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Everything posted by Galane

  1. I figured out how to put two different parts together to make a decent looking ThunderMax to Kerbodyne adapter. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80209-0-23-5-ReStock-Reloaded-for-Kerbodyne-parts
  2. ReStock Reloaded initial Kerbodyne Kompatibility release. Just resized some parts and gave the larger ones new names and descriptions, upsized nodes on some parts to 3, put together one new part to adapt ThunderMax tanks to Kerbodyne tanks and engines. Masses haven't been adjusted, only sizes and node sizes. Download ReStock from the spaceport http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-21-restock-parts/ Download ReStock Reloaded (Link? What link?) and extract into GameData\ReStock Yes, you want to overwrite all. (Click link in my signature.) I haven't done anything with tech tree. No idea what costs should be or what levels, other than the ThunderMax and Kerbodyne parts ought to be in very heavy rocketry. I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions for mass adjustments on the resized parts and tech tree info. I should also move the adapter parts PolecatEZ put into Propulsion over to Structural - if it won't break existing saves.
  3. Could mash together two adapters, scaled differently, remove redundant nodes... Several of the ReStock parts are made that way. Would end up with a 'concave' double angle having the big end shortened in height to make it intersect with the part for the smaller end without poking out the top. Can't use any of the adapters that can be looked through because the results would be pretty ugly. Time for tinkering with all those position numbers...
  4. Lots of tiny fuel lines inside the bars, with self-piercing micro connections to the tanks.
  5. Is it possible to scale different parts of the stock parts to different sizes? I need to make a ReStock ThunderMax to Kerbodyne adapter but with any of the stock tapered adapters the big end ends up too large by the time the small end is up to Kerbodyne diameter. (That's including the Kerbodyne to Rockomax adapter.) I see what dictated the diameter of the ThunderMax parts, scaling up the adapter to Rockomax so PolecatEZ just went with the diameter the big end became. I could make a 1 part subassembly conic tank as just a structural part (using Stretchy SRB or Procedural Parts) and include it with ReStock Reloaded but of course that would require having one of those mods installed. I'd like the pack to be usable in an otherwise completely stock KSP, just like the original ReStock cfg pack - and I'd rather not scale up the ThunderMax parts to ThunderMaximer (or ThunderMaximore) just because of the way the stock adapters scale up.
  6. I'd like to see a way to convert a procedural part to a "real" part with model that can be used in a game without needing Procedural Parts installed. One example. I'm updating PolecatEZ's ReStock cfg pack for Kerbodyne and tech tree compatibility, but none of the stock tapered adapters will scale up to fit right for joining the pack's ThunderMax size tanks to Kerbydyne size. When scaled up enough to for the small end to fit the Kerbodyne diameter, the big end is too large for the ThunderMax size. I made a conic structural piece with Stretchy SRB and saved it as a subassembly. I assume the same could be done with Procedural Parts and included with ReStock Reloaded, but of course that would require having PP installed. Does PP use different code than Stretchy SRB for describing parts? Here's the 1 part subassembly. ship = ThunderMax-Kerbodyne adapter version = 0.23.5 description = Adapts Kerbodyne to ThunderMax parts type = VAB PART { part = stretchyConicTank_4294615838 partName = Part pos = -8.682415,14.88491,-1.494274 rot = 0,0,0,1 attRot = 0,0,0,1 mir = 1,1,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sidx = -1 sqor = -1 attm = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } MODULE { name = StretchyConicTank isEnabled = True topFactor = 1.503499 coneShape = (0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7) stretchFactor = 0.9733335 radialFactor = 1.994498 tankType = 5 textureType = -1 textureSet = Stockalike burnTime = 60 utilization = 0.87 utilization_UIFlight { controlEnabled = True minValue = 0.5 maxValue = 1 stepIncrement = 0.01 } EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } } }
  7. Quantum struts have no flex so placing them requires some care. For example, if you have a rocket with an orange tank and four small diameter tanks around it on TT-70 decouplers, with a Rockomax adapter on top of the orange tank, then use quantum struts to brace from the tops of the small tanks up to whatever is on top of the adapter - the quantum struts can pop the upper part loose from the adapter when the rocket is loaded on the pad. KJR alleviates that some by slowing the sudden jerk as the physics engine is enabled. It's still good practice to build rockets to take thrust both directions axially. Mostly what I've used the quantum struts for on launch vehicles is to stop sway of upper stages, and if I do mount them on side boosters I also use standard struts from them to the core to hold the side boosters against putting upward pressure on the quantum struts. So far I've not had a problem using the quantum struts or strut guns to reinforce docking connections. I'm still using the original version, not the Quantum Struts Continued update. The one thing you must not do with quantum struts or strut guns is mount them on or aim them at little massless parts like the small cubic and octagonal girders that are mis-named as "struts". The ship's rotation in all axes will lock and various other odd things may happen. On a test vehicle I built, I mounted quantum struts onto the little girder cubes. When I turned on the struts, the cubes flew away but the strut projectors stayed put and I could turn them on and off.
