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Everything posted by dbmorpher

  1. Martian Manhunter is not pleased with the portrayal of his people
  2. Part clipping can do really cool things. Some of the best creations made in this game use part clipping, anyways... If you accept a contract the next mission must fulfill it or the contract will fail.
  3. Lack of statement of property derails thread and forces a restart. My hill.
  4. From Wikipedia: Venusian clouds are thick and are composed of sulfur dioxide and droplets of sulfuric acid.[33] Sulfuric acid on venus is like methane is to Titan. And nerva the reaction of sucrose and sulfuric acid produced the water. Also it takes less dv to send a supply mission to venus than it does to send it to the moon's surface At 31 miles in the air the pressure is one atm and the temperature is about 38 C
  5. Human greed takes over and soon many people are warring over hills. With money being so abundant and energy so cheap the only true resource is land. Over hundreds of years all of society is lost in the massive fallout. A lone embryo imbued with the memories of all mankind is sent into the depths of space. After millennium of waiting in cryonic limbo the ship's power module finally secedes to the power of entropy. Thus ends humanity. My remnant of advanced civilization.
  6. I tried to get it one time but the store only had this really heavy molecule.
  7. After careful investigation work under the mentorship of batman I deduce that the object in question is little more than a potted plant. My sleuthmanship gains me reputation throughout the system and I slowly manipulate society until I have become supreme ruler. My Kerbol System
  8. I'll just leave this here: http://www.jacobsrocketry.com/aer/caramel_candy_propellant.htm
  9. I'm 15 but I'm pretty sure I would be ready for spaceflight. I don't react to high G's the way most people do (I think I get more focused with higher acceleration). I play football too and have taken a few hard hits but I'm still fine. I may be too tall for spaceflight though as I'm 6' and probably won't stop growing until I'm 6'4.
  10. If we could engineer an acid resistant microbe that could create sugar it would be able to make all its own water due to sugar's reaction with sulfuric acid and if there is enough, after a long time it could filter out all of the H2SO4 in the atmosphere.
  11. When in career mode it is best to research spaceplane specific parts. Anything launched out of the SPH has a large science multiplier.
  12. Part contracts are automatically completed once all the parameters are fulfilled.
  13. Here's a video of the reaction Oh and super I think I'm on the same page as you but I'm thinking more on the lines of Airship Pirates with Teflon woven overcoats raiding moisture farms for food and water
  14. I love EL, it's a great mod However I was wondering if you could add tweakscale integration? EL tanks seem to clutter up my part menu, if you added tweakscale then you would only need one part. If you don't like doing tweakscale then maybe you could make certain parts procedural? Just a suggestion, dbmorpher
  15. I have a question for you all. Suppose a form of FTL drive is possible, or an Orion Nuclear Drive becomes legal. NASA wants to send a colony to Alpha Centauri or Tau Ceti. However due to the fact that technology advances most of our transportation technologies would have been surpassed and there may already be a civilization at the planet we wanted to colonize! So the question is: should we send a mission as soon as possible or wait until more convenient technology becomes available?
  16. Zeppelins that float on breathable air. Modules with teflon hulls No pressure difference 31 mi temperature of Mediterranean Plants take in carbon dioxide create sugar sugar + H2SO4 = Oxygen and water and graphite
  17. Does the game take a long time to load? Go into the GameData folder and delete the folder labeled "Squad" This will greatly decrease your load time.
  18. Nice to know those calories are going to good use
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