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Everything posted by Monkthespy

  1. I have a feeling that's because the update had hundreds of other benefits (performance, mainly) and they felt that the update would be better released in it's current state than delayed again.
  2. I bought KSP when it was something like 10 dollars. I forget when, but they had put the game on Steam, and offered EVERYONE a key to switch to Steam. Why don't they do it again? Well, from what I have seen, it's just not a thing anymore. It's very likely it's on Steam's end, and not Squad, and I think I know the reason why. Steam gets a certain amount of money after every purchase, I believe 30%. A company could just say "Buy it on our website!" and then just give you to the key for Steam. It's not fair to Steam. Anyways, let's say they let store users get the prerelease, which is most likely going to be updated at least once every few days or even hours. That's basically a whole new build submitted, downloaded, extracted, etc every single time. Their servers are tiny compared to Steam's. They simply can't handle it, even if they could, it would most likely be insanely expensive. Don't blame Squad, or Steam.
  3. Yeah, I see your point. The problem is I don't think (like you said) people would understand what the button is for. It's not for just normal bug reporting but if the whole mod is malfunctioning and not working. But alas, I don't think they will understand that. The only solution would be if a sufficient number of reports come in an actual admin goes in and tests the mod, although this would get out of hand real fast. It would have to all be moderated which I don't think Spacedock admins have the manpower to do. Still, maybe there is a good implementation of this but I don't know.
  4. Oh man... It was so long ago. I remember first trying KSP before even time warp or maps (or the Mun) and attempting to get orbit. We couldn't tell if we were in orbit and I didn't understand the m/s would tell me. So I just guessed and did something else for a while and came back and checked if I crashed or not.
  5. I would recommend just one social feature, which is "report as broken" or "not functioning well". I suppose after a certain threshold of a number of these reports a little red/yellow/green tick would pop up a warning users that other users think the mod is currently broken. The counter should probably get reset after any update, although this could be abused, but I don't see a reason why you would try to abuse it. For the mod author, the reports could have a little text box that sends it to the mod author telling them why the user thinks its broken. If needed (maybe like a brigade) the mod author could send a complaint to the admins requesting the counter to be reset or something like that. Another is something simple, the mod author could mark it as experimental, beta, or full release, and it would obviously show up for the user. This could be expanded as well, allowing a mod author to put warnings that aren't in the description and should catch the users attention (maybe a big red box). Just some of my thoughts.
  6. 1. Get an adblocker 2. Right click on the image and make sure it's selected the image directly, not the http bit the link, and then block it using the adblocker. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/uploads/monthly_01_2016/tintin-av.jpg.e0c184e72215549e24a5f59aab69a6b6.thumb.jpg.057d7de1f4d6298d60208b3abdb325c0.jpg Its going to be a link like that, as that's yours. Don't blame me if something goes wrong, ok?
  7. Oh man, I've been waiting for something like this for AGES. This is looking freaking awesome! When this finally gets finished up, maybe with your experience making this cockpit, you could make a Mk.1 version for something like a fighter, or something more flexible like a Cessna cockpit.
  8. Dude... You gotta read the OP. He literally said that if the designs are posted blackrack will upload the update which include the waves.
  9. Ok, thanks. That actually makes more sense, lol. I assume this was actually quite a bit of a learning experience and a lot of work just to get this work smoothly.
  10. Thanks, this is going to be awesome. I will attempt to break Scatterer and put an ocean on Jool (Which I know won't work, as there isn't any water there anyways).
  11. I haven't posted in such a long time. But for this? This is incredible blackrack, and I can't wait to see what you do next. Quick question: is the water going to have multi planet support already? Or is that a later update?
  12. Even then, I'm still worried about this. Unless Unity 5 brought some major optimizations, I seriously, seriously doubt how well KSP would run on a PS4. I feel like there is going to be part count limits, if U5 didn't do as much as we hope it should. Also, one of the many joys of KSP that has most likely made an affect on it's popularity is the mods, and PS4 won't have mods (unless you go with that strange thing Bethesda is doing, but KSP a ram hogger).
  13. This is an absolutely insane vehicle. It's an "SSTO" (it's currently kind of unstable and needs work, although i'm positive with a bit more fuel it can make it into orbit). It uses 30 engines to lift it vertically. Also, the reason it needs this is for the insane terrain that it's designed for.
  14. That water looks even better than the one Blackrack has right now... God, shaders are so cool. I really need to learn HLSL.
  15. The new SSTO for Mk.1 or semi-large satellites, the X-15 "Lion" 100. It can weigh around 70 tons and is around 160-170 parts depending what you put in it (in it's current model). It is powered by RTGs, so no solar panels. The fuel load after lifting a bunch of fuel cells, a rocket fuel tank, and a half rocket fuel tank, was around 700. I doubt I was very efficient with this and probably could of gotten upwards of 1500 fuel left (if I used the nuke mainly and was very stringent with the R.A.P.I.E.Rs. Yes, this thing has 9 engines and only one is a nuke. It's very slow with the nuke, but, of course, it's very efficient. Not all of the fuel is liquid fuel/oxidizer, it has been balanced (sort of) to leave a closely correct amount of liquid fuel and oxidizer in orbit. If it this got refuel in orbit, it probably could go a very, very far distance (if you could wait 30 minutes). I'll get Kerbal Engineer in a little bit and check Delta-V for just the nuke with a full fuel load. I love the look of this thing. It has a super-intake (4 ram-air intakes together to make a square, and I didn't use the debug menu to make it) design, so each engine gets it's own 1 unit of intake. It hits mach early, so you need to zoom climb very, very early. The ram-air intakes and the control surfaces will destroy themselves. I don't know how the descent and the ascent profiles should be optimized, but the ascent profile I used was basically just eyeballing. I zoom climb to 8000, flatten out just a little, and when I get to around 700 m/s I zoom climb again up until 30,000 with the R.A.P.I.E.Rs auto-switch (I also shut off the turbos.) The descent profile is I make the periapsis 30,000 meters, and just do a descent where I attempt to stay at 30,000 for as long as possible until I get below 1000 m/s where it should be safe to descend. It lands fine and is sturdy on the ground. I'm not releasing it juuust yet, some smaller stuff to workout still. This is a repost from my rocket builder, Avalanche. Didn't want to bother retyping the whole thing. This is W.I.P anyways.
  16. If you were magical and suddenly integrated Proland, would there be any substantial benefits from the integration? We have the atmosphere scattering and the water now, do we really need the trees or should we just improve the current scatter? I'm curious about your opinion.
  17. By this point, are we trying to integrate at least 75 percent of that whole planet renderer (joke, I doubt it's anywhere close to 75%).
  18. I think it's on purpose for the career mode. You're supposed to replace your basic jet engines... I think. I don't play career. I think they should be able to outperform the Turbojets below mach easily but they don't.
  19. W.I.P SSTO. This is my fourth iteration, just because it's a delicate balance of an insane amount of engines and fuel to lift the payload. The whales just have trouble breaking Mach 1.1-4, if it breaks that, its should get into orbit. I'll redesign the craft for looks once the specs have been worked out. I haven't really done SSTOs, but I have built a couple that work. Just gotta get these to mach quicker... I'm making this for my company, Avalanche Aeronautics.
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