  8. In the cfg files look for lines starting with node_stack The very last single digit number by itself in each line is the node size, which can be 0 1 2 or 3, smallest to largest. 3 is a new size and very beneficial to parts with larger than Rockomax diameter. The Kerbodyne parts use size 3 nodes.
  9. PolecatEZ has given permission for others to update his ReStock cfg pack from way back in 0.21. It all still works in 0.23.5 but lacks tech tree integration and support for the new Kerbodyne parts. I've edited the Bigger Badder bi/tri/quad couplers into Bigger Beastlier ones to plump them up to Kerbodyne size, and upsized the nodes on those and the ThunderMax parts from 2 to the new 3 size, except for where they attach to Rockomax parts, left those nodes at size 2. Increasing the node size on those large parts helps a lot, and should (possibly) keep the 9 engine mount from sliding around or falling off. There's just one more new part to add, a ThunderMax to Kerbodyne adapter. Upscaling the ThunderMax to Rockomax one results in the ThunderMax end becoming grossly enlarged - and to thoughts of a ThunderMaximer size and enbiggening the 9 engine mount to hold four Kerbodyne and five Rockomax engines... No! Must resist the temptation of power... and because I've no idea how to adjust that big mount if a simple scale up wouldn't make it fit the larger engines. But... sooo big rocket... A scale factor of 1.45, 1, 1.45 on the new Kerbodyne to Rockomax adapter has its top end exactly Kerbodyne diameter. (Kerbodynamter?) But the bottom still hangs over the edge of a ThunderMax tank. Later I'll try scaling up the other stock adapters and see how/if they'll come closer. A little bit small on the bottom will be better than sticking out over the edge. Anyone want to participate in the updating for Tech Tree integration? I figure all the Badder/Beastlier/ThunderMax parts and the lengthened Rockomax tanks and the huge Rockomax diameter SRB should go into the same node as the Kerbodyne tanks and engines. I'm not doing anything to the plane parts since there's nothing new they need to adapt to or to have adapted to them. They just need tech treed. Tweakables? Nothing much that needs tweakabled, at least not on the simple tanks and adapters. One other part that may need attention is the 5-way RCS block. For larger than Rockomax parts it's a bit anemic on thrust unless a lot of them are used, though two rings of 8 can swing a ThunderMax 64 around rather smartly. It's almost 6:00 AM here. Going to bed. Will twiddle with those adapters later and if I get a good fit will release my mods to this pack to someone to add the other things. PolecatEZ said he'd upload it to Spaceport. I want to have it all done so it can just be updated there once. Just one of the many possibilities... shot with the first part I adjusted then of course immediately stuck some tanks and engines on and launched. KerbodyneDouble by g_alan_e, on Flickr This easily made it to a 71KM orbit, with the double booster cutting off just before the coast phase. Without any RCS or reaction wheels other than in the 3 man pod, it was sluggish maneuvering to land so I just cut the upper stage loose after high deorbit burn. ReStockReloaded by g_alan_e, on Flickr Why yes, I did have a big grin on my face while launching this one. (Didn't even need any struts anywhere.) Then I realized there must be more parts. Kerbodyne sized mono tanks, batteries, an RGU, Extra Crispy Large reaction wheel, perhaps even a six Kerbal command pod. I then attempted to replace that massive Kerbodyne engine in the middle with a Skipper, necking it down with adapters above and below. That... did not go well at all. Not even with 8 quantum struts bridging across the engine. KJR held it together for a while but with it shaking violently sideways and around in a circle it was doomed. I didn't try strutting the bottom stage engines and tanks. ReStockReloaded by g_alan_e, on Flickr Stubby rocket to orbit! I didn't expect it to make it with the short tanks but these double engines are quite efficient. MechJeb backed the throttle off even more than this until getting up to thinner air. No Kerbals were killed in any of these tests.
