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Everything posted by Jetenginestar

  1. One thing I love about KSP is that creativity has no limits, Post everything that does not belong to a space program here xD Some of my Favorites around: By Peter Tyson, By landfish2, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115306-KSP-Dinosaurs By UpsilonAerospace, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81413-Here-s-a-stock-dragon-(Like-the-flying-reptile-)-Craft-File-is-Out! By KerrMü, By NecroBones, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94648-1-0-Burger-Mod!-0-3-(2015-04-28) And Snack Trucks By UpsilonAerospace (AKA Bagel Rabbit) By Ival70, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116712-Hype-Train-Express-1-0%21-%28Pic-Heavy By Yukon0009, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116114-Monopoly
  2. Fuselage is complete, but the centre of gravity is too forward, gotta try to fix it... Edit: All done except for rudder, flight testing shows very serious performance issues though...
  3. And also add lights to the landing gear too! Personally, I hope that the landing gears have a larger steering angle, aircraft's I built with large wheelbases have terrible ground maneuverability current landing gears with small steering angle... Maybe we can have a button to toggle between the current small angle deflections and the new larger deflections...
  4. We need someone to compile all the leftover work, it seems that all the modeling is all done based on Nothke's very old tweets (a year ago)...
  5. Got a rude surprise from 1.0, but hey, it still flies! *Rehab in progress*
  6. We my old research says that the optimum angle is 25 degrees, although I'm not sure how much have changed since then... Not sure if this thread helps, there are some small bearings designed by other players...
  7. I promised myself that I will return her to her former glory after 1.0 is released...
  8. One can only wonder why the hell do you need so many Primary Flight Displays on the roofs LOL
  9. Consider adding more landing gears, supporting 80+ tons with only 5 wheels is a bit too much for the wheels to handle... The real one has a total of 22 Wheels.
  10. Working on a fuel truck, inspired by Auriga's King of the Road Trucks. I will try one with the klaw too!
  11. Airbus is retrofiting the old wingtip fences into sharklets so it's not all to inaccurate though http://www.airbus.com/newsevents/news-events-single/detail/the-sharklets-success-story-continues-with-airbus-retrofit-offer-for-a319-and-a320-jetliners/
  12. "Kerbin Air 006, clear for take off, runway 09" Having fun with BD's Camera Tools for the first time
  13. I built a test bed based on your design and did some ground tests and it seems that the top speed has dropped from 55+ m/s to 45m/s Just to notify you, your Y-38 is pretty much dead now as the bearing will break suddenly for no reason during climb-out...
  14. Larger cockpit windows so that I can and land planes IVA xD Those would be Nice and Neat too!
  15. For some reasons all my cars have a top speed of only 22.7m/s, while Mareczex's cars all travel faster than 22.7 m/s, I know it has something to do with control surfaces but I haven't figure out how, any explanation would be greatly appriciated.
  16. I'm guessing they will make another 2 Wheel landing gear to compliment it. Definitely hope that it will have a larger steering angle, large wheelbases (the distance between the steering gear and the main gear) aircraft will have terrible ground maneuverability if they kept the current steering angle Including the passenger cabins? YAY!
  17. So, I've been running tests for a while on my 11.79t ground test bed, results seem promising... Graph of Test Bed Top Speed against Blade angel
  18. Ops, calcultaion error, Let's just assume the 2 pilots sitting on jumpseats are passengers
  19. I have always dream of a software that allows me to build aircraft and test out different wing shapes, designs etc. - And my dream came true with KSP
  20. Built for 2001kraft, it is slightly larger than Roflcopterkklol's 767, but has less engines and part count Technical Data Sheet: Part count : 210 Empty weight : 58.27t Fully loaded weight : 79.71t Liquid Fuel carried : 4285L Typical cruise altitude : 15,000m Max cruise altitude : 19,000m Action Groups: [1] Toggle Engines [2] Toggle Nose Wheel Lights [3] Toggle Cabin Lights [4] Toggle Ladders Use the IVA transfer to move your Kebals to other Mk3 Cabins Use the fuel trim to keep your CoG to desired position Download Here: http://www./download/f9z8w95cc5bcu8u/BOEING+767-300.craft Have a safe flight
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