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Everything posted by NavyFish

  1. Hello! I'm getting a game-breaking exception from USI. When inside the R&D Screen, when I click "leave" to return to the KSC, the following exception pops: [EXC 18:50:27.798] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object LifeSupport.LifeSupportPersistance.Save (.ConfigNode node) LifeSupport.LifeSupportScenario.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) KSP.UI.Screens.RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () EventVoid.Fire () KSP.UI.Screens.RDController.CloseButton () UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() This seems to be preventing me from actually leaving the R&D screen.
  2. Woohoo! Great timing... I was seconds away from launching KSP for a new career (and my launch process takes about 8 minutes, so it's quite a commitment, lol). I look forward to trying this out!!
  3. This will be my first time using ETT, and I'm excited to see what it has to offer! Personally, I'm quite familiar with how inconsiderate real life can be to one's mod updating priorities. But, I've been fairly fortunate in that any breaking changes resulting from a KSP update were relatively minor. The fact that a minor Point release broke this is really surprising. Tisk tisk Squad.
  4. this link was posted earlier, not sure if it's the *latest* though: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8t2fww5fvry8joj/AACbwI25xnLHx_HsC7tytVJ-a?dl=0
  5. Hey just a quick heads-up, CKAN lists the latest version of this mod as v1.5.1
  6. Hey thanks guys! Glad you're liking the new stuff. Again, props to @Devric for the new foreground artwork! @Nansuchao Yep, visually it is more precise - the CDI lines are finer, the various icons are smaller, and the background cross-hair is thinner. Devric's gauge foreground was so sharp, it made everything else look chunky by comparison, so I decided a full visual refresh was in order. Personally, my favorite part of the update is the unification of RPM and GUI rendering pipelines. This alone allowed me to shave off 10% of the code - but more importantly, it means that any new gauge features will apply to both displays automatically. Prior, I had to write a separate code path for each, and this was a nightmare for maintainability. I'll be putting this project on GitHub eventually, and this was one of those important steps I wanted to make prior to doing so. Already thinking of a few features for the next version. And I have another surprise in store, based upon a community member's submission. That one will blow your minds
  7. Update Released! Version 6.4: [added] New gauge foreground artwork by community member Devric. Sweet! [added] You can now invert each alignment, translation, and roll axis via the settings menu. [change] Unified GUI and RPM rendering paths: Cleaner, faster mod. [updated] Re-added support for Blizzy's Toolbar mod. If present, icon will default to Blizzy's toolbar. The icon can be forced to use the stock app launcher by editing 'DPAI Settings.cfg'
  8. Good job! you might want to host the image elsewhere, as I can't access Facebook to see it (not sure if it's just a broken link or because I don't have a FB account). But glad you figured everything out!
  9. @trooperMNG Glad to hear it. Thanks for sharing! I was hoping to put out the next update today, but some personal obligations came up and so that may not happen. If not, then hopefully early this coming week. One exciting change in the hopper for this update, and another big new feature right behind it for the next- both based upon contributions from forum members. Good stuff.
  10. All you need is MS paint or any other drawing program. Just overwrite the original texture with your modified one. No age restriction on copy-paste!
  11. Different surprise The surprise you're thinking of is coming soon thereafter though...
  12. Yeah, as you said, it's purely aesthetic, but I think the new version feels more balanced. I needed to keep the bottom clear for text.
  13. You're welcome to edit the texture files in the plugin data directory, as long as you don't change their physical dimensions any modifications you make will be loaded into your game. If you end up making a helper texture feel free to post it to this thread for others to use. Please note, if you plan to do this you may want to wait until this weekend. The next update will be making some changes to the texture sizes and configurations, so you would have to redo your work.
  14. Make sense, thank you. If anyone catches wind of the correct event hook let me know and I'll put it into the next update. Hoping to push that out this weekend, a couple surprises in store for everybody
  15. Interesting. I made no changes that would affect that behavior. Do you know if this is the case with other mods?
  16. Heh, that's great The functionality works just fine on my development build. Is anyone else having this problem? Make sure you completely delete the old mod folder before installing the new one. A simple overwrite is guaranteed to screw things up.
  17. Done.. Enceos on gihub beat me to the punch, but I did go and increment MM to 2.6.22 as well. I really need to get this project onto github.
  18. I'm hanging my head in shame. The fact that I have two separate rendering paths - one for RPM and one for the DPAI GUI - makes me feel like a very bad, bad programmer. Unifying these is high on my list of priorities. Anyway, glad you found the correct segment of code!
  19. You're a brave soul! The code is a massive, tangled ball right now. Some of the next steps I'm taking are to clean it up significantly, both to ease future updates and also prepare it for hosting on github. But I'll see if can't give you a hint when I get home tonight. Less haystack, more needles.
  20. Version 6.3 Released! Version 6.3: [update] Rebuilt for KSP v1.1 No configuration options for axis flipping in the version, but probably in the next. Looking like that one will be v7.0, for no apparent reason. Also, @nukeboyt thanks. I'm really reticent to change it, but I also get tired of explaining the "right" answer to folks. I'll probably just go with allowing that change via a config file, instead of cluttering up the settings dialog.
  21. The behavior you're experiencing is intended. But many folks have expressed feeling that it seems 'backwards', so I'm considering options to reverse the display of information on the gauge. In the meantime:Realize that you're not moving the alignment indicator - the orange target is an orientation in space that you're trying to match, and (so long as your target ship isn't rotating), it does not move. Instead, you're moving the white crosshairs on the gauge. So when you yaw right with D, the white crosshairs move right relative to the fixed orange alignment indicator, making that indicator appear to move left.
  22. No problem guys, glad you're enjoying it. Will have one or two quick surprises for v6.3, based upon some contributions from other community members. Stay tuned.
  23. Ok, here it is. Why leave for tomorrow what you can do today? Please post any issues you find and/or reports of everything working as expected. If enough folks report back that it worked, I'll post to the various hosting sites. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note: Blizzy Toolbar Integration is currently disabled until his mod is updated. DPAI v6.2.1 BETA - Compatible with KSP 1.1 pre-release (build This is a beta version that works with build v1.1.0.1183 of the KSP 1.1-Pre-Release, and will likely work with further builds. Version 6.3 will be released once KSP 1.1 is released. Version 6.2.1 BETA: [update] Works with KSP 1.1 Pre-Release build v1.1.0.1183 [fixed] IVA reference part is now properly maintained when switching between IVA/EVA/MapView [change] ModuleDockingNodeNamed now no longer relies upon DockingPortAlignmentIndicator.dll, allowing mod authors to use its functionality without depending upon DPAI. Simply check if a part contains a ModuleDockingNodeNamed partmodule, and if so call module.getCustomName(). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. Thanks all for your kind words! Things are coming along: I'll try to get a BETA release up in this thread tomorrow night. Not sure if I want to post it to spacedock / curse until the 1.1 release, however. Mostly because I'm having to use a "non official" version of ModuleManager. Also, I've had to entirely disable bilzzy's toolbar integration for now, because it was preventing the entire assembly from loading. But, for the die-hards, you should have something to use for the time being. @THobson You can definitely disable it - in the above screenshot, disable "Display Target Port HUD Icon"
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