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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I've also noticed the loss of science data on transmit with this mod.
  2. Possible bug, I have several ground stations on kerbin with the Reflectron ss-5 and a matching station on Mun, the Mun station dish is targeting Kerbin, and the Kerbin ground stations are targeting the Mun, and the Mun ground station separately, but I have no connection? The Reflectron ss-5 says its for Munar communication, but does it not have the range to reach ground to ground? will it only work in orbit, am I doing something wrong? the stations all have plenty of power, and clear line of sight. i'd post pictures, but I don't know how.
  3. I can't find where there might be an explanation already, but because I'm dumb, what exactly do the buttons on the map screen that this mod added do, or control, exactly?
  4. This isn't so much a bug, but has anyone else noticed that at certain angles, the Kethane grid disappears? Is it just my game? Is it because of the new terrain contouring grid? Kethane is still my fav mod, and this isn't a problem, was just curious if others had noticed it, or if it was just me.
  5. I have been using the deadly reentry mod, an it seems that when I connect different things together with the pipe and ground pylon system, it puts phantom g loads on my craft or base buildings, and boom. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a work around? or am I just going to have to get rid of deadly reentry? I hope not, cause I love the challenge and realism of deadly reentry.
  6. There is an airbrake part included in the b9 aerospace pack. it mounts on the side of parts and is a godsend for slowing down during reentry. it will even work just two or three attached directly to the command capsules, if that's all that's reentering. just set it to an action group and deploy. keep them open until chutes are fully deployed. its made so many of my craft that couldn't survive, make it down.
  7. I'm fairly new to the forums here, and I'm not sure how to report a bug, so i'm doing this here. I have an issue where when I attach any half or quarter size part part from this pack, when I go t othe launch pad they revert to the standard size and blow my craft up, and then if I go back into the vab all the parts are full sized, has anyone else found this? I am using a lot of mods, so I don't know if its a conflict in that or something I did wrong. I did completely uninstall the pack and reload it, but it still happens.
  8. That is the most awesome idea I've ever heard. Would love that!
  9. I am fairly certain that this is what I was doing and it wasn't working, I have to go to work, but I'll try again tomorrow and see.
  10. I've done this, but it still lumps them all together. I've also tried to rename the groups. It doesn't help.
  11. Um, I'm sure this isn't a bug, but I can't figure out how to put hinges into different groups, so they aren't all moving at once. I make different groups in the vab, but on the pad, theres just one control, and all hinges move as one. Can anyone help me?
  12. All I could think was awesome giant flame-throwing robot. Stick a pair of those on for legs and lets go!
  13. I must be doing something wrong I have yet to get a craft or debris to overheat or blow up from g's. I get temp effects, and shielding ablation during reentry, but no boom even on unshielded junk falling in.
  14. I'm having an issue where I'll set up a maneuver node set my burn, and tell it to execute, and my craft will just quiver, not line up on the node, and then just burn a random direction, but it isn't consistent. launched a probe last night, worked fine, went to work and came home, launched the same probe, total fail. anyone else seeing this?
  15. I just deploy kethane probes and leave the game running at 10x or 50x time warp when I go to work. 8 hours later the planet, moon, whatever is mapped. let the pc do the work while you are working.
  16. the KE-X270 heavy drill displays its sparking animation as its being deployed, and when its being retracted, but animations {seem to} fail when fully deployed. {could be because I'm not on a kethane deposit now, will test further}
  17. It's because with no crew, command is defaulting to Mecjeb, and its sitting at that angle on your command pod. slide it down onto your sas or monopropellant, so its perfectly up and down, it will fix the issue.
  18. I had an issue with when I tried to dock with the autopilot, the craft spun out {and boom} after I couldn't load, save or launch anything in the VAB all the buttons were un-clickable. Had to do a clean reinstal
  19. I had this happen to me and right after my VAB locked up I could build a craft, but not save, launch or load.
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