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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. True, Especially when stuff just explodes for no reason. Like a kerbal falling onto minmus' surface from about 2 feet up and it just destroys the entire universe. The user below me plays using RSS.
  2. Banned for saying 11 is bad. (WOO! AREA 11!)
  3. Wait... What antenna? EDIT: OH! OOPS! I meant to remove that, just ignore that... *Quietly sweeps under the rug*
  4. @XolotLoki / M5000 - Yeah, I tried to make it as stable as possible, so I angled the wheels forward and outwards to give it the largest wheelbase possible while still being controllable. (Wow. A Mod ninja'd me. I still can't get over this ) @XolotLoki - What does K and !K mean, BTW? @M5000 - Thank you! EDIT: Wow! Ninja'd by a mod, who said the exact stuff to make my comments relevant. lol. EDIT EDIT: Yay! I'm doing marginally better than last time!
  5. That looks really good Upsilon. Antbin - I found it to be quite stable, but you do have to be careful going down slopes. In other news, WHY IS THIS IN SPACECRAFT EXCHANGE!? What!? It's a challenge...
  6. Thanks, I will try it when you can post the file. (Please include all of the parts that are resized as-well, as I don't have B9)
  7. 1 second, and stick to the rule, only one riddle at a time.
  8. Yes, you may have liked his answer, but it was the same as the one I posted before him. I feel cheated.(The only difference being he posted an explanation and a new riddle.) Brain or heart.
  9. Granted. The entire universe has been turned into the letter A. I wish NASA to get a proper budget and better priorities. (AKA not cancelling the Constellation Program)
  10. I enter the elevator on floor 25 wondering if vicious, killer, robot dogs can smell fear... Good luck to the next guy
  11. Maybe that would work. (I meant the magnetosphere originally, anyway.) And maybe the planet would be in a low, semi synchronous orbit over the dwarf? " but i'm sure views would be spectacular " This is pretty much the only reason I thought of a Blue supergiant. Because they are essentially the epitome of epic-ness.
  12. Damn! I really want to make my station using shuttles as the lifter. Oh well. Now to wait for Dragon01 then.
  13. Wow. I have just thought one up that I think is really good, but damn, that's pretty good. (It will probably ruin this thread, as almost no-one would have even the slightest clue as to what it refers to) I'd have to say Telephone wires/poles? Power Lines?
  14. The errant Prince thought dead, Alive only for the sake of her, Betrayed by the one closest to me, Blood of my brother on my hands, Bound by by the power gifted unto me in contract. I take the name of nothing and no-one, And lie my way to victory. The betreyal of my comrades, And the Destruction of the Fleija, Brought unto the world my wrath, And it's eventual salvation. Sacrificed for the sake of humanity, And to break the cycle of hatred, By the one closest to me, Whom I forced to live on, With the power in my eye(s). Who am I? Just going to say now, I think this will kill the thread. (I was writing a riddle for the riddle thread. )
  15. Actually, due to the tapered back end the drag increase would be minimal in FAR, and Wouldn't make much of a difference in the long run.
  16. 5/10 I recognize you, but I cant remember exactly where from...
  17. And set up to work with FAR, and a multitude of other mods, which I know how to do, but don't have the time.
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