe. Guess I start over tomorrow..
  16. My best... Not a stock install but a completely stock build Pilot survived by using Danny's patented bailing out just as the cockpit hits and activating the rocket pack right away method but the plane did not.. Highest altitude reached before the thing exploded was 900m Edit- I just noticed how old this thread is
  17. Genius. Out of curiosity, are you building just one whole jet and then ctrl clicking right behind the root? Or are you actually pulling stuff way way apart and building on that? As to what I did today... My fuel tanks were a little low, too low in fact to fuel anything but a simple rocket so I made a few gas runs (cant see it but another tanker is off to the left filling the other set of tanks which you also cant see). So glad I moved my refinery closer to home, those things were a pain in the mountains and it took way too long to drive around them.
  18. Only things I can think of are capturing the probe in a bay (not a great idea but it might possibly maybe work?) Or use your rescue ship to give it a few little nudges until it goes suborbital and hope for a lucky bounce.
  19. SAS off? How about capsul lights? Those things drain way more than you would think... And then there are your insturments, thermometers and such will have a small constant drain if they are actively displaying temperature.
  20. Are you saying they automatically just dont work bcause they are too close? Kinda like how rapiers automatically switch modes instead of flaming out? Because it isn't an issue of them not providing torque, it is an issue of them not firing at all. Edit- And yeah I did intend a few wingtip RCS ports as well as a few dozen other additions. This is more of a "Does it fly" type thing than it is a finished product. Then I got distracted while in orbit by my inability to rotate.
  21. I don't know if there is something with a mod messing this up, if I just imagined that it used to work, or if something has changed or maybe I am just forgetting/missing something. Everything I build in the SPH with RCS blocks will not rotate. I can go up, down, left, right, I cant however spin. At least not with RCS, I can do it with reaction wheels but the larger my crafts get the more I have to abuse time warp to stop the rotation. An example of my placement if that matters would be here (sorry poor photo don't want to go in game just to grab one from the SPH)
  22. I want to avoid crashing into the ocean and having to use my RCS to keep the nose up while I build up that speed. Also pretty sure I go faster in the air than I do on the ground... If that was to me I have a different approach. RealChutes mod, they don't detatch right away when you hit the ground.
  23. And that is why I never send them alone... though I am suddenly missing a kerbal from my Minmus mining outpost.... That being said... I realized what I was doing wrong with my spaceplanes. I was too focused on being a minimalist and making it to orbit with just enough fuel to dock with a station or de orbit and maybe a guided landing. It was time to stop thinking small and think big! Much bigger. So with that I built what I am calling the Explorer class shuttle. Its big, its heavy, even with an RCS assist it doesn't get off the runway till the very end, but it also reaches orbit (without cargo) with 56% of its fuel (51.5% if I get rid of the fuel in the wings). Now I just have to solve a few problems... The runway thing I think I can solve by moving the rear wheels up a bit, it needs a bit more stability landing, and for whatever reason my RCS doesn't want to be used for rotation when placed from the SPH (it isn't just this plane, any plane the RCS just wont fire for rotation for some reason). Did I mention stability for landing? Also needs air brakes, probably add some drogue chutes as well and some more work on the cargo bay (I like putting winches in there). Any landing you can walk away from right?
  24. Some time ago a crazy dude walked into the KSC and said "Ya know what would be great? If I didn't have to go so damned far to visit Mun". While everyone was busy with the futile efforts of telling said person why they cant move Mun Jeb, Bill, and Bob said "We can get you something like that" and off they went. A few months later and... A mini base on a mini mun.
  25. Window finally got here so Duna bound! In the mean time I started landing the habitat modules (I need the crew ship to reach Duna before I do the rest of the rovers so I can move them to a lower orbit first) Good news is I managed to land all 6 of them in relatively the same area... Bad news is the rover designed specifically to move these around crashed horribly I am now deciding if I send one at the next window or if I build a ship capable of moving to Duna without the window to get it there faster...
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