  10. Looks like there's a new node size in .23.5 node_stack_top = 0.0,1.527248,0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 Just applying that to the ThunderMax size parts should improve stability. Edit: Yessss. Yes, it does. Adapting the adapters to Kerbodyne size was as easy as changing the scale factors from 2 to 3 and the node sizes from 2 to 3. I also changed the node sizes on both ends of the ThunderMax tanks to 3 and same for the bottom of the Rockomax adapter and the top of the 9 engine mount. New part names and descriptions and Bob Kerman's your second alien cousin twice removed. What has me stumped is enlarging just the top end of the ThunderMax to Rockomax adapter to Kerbodyne size. If I change the scale from 2,6,2 to 3,6,3 the big end also gets bigger. Oh no, not making ThunderMaximumer tanks and upscaling the 9 engine mount to hold four Kerbodyne and five Rockomax engines... I've no idea how you put that thing together, PolecatEZ. Perhaps making a cfg to adjust the size of the new Kerbodyne to Rockomax adapter? Edit 2: Close, quite close. Scale 1.45,1,1.45 puts the top end exactly at Kerbodyne size but the bottom end is a bit larger than the ThunderMax. I'll try upsizing the other stock adapters and see if any will bloat to Kerbodyne up top while coming close to but not exceeding Thunder down below. Not caring much if the adapter is a smidge small on the bottom. It's the overhang which looks silly. Getting something right sized for this is the last new part addition to integrate Kerbodyne parts with ReStock. Then there's adding tech tree info.
  11. There's an option to disable its attempt to do a safe approach so it'll dock like it used to. Then it's up to you to get on the proper side of what you're docking to.
  12. That was my intention, to add a Kerbodyne Kompatibility set to ReStock, plus fixing any node sizes that need changed (especially on that 9 engine ThunderMax adapter). Adding Tech Tree support would be a good thing. I'd put the ThunderMax, the lengthened RockoMax size tanks, the Bigger, Badder adapters, heavier nukes and those huge SRBs into the same class as the new Kerbodyne parts. Dunno where to put the spaceplane parts in the tree, aside from tech tree I don't see that any of those need any changes. But what I need to know is what to change to scale parts up to the new largest stock diameter - and how to fix the fuel drain imbalance on the top side of the triple tank held together with girders. It drains first from one end (or possibly only from one end) so fuel lines have to be used to it from tanks above, and they tend to self-disconnect on the pad - unless KSP has addressed such things since .21 I haven't flown anything using that tank since .21 but still have one in orbit on a fuel depot. The fuel feed and line issue got the station and lander built with it called the NEW series, for Nearly Everything Works. Made a successful trip to Minmus with it.
