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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Star Wars… enough with the special family bs. Ok for IV, V and VI. And sure ok seeing the origin (origin stories too but give me a moment) of Vader was ok. But uh VII-IX no. Just NO! Was ok until whats her face was suddenly a palpatine? No. Then we get the hot unwatchable garbage that is the acolyte… ok origin stories? Do we really need to see peter become spiderman EVERY new actor iteration? Or batman iteration? If we MUST have it then we really dont need 2/3 of the movie for it… we wanna see spiderman websling or batman beat up gotham thugs not watch either of them be awkward for half or more of that actors first swing at it. Yup pun intended! Sheesh 061807022024
  2. Calling 911 because tradition is important 054007022024 new page!!
  3. You get extreme detail prudence. i wish to not be on earth its bugged, its broken. 053807022024
  4. I ban you for forcing extremism from people 053707022024
  5. I ban you under the plain as written language of the rules. 051507022024
  6. Banned in a monochrome way. Banned in a monotone way. 050107022024
  7. Doing a cross country flight in msfs on the pmdg777-300er. Ive been a simmer for nigh on 30+ years and a licensed rc pilot since the late 1990’s and I am very proficient with the PMDG 737-700/800 series aircraft. But tonight? 90 minutes into a near 5 hour flight LA to JFK? The complexity and realism in this aircraft (it functions to 99% the EXACT SAME ((fuses not functional and some systems to come down the road)) as its real would counterpart) just absolutely HUMBLED me over something mind blowingly SIMPLE! A simple input error in my CDU … this thing and that exact page in the stupid thing too lol. left side: RESERVES 10.0 This page sent me into a panic. All because I borked THAT SINGLE ENTRY!!! In mine I had my reserves set way way too high. I uplifted about 98,000 pounds into my tanks. Im expected to burn about 79,000 pounds leaving me about 19,000 pounds in reserve. I screwed my entry up by having my reserves fractionally too high at 60. I didnt notice my glitch until: count right 3 screens from image left (ignore the little one that looks like screen 1 on left, its a back up, just count the larger screens) and take note (btw not my image but same issue i was having) that amber warning message. I spent a solid 100nm chasing numbers from 1 screen, 1 page to another across my CDU, my flight plan and my phone. Then after adding in fuel via a menu on the cdu to deleting fuel the same way I broke and googled it. Im an idiot that got rushed and made an error. On a real flight my FO would have caught it before push back. I need my reserves to equal at least what my flight plan says i should have after expected flight and taxi burns consume whats uplifted to be equal or greater than what id require for diversion after reaching the target airport. Namely that 19,000 pounds needs to be able to get me to Philadelphia with fuel left over should JFK become unsuitable or for any inflight emergency. My error panicked me. Then after reading the reports of others and real would pilots i checked my perf init and redid my math to see that yup im a derpy dope. Preflights and double checks and your checklist will save you! Remember: "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” I rushed. I screwed up. Now you get to both laugh at my error and learn from it. Apply it to everything! 044707022024
  8. I guess mobile is as mobile does as long as it doesnt freak out and bad gateway lol 235307012024
  9. @Vanamonde ive not seen much in the way of bad gateways in the last 2 or so days but the blue box ? avatars keep popping up on mobile but ive no idea why they happen but besides making it hard to know on the fly who has posted w/out looking closely its mostly just visually inconvenient. 222907012024 new page
  10. do any of the mods miss the time and seeming stability of the vbulletin days? I kinda do myself as I honestly <the great purge not withstanding> do not recall seeing nearly as many connection issues with the forums back in those days with like the 502 bad gateway issues or the odd blue box ? forum avatars that I see now more often than not. Is it just me that misses those days? 204507012024
  11. Banned for not popping them! 183607012024
  12. I ban you back to your seat with your seatbelt ON! Youre on my flight from JFK to Miami in my 777-300er and i cant avoid this thunderstorm just 35nm ahead. (Look at the current weather just off the US East Coast near Virginia, huge storms and its to tall and wide to avoid at 38000. Its upwards of 45000 and im too heavy to climb but my MAX FL is 43000… so buckle up!) 024707012024
  13. Singapore 063706302024 new page
  14. uh lets see @kerbiloid is next? 063606302024
  15. Behavior information thought emotion ban 053206302024
  16. Well well well. Once again tradition demands a champion. I AM that champion. In the name of new pages I ban thee! 050806302024 new page man new page!
  17. Ban because it feels so good 050006302024
  18. Banned for thinking i consume that. 033806302024
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