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Everything posted by FITorion

  1. The same way they were discovered before Mapsat and during Mapsat so they could be programed into Mapsat... By looking. Just a side note: the Pyramids are not visible in the latest version. The new ground has swallowed them up. I haven't gone to the KSC 2 yet. I haven't checked on the Mun easter eggs either.
  2. Where does this tracking info get stored? Is it a text file somewhere I can read? I'd like to see what it's recording. I know it's not yet visible in game and might not ever be as it's for the mission generation bit of campaign... but I'm curious.
  3. Um if we want to truly explore and colonize and live in space... we will need to mine the Moon and Mars and the asteroids... and anywhere else we go. The Kerbals will need to as well.
  4. 2 biggies: resources and training of Kerbals. Maybe toss in tweakables so I can have empty tanks to fill with resources or processed items. As I go down the list things become less important but still desired. I'd love for my Kerbals to be able to move in IVA through the connected habitable modules of my space station or Mun base. At the very least you should be able to transfer Kerbals internally between connected pods like you can with fuel. At the bottom of my list is clouds. Yes they would make things look nicer. Yes I want them. But do they add anything to my game play? No. So they can wait. Unless you make weather effects that can blow my craft off course... or lightning that can disable or destroy parts of my ship... then they are just for looks. Nothing wrong with doing something just for looks. I'm all for making the game as pretty as possible... it's just a lower priority than the game play mechanics.
  5. I've got no idea. How much are real ones? Should be the same markings right? nothing especially different about the KSP one.
  6. I had heard about the old parts at the island being gone... but since I can now get planes to work I decided to go check out the Desert Temple. I've spent the last few hours going back and forth over the mountains it's supposed to be near in the desert and can't find it. Anyone else tried to go there in .21? is it gone?
  7. not exactly. Yes but only for the axis of input. F disengages all axis.
  8. I finally got a plane that works. It still took a few tries but I've got something I can fly around Kerbin now. I think I might barely have enough fuel in it to make it to the Desert temple or the second KSC. I loaded up my old attempts at planes... and the new SAS couldn't handle those either. But it enabled me to redesign a stable enough craft with a little trial and error.
  9. Like others have said... mission control. What exactly it will do... they have not said. I can take a guess though. In career mode you'll get "quests" "missions" "goals" what ever you want to call them and that will likely be the place where you go to check what is available. Maybe it will have a record of your completed missions or show your budget and the popularity of your space program. I think we need as much of the "management" stuff for career mode in one building. Switching menus in a building is preferable to switching buildings to get at a particular menu. The Kerbal recruitment center seems a little spartan at the moment but hopefully additional functions will be added to that building. As it stands I'd rather have the menu that, that building houses be part of the VAB and SPH.
  10. It's a sandbox. Everything we do from start to finish is "because we can". There is no goal. There is no use. There is no purpose. All these things you make for yourself. No one can tell you what purpose you should have. It's none of anyone else's business why you do what you do.
  11. Off world construction of buildings such as VABs and launch facilities. To include such things in Orbit... And Resources are a necessary stepping stone to such construction efforts.
  12. .13 before the map. Then they decided to start charging and I took a break until I bought at .18. I've since bought 4 more copies of the game and given them to friends and family.
  13. Who all is in the Media group? I think either the Forum or the main KSP site should have a page listing them with links to their webpages, twitch feeds, youtube pages... whatever and wherever they post KSP related stuff.
  14. Ah this old thread. I don't expect other star systems in say... 1.0 I think once they do everything they plan on doing in this one system that we'll have plenty to do within the system. Many many hours worth of things to do. It's only people who have been everywhere... and done everything... who crave more to explore. Well we would need more to explore if the game stayed the way it is now. But it's not staying that way. I could very much see other star systems as an Expansion. The jump from one star system to many star systems is nice clear demarcation line between the base game and a would be... and very much hoped for and desired expansion.
  15. One has got to be Jeb... the other... lil'Geek (Abyss... watch it.)
  16. I remember something about simplifying that chart. I think they were going to gather the processing stuff together into one part of various sizes. Not sure if they were going to downsize on the number or resources... I think they were. Down to like 2 or 3. Maybe they were just going to do that for the initial implementation and add more complexity later. I don't know. This is all just kinda vague recollections that I can't recall the source of... maybe one or more of the twitch videos. This was all just before the forum crash and the announcement that resources would not be in .20 and that they were shifting focus to career mode and so not to expect them too soon.
  17. or the science labs section... really either I guess.
  18. got a link... or better description so I don't go searching Youtube for "Danny"?
  19. Not really sure what you mean by change focus. up down = mouse scroll wheel. Rotate = right mouse button. Zoom in out = number pad +-. Those are all the camera positioning functions I'm aware of. If you're trying to place something that's been buried by fuel tanks and such you can zoom in until you clip through the outer tanks so you can place things like struts or fuel lines on the inner tanks.
  20. It was in the comments of the Procedural Craters blog. So All we know is that it is applied to the Mun. The other planets are a maybe... but probably have not had it applied.
  21. The Mun is the only body getting a significant make over as far as I'm aware. So getting anything you have on the Mun back up into orbit would be your best bet for saving it. They might be making other changes to planets that haven't been talked about yet so getting everything on the other planets back up into orbit could enhance their chances as well. just hyperedit everything up... and then hyperedit everything back down. I play all stock... but I would use hyperedit to save my efforts in the face of a save breaking update if I had anything worth saving. This is all assuming Harv gets a save ... saver... working. As for getting your kerbals back to kerbin... I don't think that would be necessary... but it can't hurt. Having everything in orbit and only having to mess with the kerbal management part... would make everything simpler on you in the event you have to edit things by hand yourself.
  22. MOAR SAS Seriously though if it's spinning you need more things that can apply torque to correct the spin. SAS is that.
  23. I ended up trading for what I needed for the first badge from this place: http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?home Guess I'll wait now and see if I get a booster pack or more cards from games I don't really care about to trade for KSP.
  24. Not yet. It's a game that is still in development. After they've added campaign mode then they'll probably turn their attention to tutorials. For now it is a learn by doing thing.
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