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Everything posted by Jetenginestar

  1. THESE: The GE-90 will lower the part count by a lot compared to using my current modified sgt_flyer animated engines...
  2. Does this mod work in 1.0.4? I've downloaded it from KerbalStuff, installed it on a clean installed KSP folder and the interface doesn't show up in-game...
  3. Meanwhile in real life... Somehow reminds me of this
  4. When you are really annoyed by people around you who thinks that firing rockets skywards all the way will get you in space (Edit: and orbit) (and to the moon if you have enough fuel)
  5. Landed both planes on the island runway, so far my comments are: A330: + The A330 is well balanced and has quite some maneuverbility + Good Low speed controllability O The middle Main landing gear shouldn't be there The A340: O Not as Nimble as the A330, but still acceptable - poor low speed controllability when compared to A330 Other improvements that can be made to both planes are: >Inactivate the Roll on the rudder control surfaces so that the aircraft does not yaw to the opposite direction it is turning. >Add action groups to left hand side and right hand sides for asymmetric thrust runway backtracking~ Hope to see more from you, Columbia!
  6. Awesome! How do you make the F-16's move precisely together in the first minute? I tried using Burn Together but the follower crafts usually end up flying higher / lower...
  7. Making Fuselages with wings are always amusing.
  8. I'm pretty confident that it will fly well Of to a good start with 389 parts @ 15fps
  9. RCS Engines with infinite fuel? You can attach those either on the jeep or on the plane.
  10. Fallout 4 Teaser? That's the only thing I can think of right now But it's a lot of work though....
  11. Ever thought of replacing those landing legs with landing gear to make an VSTOL? I'd imagine it would be fun to use landing gears to kill horizontal speed...
  12. Cool! Does the boat work in Kerbin? or does it sink deeper and create more drag with the water?
  13. Testing out a new 747 air frame that has a long MK3 cargo bay as it's spine to reduce bending, But the problem is... Definitely not going to stuff 372 Kerbals inside yet...
  14. Xhacktar, I always misread your name LOL
  15. Can anybody give me tips on how to finish the roof? I had a few tries but they just don't look good... Thanks.
  16. May I ask if this mod adds a working Primary Flight Display for the MK3 cockpit (a small artificial horizon with the heading indicator seperated unlike the Navball)? I've would love to see a working one if there isn't any yet
  17. 5.Civ 5 Time afterburner... 4. Mount and Blade Lots of fun when you mess around 3. Minecraft I used to create a 747 with a open-pool on the upper deck xD 2.KSP Overtook Minecraft because I can make things move here~ 1. MASS EFFECT The story and voice acting! They're perfect (mostly)
  18. Hack Gravity and Buoyancy don't mix Edit: I managed to get it right on the 3rd try, yay! But there are some design flaws so I need to re-build the bridge again...
  19. Testing out how the fairings fare off when it comes to architecture... And of course, Cake.
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