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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. my bad then ; ) usally not the kind of thing i do not notice at first sal ; )
  2. yup the streaming phenomenon the last 2 decade ; ) how strange is the best i can say about it without ending with a wall of text thesis about it ; ) @xseven
  3. infraction yellow post badge under post ? new functionnality ? (nice if it's the case else i never noticed it before ; )
  4. yup i especially like this one ; ) our body is nothing more than a big factory with lot of tiny specialized worker in we hardly can communicate directly with, but a way or another smaller and bigger all comunicate each other.
  5. reason\because ; ) you cheater you just lied ; )
  6. matter is less that it's correct or not than the socio cultural results and the history evolution within and correlation observed locally since cavern painting (danse movement, speech tone, socio models etc. etc. significative far more that it may appear at first)
  7. fun: audience usually identify itself to one or a few caracters within a story = ( x D fact: story writer usually simply identify to it's audience r
  8. yup yup ; ) just pointed how much language and cultural ditch could be annoying ; ) no offense intended at all ; )
  9. i was more on the counter process in fact like almost all being we know ... time counter end then (pfffft) ... also thinking that our period of observation rescaled is pretty short to have a clear idea of the concept ... so on i m just saying like if a photon has it's own dna, as we're unable to read our own dna i won't be surprised we're unable to read a photon dna yet ... that's more or less the idea
  10. if any of thoose kind of plane is hunappy with the accuracy of the measurement provided prior to renovation for the safety of one of there landing area around the world fill free to tell me, else it's not like i really pay attention to the reputation of any of there passengers ; ) just sayin' so on i m allowed to say this. "you, go away and let me rest in peace" if i want too ; ) ++ i guess all thoose planes owner exactly know where to found me if they are hunappy with the work done ; ) three year in psychatric hospital, 20 year under "strange ..." molecule medication ... yup guys & gal ... that the kind of not insane people that do this kind of job ... Nfun isn't it ?
  11. yup "time" may be one of the only word in any dictionnary that isn't defined using a contrast process ... a bit old somehow ...
  12. yep i really like to see the universe like a living molecule slowly floating in space and photon like small living thing too. it does the tricks pretty well and sound logic and not against any known science law right ; maths specialist ? (yup nfun but if photon has smaller thing inside them we can't measure yet ? including some sort of life span related process thing ? ) just asking now i use to be rudimentary at "math" i prefer "feeling" approach much more wich is strange because in shcool i was pretty good in science and always given back white sheet in philosophy even at final exam before university ... just to give you an example without assiting to lesson and "playing magic the gathering all day" and not working the evening at home i got 18/20 on the first exam "matteer science" in university then i stopped and done something else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ... regarding that i could also say that i consider that having facilities easyness to understand "some" thing without the need of any effort isn't especially helpful in daily life 30 years later but hey you know it's not really like it's the kind of thing you can choose at the beggining wich is also equal that when not much thing can challenge you you tend to be bored easily seeking challenging thing also
  13. sinusoïdalisim it is ; ) line alike impact close to bottom right ? ; )
  14. granted they told you this "in this alphabetical time stamp it kinda mean that w is cerberus the 3 head dog guardian that protect the genome before x and y end in z before the next alpha cycle" knowing that make you instantly a dead immortals someday with unstoppable headache. i wish for something else wich is exactly the same anyway as there no turning back in this process.
  15. what if a photon "fade"/"vanish" at some point for some reason ? ... just a though (beside the fact it could prevent to see the next closest "universe" as we know it ? primitive soup / atom and molecule more or less related metaphorically)
  16. i ll bring that and scale it to the next stop.
  17. Name: Dyogen Kerman Quote: "Space is so bright outside this small ship"
  18. Your someone different can't expect a better friend to learn and share things and make the world and space better ; )
  19. fun fact: hypocrate & hypocrite(s) who believe they can darwin in the end ; )
  20. and why not the "spaceport thursday" as an hommage to some hard days now forgotten and not to reproduce ?
  21. bingo : ) 1944 speaking for fr as i m there but mostly the same everywhere 1 tv channel then 3 tv channel then 6 then 15, then 2000, then internet (apply the same statement too as much domain as you want regarding the last 115 years // the 50 000 before) i do believe there is a huge rift in the amount of info nowdays (and tommorrow ...) generation are able to manage due to media/tech/whatever expense ... it could end both well or very bad depending of "parents" that want to control too much than they can effictevly do and that tend to understimate the effect of this rising ratio of stimuli upon neuronal scheme ; ) (for some at least)
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