  13. ReStock, so simple, so convenient, especially the Rockomax sized bi, tri and quad couplers. It's just a small pack of cfg files that resize and rearrange some of the stock models. Its 5-way RCS blocks work great to reduce part count by reducing the number of thrusters needed, but they're underpowered for shoving around things built with the Kerbodyne tanks. But sadly, not updated in ages and nothing in it to fit the new Kerbodyne tanks and engines diameter. Here's the cfg for the Bigger, Badder, Bi-Coupler in ReStock. What changes would need made to upsize it? Possible to make a version with Rockomax size on top, Kerbodyne on the bottom? My Kerbal Krewe wants to have a quad coupler made to mount four Kerbodyne tanks and engines underneath a Rockomax based vehicle. Adapting multiple Kerbodyne to the Re-Stock ThunderMax size tanks would also be fun and educational. PART { name = couplerBiLarge module = Part author = Squad, PolecatEZ MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/stackBiCoupler/model position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 scale = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 rotation = 0.0, 0, 0 // texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model000 // texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model001 // texture = model002 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model002 } scale = 2 rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0, 0.2555655, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom1 = 0.6507622, -0.2681665, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom2 = -0.6507622, -0.2681665, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 cost = 1600 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = Bigger Badder Bi-Coupler manufacturer = AeroKerbin Bath Products Division description = The successor to the TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler is a simple method for splitting one giant Rockomax-style rocket into two - WITHOUT the disastrous consequences of doing it the normal (explosive) way. attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 stackSymmetry = 1 mass = 0.9 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 90 maxTemp = 3400 breakingForce = 970 breakingTorque = 970 fuelCrossFeed = True // keeps fuel from flowing FROM the bottom nodes (prevents stack imbalances and such) NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom } Updates needed, node size adjustments (especially to thunderBiQuatro.cfg that mounts four Rockomax and five medium size engines under a ThunderMax tank), tech tree settings, tweakables and???
  14. Check out how they test parachutes too large for wind tunnels. Lift with a helicopter to 1KM, let go and pull at 90 degrees around a pulley with a winch until it inflates then light the rocket to yank down really hard on the chute. Testing to come on the chutes and inflatables will be done at stratosphere altitude to match the density of Mars atmosphere. I bet the DR users would love the inflatable shield. It wouldn't need any buoyancy, just a drag addition.
  15. Picture 6 shows one view of it inflated. http://www.gizmag.com/inflatable-flying-saucers-spacecraft-mars/32040/pictures#6 Rocket sled inflation test video.
  16. This as an HL part would be a nice addition. http://www.gizmag.com/inflatable-flying-saucers-spacecraft-mars/32040/ Would probably work best with FAR.
  17. On Windows? Right click the MechJeb2.dll then click Properties. If it has the Unblock button on the General tab, click that. If you can unblock it, do the same for the Toolbar.dll and other dll files for other mods. Might need to unblock some of the stock KSP dll files too. If you don't get the Unblock button, open Properties on ksp.exe go to the Compatibility tab then check the "Run as an administrator" checkbox then OK. That automatically unblocks anything ksp.exe calls while its running. Some consider doing that risky or even dangerous, but we can trust the mod authors, right? Microsoft recently pushed out an update for Windows Vista, 7 and 8 that has tightened security, and caused havoc for some harmless software. When this happened on my KSP install, not only did MechJeb not work, I didn't have crew icons on the launchpad (the crew were there, I killed the orange suited trio trying to launch by individually activating engines and releasing launch clamps) and stock ships that come with the game had no stack of staging icons, but ships I built did. Module Manager didn't load either, so it couldn't patch MechJeb into all the pods. Running ksp.exe as an administrator (which is almost but not quite the Administrator account) fixed it all. Crazy thing is, this shouldn't happen with a normal User account that has administrator rights on Windows.
  18. Seems obvious to me the Kethane converters are tapping into zero point energy or perhaps dark matter to come up with the "extra" mass. In real world oil refining they get 44 gallons of product out of a 42 gallon barrel due to various solvents and other stuff added to make it easier to fractionate the crude oil. They call it "processing gain". So just call it processing gain due to the addition of a bit of handwavium and move along...
  19. You could use gas bags from Hooligan Labs on that Jool base... Read "The Clouds of Saturn" by Michael McCollum for inspiration.
  20. 7. Undocking fix for the Servo Control window. When docked and one craft has 4 parts and the other has 4, when you undock the servo window will autofit to the current craft) What happens if servo groups on 2 craft have the same name?
  21. Got a Hoth snowspeeder and an AT-AT you're wanting to wind up and take down?
  22. Yup. Got to have all blue on the ball for VTOL flight or if you want your rocket to go straight up instead of trying to fly sideways. Now if MJ could have a VTOL vertical/forward control transition function to switch which axis it uses... For example it can't fly the stock VTOL demonstrator included with KSP without adding an up pointing control module somewhere but if it could be told to use X or Y for "up" and switch all its control inputs around to match, that would be most nifty.
  23. There's a mod for that and it even handles undocked mode KAS 'sling loads' under VTOL aircraft.
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