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Everything posted by Galane

  1. On my two Eve rover/landers, I have things all braced up with quantum struts. They're mounted to the fuel tanks and engines so when I jettison all that the struts go away with them. Quantum struts and strut guns will auto disconnect and connect if their LOS intersects a docking ship, but you never want them intersecting zero mass parts. What they won't do is disconnect when bridging docking ports assembled in VAB or SPH. Try to undock and they'll hold until turned off, so any of them you place that way you'll want to action group. If used to bridge decouplers during assembly, they'll disconnect when the decouplers are triggered. I'm holding off on .23.5 until IR, KJR and other mods get fully sorted out. Having visions of grabbing asteroids and dropping them on KSC. Would be nice to be able to inflict damage, if only temporary!
  2. Any fuel tank not attached inline with a kethane converter must have fuel lines connected *backwards* from the tank to the converter. If you attach one tank inline with the converter you can fill tanks all over a craft by using TAC Fuel Balancer and using either Balance All on liquid fuel and oxidizer or setting the one tank to transfer out. With monopropellant, the tanks will fill from the conveter no matter where they're placed, without fuel lines.
  3. Any chance of an option/function to look for and correct improper node sizes? There was a mod which tweaked node position to get rid of visible gaps between parts. 'Course any such node tweaking would need a way to exclude adjusting parts for which the "proper" node size causes problems.
  4. You should never have more than one copy of a mod DLL anywhere under game data, unless specifically instructed to do so by the mod's setup/install/use instructions.
  5. Isn't she one of the members of SNSD? Or some other Korean girl group? What's worse than having a song stuck in your head? Having a song in a foreign language stuck in your head. (Especially "Mr. Taxi".)
  6. Build 194, docked a mono and fuel tanker to my Eve ship in 71~ KM Kerbin orbit last night. No problems with docking port alignment.
  7. I should check on my 32K unit Munar Kethane lander with landing legs on double stacked extendable pistons. It's been in Mun orbit (docked to a full fuel/oxidizer tanker) for a long time.
  8. Looks like some Kerbal hooked the logic circuits of a Bambleweeny 57 Sub- Meson Brain to an atomic vector plotter suspended in a strong Brownian Motion producer, and has been using it to make all the molecules in the parts leap simultaneously to the left, in accordance with the Theory of Indeterminacy.
  9. Lemme guess. You like the anime series "Outlaw Star"? It has spaceships with arms that grab other spaceships.
  10. There's still at least one pentagon with the new map grid? AFAIK, it's impossible to cover a sphere with all hexagons, especially not regular hexagons. The old perfect sphere maps had a pentagon on the equator.
  11. It's a common SciFi trope that the crew and/or computers are discombobulated for a few seconds after dropping back to normal space/speed. Thus the navigator (organic or electronic) must plot the end of the jump a bit short so the ship hasn't zipped past the destination by the time things are back to normal-ish.
  12. Would be neat if MechJeb could do forced orbits, thrusting just the right amount in the right direction in order to orbit faster at a given altitude than happens naturally in free-fall.
  13. There was a challenge a while back to see how far an unguided aircraft could fly, heading East from where it starts on the runway. Use an OKTO2 or other component with remote guidance so the throttle can be set and the engines started. Drop the OKTO2 then switch to the aircraft and follow it until it crashes. You can't control it because it no longer has any remote control or command components, the throttle stays where it was set at launch. The challenge here is to take off going West, with that inconvenient mountain range in the way, so moving to the East end of the runway is permitted. Purely a distance challenge, measured from where the OKTO2 or other control part is dropped. Decades ago, before radio control was available for model aircraft, people used to build unguided model planes and fly them for distance. Mostly for bragging rights for the plane that went the farthest, especially if it landed without damage. KSP allows for a virtual version so repeated attempts don't cost a fortune, nor does it annoy any neighbors or government entities.
  14. Launching an unguided aircraft to the East is fairly easy due to there being nothing in the way of taking off. Taking off and flying West with an unguided aircraft would require first taxiing to the East end of the runway, getting lined up, setting brakes, setting throttle position then releasing brakes and dropping the control module. Then there's the problem of designing the craft to be able to climb to get over the mountains, then level out or at least not stall so it can get some range. Scored for distance from takeoff, where the guidance system is dropped, to the point of crashing. Since it's an aircraft challenge, altitude may not exit the atmosphere. Leaderboard. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  15. Build 194 "RCS as thrust if no other thrust is available and RCS is on" So it can do automatic de-orbits with only RCS now?
  16. Good info to know. Now if someone would make a save file editor to do things like backing up and restoring Kethane data, extracting/replacing crafts and other things...
  17. @Barclone try initiating the landing from a higher orbit. It seems something has got into the landing AP code that makes it go bonkers when starting from a minimum safe altitude, ie 70~71 KM around Kerbin. May also have something to do with having a high amount of control power VS craft mass. Try disabling some RCS thrusters and/or reaction wheels to slow down the turn rate. 'Course the best fix will be when Sarbian figures out why it's doing this and fixes it. I posted a test craft that always goes nuts trying to land from 71 KM but from 100 or higher it works. (It's also built as a MIRV I was trying to hit the VAB with, but wasn't able to from LKO due to the landing AP problem.)
  18. What altitude are you landing from? On which body? Does the ship have an overabundance of RCS and/or reaction wheels? From around 70KM Kerbin orbit, with ships that have a lot of control force for their mass, Landing Guidance often just goes nutzo. (I posted a craft a ways back up thread specially constructed to always trigger that problem from a 71KM orbit so Sarbian could track down what's doing it.) Try starting from a higher orbit. My test craft does the deorbit burns properly from higher altitude.
  19. Can we store a container inside a container, then put that container inside another container?
  20. Compressor stall is when the compressor is spinning too fast, trying to ram more air through the combustion chamber and turbine than they can handle. The air "packs up" and momentarily acts almost like a solid. Air stops flowing through the engine and the compressor (and turbine attached to it via the drive shaft) can spin even faster. It works quite like placing a hand over the inlet of a hair dryer. Since air has quit flowing through the engine, it "unpacks" and can flow freely again. Suddenly there's a heaping gob of air smacking into an over-revved compressor. That can slam it almost to a halt and in real jet engines can cause major damage. Compressor stall was a problem in the early years of jet engines, especially with the centrifugal compressors. Engineers had to learn how to balance the airflow so the compressor could not push too much air through. RPM never exceed limits*, intake restrictions and shaping were among the fixes for engines that had compressor stall problems. *In other words, running the engine faster doesn't make the plane go faster, it makes the plane fall out of the sky with the engine spewing pieces out the tailpipe.
  21. @TheSaint, I wonder if that might have something to do with why sometimes MJ puts a craft into a perfectly circular but off center orbit? Some of the times it's done that, I've tried to re-circularize at the desired altitude or the AN or DN and it just would not get it right. I haven't been using KSP for a while, waiting on parts for a new PC, took the Phenom II 555 CPU out of this box (to use on the new AM3 board) and replaced it with an AM2 Athlon 2 7550. The Phenom could just handle the Eve assembly in Kerbin orbit. With the Athlon 2 it's almost down to a slideshow. The new board should hopefully be able to unlock 1 or 2 more cores on the Phenom, and I have a Radeon HD 6870 to go in it.
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