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Everything posted by 9t3ndo

  1. can u upload the craft file? I want to test if it's also happening in my game install
  2. Hmmm, i've tested it now with light and heavy payloads, with "PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT = 0.01 - 0.04" and i can't reproduce the fault Has anyone else this problem? ~EDIT~ Breaks it in the front, where the payload is attached?
  3. Maybe yes, because the second stage provides less power than i had imagined before. I think the design itself has more potential in the second and third stage. The booster stage has the power to lift 12 Orange tanks but not the other two stages :-/
  4. 5 orange tanks was no problem, to lift them into a 260k LKO like in the last screenshot
  5. I'm very proud of this 2 SSTO crafts My principle: "Style over Functionality" X-12 668 X-17 563 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. I'm proud to introduce my new Lifter, the.... Pop 3 Modular Lifter System Changelog [CENTER] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.2 *New Part: Transfer Stage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.1 *fixed the fuel bug in the Upper Stage *fixed the fuel bug in the Lower Stage *fixed the fuel/stability bug for the Booster (Light) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.0 Release [/CENTER] Pop 3 MLS Subassemblie Pack v1.2 The Pop 3 MLS consist of: First: The Transfer Stage Provides: -------------* LF: 360 -------------* OX: 440 -------------* 120kn (Nuke) -------------* RCS-System -------------* Thermoelectric Generator -------------* SAS Module DOWNLOAD: Pop 3 MLSTransfer Stage Part Count: 42 Second: The Upper Stage (Orbit burn) *fixed fuel issue* Provides: -------------* LF: 8646 -------------* OX: 10567 -------------* 4000kn -------------* SAS Module DOWNLOAD: Pop 3 MLS Upper Stage Part Count: 22 Third: The Lower Stage (Gravity Turn) *fixed fuel issue* Provides: -------------* LF: 6480 (expandable) -------------* OX: 7920 (expandable) -------------* 7900kn DOWNLOAD: Pop 3 MLS Lower Stage Part Count: 20 Fourth: Booster (Light) *fixed fuel/stability issue* Provides: -------------* LF: 12690 (expandable) -------------* OX: 15510 (expandable) -------------* 6700kn -------------* Steering Wing DOWNLOAD: Pop 3 MLS Booster Light Part Count: 32 Fifth: Booster (Heavy) Provides: -------------* LF: 18720 -------------* OX: 22880 -------------* 9600kn -------------* Seperator -------------* Launch Stability Enhancer DOWNLOAD: Pop 3 MLS Booster Heavy Part Count: 94 b b b ~~~Some Variations~~~ <---------------------------------------------------Old Lifter---------------------------------------------------> <Pop 3 Lifter Subassemblie>
  7. Here are my VTOL (SSTO) the "X-17 563" from 0.23 complete stock
  8. Yeah that's about, I noticed. I think the action groups didn't load sometimes because of the many small parts. It was configured: - Stage (spacebar): extend the back antennas + activate the light + shutdown Nuclear + shutdown TurboJet's - 1 : toggle TurboJet's - 2 : toggle Nuclear - 3 : toggle BasicJet's - 9 : K-Drive
  9. The-X-17-563 an Sci-Fi VTOL SSTO with K-Drive
  10. The Eurofighter is the best i seen in this forum, well done.
  11. yeah and after i put one of this drives just so into the mk2, I thought... " yeah it will explode anyway" but no it works, face like this -> O.O .... i have to built something around that! thank you, i hope your pc can handle it, my gets melted (i5 2500K 4,0 GHz - HD7970 GHz Edition)
  12. In the Mk2 fuselage Clipping is for me no cheat just a way to realise functioning and good looking crafts
  13. The X-17 563 385 Parts for all who have fun with the X-12 668 The X-17 563 is an 2 seater SSTO with Kraken Drive (JD-Drive from sgt_flyer), it can do a 400k Orbit and after that you can go anywhere with the K-Drive. Engines: 2 Nukes + 4 Turbo Jet's + 5 Basic Jet's I fly it with MechJeb because at 15k high the SAS freaked out every time - it's not in the download.... X-17 563.craft
  14. Main Engine Test SSTO Testing my new main engines for my next SSTO. Lateral mountable, equiped with 1 Nuke and 2 Turbo Jet's Doing in first test flight an easy 500k orbit.
  15. Testing my new main engines for my next SSTO. Lateral mountable, equiped with 1 Nuke and 2 Turbo Jet's Doing in first test flight an easy 500k orbit. A little sneak peak where this engines come to work....
  16. Thank you, the hardest was really the main wings.... With stock parts i give up after 2 days to fit the concept shape because every variant looks really ugly.... Have it changed to DropBox ;-) Yeah i had no time because of work but now i have holidays
  17. Here it is, the X-12 668 [Name from the cockpit of the conept art] An sci-fi, totally useless but cool looking SSTO space fighter. It's inspired by this cool concept art, finding in RevanCorana's craft thread: ¦ EclipseEngi ° Index So here it is...... CRAFT FILE (now Dropbox) updated 0.25 Version
  18. Thank you I think about an Ospray like SSTO with K-Drive and this awesome thing comes on top Hmm good question, i didnt try other constellations at the moment because i didn't have the time. I just did a fast tutorial because some users want to show how it's build
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