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Everything posted by cvusmo

  1. Agreed. I've been experimenting and glad someone else is attempting to make rotary style crafts in KSP2. I'll post any findings I make here in the future!
  2. Not sure if this is an idea you've all discussed. I'm a fan of Spirit and Opportunity. I thought it was wild how JPL decided to let these rovers just bounce on the surface of Mars. I'd love to see a part added that's similar to where you can add it to the lander platform you've made and when you hit the ground it takes the impact and deflates or even just bounces you. I got the idea with my perseverance mission. Lastly, a decoupler that's like the parachute but instead it's a rope that is deployed much like how perseverance was dropped during EDL.
  3. I've spent 2 hours trying to get a rotary to simply hold its altitude. It doesn't generate enough lift even when assisted by xs srb's. It does generate lift though. https://youtube.com/shorts/aTBSveBOxr0?feature=share
  4. I spent an hour today driving the Rover on Duna. The idea is to get to a crater. Buy I also wanted to see how it behaves on terrain. It's buggy. -wheels float above Dunas surface -Randomly hits invisible terrain object in relatively flat terrain and spins in 360 degrees -refuses to go in a straight line and constantly fighting with maintaining control of velocity Will post a video of this on 3.3.2023
  5. Thanks! I'll be posting the full mission shortly. It's currently rendering. Duna is so much fun to explore!
  6. Curious, is there an Isaac Kerman in Kerbin lore that created the laws of physics.
  7. It makes sense why backlash against KSP2 in Early Access is overwhelmingly negative. We got used to KSP1. A game that is quite stable and has a lot to offer. A game that took ten years to develop. A game that we had no benchmark to compare with when it came out in Alpha in 2011. It's 2023 and 12 years later it feels like alpha all over again. The bad: Game breaking bugs. (Ksc in space) Poor performance. (15 fps) Manuever nodes not working. Parts not attaching correctly and lag in the VAB Poor cloud quality in atmo No robotic parts The good: Sound is amazing. Graphics look stellar The kerbol system gives an immersive vibe and each planet/moon are detailed well. Easier learning curve than KSP1 We can paint our crafts We have every planet/moon that we have in KSP1 Feels like 10x more stock parts. The structural parts are a very nice addition That's what I've got so far. What else do you all think?
  8. Agreed. Nodes are quite frustrating to make. There is a mod for fine tuning buy I just want what we have in KSP1. The fine tune adjustment and how nodes work in KSP1 is awesome. I do like the new SOI. It makes it easier to get into orbit. Warping on a manuever node path is a nightmare. If you misclick, you miss your entire node. Also the time is calculated wrong many many times for nodes.
  9. I like that we can strip the paint off and have a nice silver metal. It looks awesome. Down the line, I would love to have metallic colours added. I'd love to be able to have a gold or cherry red metallic painted ship. Cheers!
  10. I've got the lander designed and working for perseverance. As far as Ingenuity, without robotic parts, it's becoming quite the challenge to make a helicopter. The goal is by the end of Week 1 to have replicated this mission. However, I feel that Ingenuity won't come to fruition just yet. Still, I'm making attempts. Helicopter -
  11. I made a tutorial on how to install Space Warp and other mods. Matt Lowne also has a tutorial uploaded as well. Both provide the same information. Share with others! Cheers.
  12. I posted this 2 days ago on Youtube. I know Matt Lowne has a video as well. Watch either one. Both explain how to install mods and space warp. The more people learn how to install mods, the better! Cheers! My video: Matt Lowne:
  13. Occasionally, I'll get this bug where a fairing I've attached to any structural part (and then deleted before launch) will appear vertically and destroy my rocket. It only occurs when attaching a fairing to a structural part and then saving the vessel. Then removing the part and hitting launch. The WO is to exit KSP2 and relaunch the game. Its the only WO I've found.
  14. As title says, the bug is when you scroll all the way to ground level in the VAB. You get stuck and cannot move. You have to reload your save to fix currently.
  15. Hi mods, I would like to have my name changed to cvusmo please and thank you!
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