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Everything posted by Jetenginestar

  1. As you can see, Economy class is not the most comfy place in the airplane, particularly when It's fully loaded
  2. Doneï¼ But not without modifications, like new engines, 2 more control surfaces on each Horizontal stabilizers and an anti-tail strike gear. Nose Up like a champ! Until... it stalls... Taxi
  3. Good job mate, it managed to push back the 747 and align it Tough if it bumped the aircraft to quickly, the entire aircraft would flip backwards and crash it's tail
  4. Hrm... can you post some pictures about it? mine seems to work fine at 65m/s
  5. Mine flew faster and higher because it uses Turbojets which produce more thrust at high altitudes compared to the basic jet engines. If I used Basic jet engines my ceiling would be around 15km. Also the air is thinner higher up, allowing planes to reach insane speeds Btw, your tail gear is preventing your plane from lifting off...
  6. Well, KSP haven't introduce female astronauts yet Yeah, they also tend to get stuck in between the fuel tanks when I move that to the backseats so I had to seat them through the roof
  7. UPDATE: A re-mastered version of this craft is released to celebrate the first anniversary of the program, Check it out here! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93674-BOEING-747-400-365-Passenger-Capacity I have seen some B747 posts but most are poorly built and some don't even resemble one at all. So I decided to ditch over 20+ hours to make a look alike one. Three Quarter Around The World Test Flight A final test run before the release Also, the plane is able to take off and fly with only 2 Engines in case you smashed the other two. Action groups: [1] Toggle Engines [2] Shutdown Outer Engines [3] Shutdown Inner Engines [7] Toggle Cabin Lights (Commercial Version only) [8] Toggle Landing Lights [9] Toggle Aircraft Exterior Ladders [0] Toggle Cabin Mobility Ladders Precautions: > The outer engines are very prone to smashing the ground during landing and can be prevented by descending slowly. > EVA ONLY when the plane is FULLY STOPPED to prevent explosions. Downloads: If you are taking it for a spin then get the original one, there are some lag issues for the commercial ones due to the increase in part count. Boeing 747- Original (Empty interior with no seats) http://www./download/cne9hdwjsw86ugj Boeing 747- Commercial Version (73 seats + 3 cockpit crew) http://www./download/48ymtegxhuxpddp/ Any problems, just notify me and I will look in for a solution, Thanks. Have fun! [Additional Notes] Further tests reveals that the plane depends on the thrust of the engine to keep it's nose up. Low thrust may result in the inability for the plane to nose up.
  8. Why not at the end of fuselage, I thought adding it near the tail can allow you to have higher AOA (pitch) when landing?
  9. Introducing, the Su-37. A triumph in russian fighter technology. It has an unstable arrangement. But weirdly, it responds like a stable aircraft. Edit: Apparently The weight of the aircraft itself has hindered it's maneuverability and suppressed the unstable characteristics. Edit 2:The Aircraft lack lifting surfaces, making it hard to turn, remake TBA... It's not perfect, but here's the craft file : http://www./download/a8ejjnkxqe8o742/Su-37.craft
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