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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Fun Fact: sometime i resist to play the games i like the most because i have an exact idea of the time i will spent on them whenever i re-launch them xDr
  2. *off topic on* colony and frog merchant (& etc. & etc.) don't bother with most server griefer go solo or with some friends, it just add a few more depht and alternate gameplay path regarding this annoyin' nowdays thingy got to check all that now ... *sick* ... AnOtHeR very heavy time sinker in sight ... to delay or not to delay that is the question caus' each time i play this one it's like KSP 'sigh' endless hours of enjoyment 100,1 % guaranted (this is a personnal statement btw) xDr *off topic off*
  3. this too http://playstarbound.com/stable-pleased-giraffe-is-here/ ... how much bunch of hundredsss hoursss will i sink in this once again xDr nnnnoooooooo
  4. Drop ship drop ship ; ) on y arrive doucement mais surement patience ; ) *LLL inside keke part* xDr
  5. Mobile also dislike flash and prefer html5
  6. bah ... y'a toujours moyen de rusé en incluant des docking port junior (ou autre, multiple attach aussi pour stabiliser c mieux, dans le design du rover et dans le service bay, c'est d'autant plus facile maintenant que les offset et rotat tools son integrer stock d'ailleurs, avant ct un peu misère pour arriver au même resultat ; ) )
  7. nope gogoZorn ; ) or Maxzerg not sure ; )
  8. Coolness inside, actually you can always use the cavemen way to build a garage close to sph ; )
  9. Liquids sub title and tiles ,''')
  10. http://crawleyhorticulturalsociety.org.uk/resources/NPK%20Picture.gif?timestamp=1251291868453 n p k n p k n p k xDr ( & poêt poêt, co², water & etc.) The question could be: where to found thooses 3 mineral & co² with different ratio on different celestial bodies within the sytem with the http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/%27Drill-O-Matic%27_Mining_Excavator (some intake and some converter also, why not <=> jool and or atmo bodies) and why send more this than that when going here and not there ; )
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeuK8YePo-M ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. yup this ; also why send from kerbin to somewhere something you can find once you're there ? so a few values to adjust to give the ability to take profit/advantages or not of the crew location.
  13. Asking "what make you facepalm", would be easier to ask what making you not ...
  14. "what' about the complex server side calcul ?" (get it' ? xDr & collector's)
  15. may be it's better to 'work on/think about' some kind of this wysiwig but kerbal alike at some point (bis) http://store.steampowered.com/app/372590 typically the kind of thing that could serve KSP at is best regarding the planets system @ medium+/long term ... (& apply in this thread as well http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132118-A-thought-on-planets)
  16. Addendum and clarification: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluid_mechanics partsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss liquids (not restrictive to water), gaz and related science & contracts (jool,eve, laythe, {pluto & sputnik planum & tralala etc.} & etc. ...) thoose kind of parts must flow (even without spice or space) sooner or later imho
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