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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. bah you just need to fold that painted scene soup ... ; )
  2. Next round may be ; ) Spartwo because this is Sparta ; )
  3. With Nanook of the South. What if up side down has no rights that left top bottom of a glory ore gain ?
  4. On a side note: "Modelling of the gas expansion produced by local heat sources in a closed volume" 1987 ... sometime i feel that our childrens atmosphere could miss some gravity delicate equilbrium at a certain height ... all thing considered relatively to long period of time and traffic density rising more or less slowly but most certainly surely over that long period of time. But after all why not ... no need to care about that kind of things ; ). hehe Kuu : ) : ) : ), i only use 1906 tech ,after all it's only a century ago and things haven't changed that much since ; )
  5. It might desserve a reward sure xDr... Sure things is, a mod community point is not to prevent the game core to evolve and get polished, neither to unallow squad to implement things because a modder already worked on it and that it fit to the game and they didn't get enough time before to work and/or consider it specifically ... I really feel like licensing around modding sometime is just really silly and suffocating for the game itself, in some certain "case" i mean ... ... ... Also yup there a tons of things on the crazy to do board like for exemples ... . in 2015 may be ... in 2500 may be not ... just get used to it or reproduce the same mistakes again and again ; ) because nahhh traffic density quickly rising in 50 years !!! it never happen before it's just a urban legend not to car' a boot ... ; )
  6. Regarding as low cost as possible designs and short money hard career begins kind of challenging approach it could be sort of some kind of concern. (Speaking less of ecology e.e. more or less sidely related things). http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118777-Master-Thread-Parachutes 2cp. may be not a major downside but could probably be enhanced and balanced a little bit more than actually (eventually with a workaround tricky script or alike wich is always better than decoupled stages crashing almost 90% of time systematically, especially during launch/landing phase of a single vessel when they shouldn't imho, far away orbit vessel not focused is another matter but current vessel decoupled parts ...).
  7. Yup. Sadly this vid is pretty short but it's not that hard to find a few others full reports of thoose long run researchs and expedition(s) wich are kinda great and interesting.
  8. Just starting to Test drill for the first time and quietly finishing to unlock the few tech tree nodes i still miss in career. Temporary test craft in the idea to have a mobile refuelling facility over kerbin. Currently miss some air intake, and power source and also need to set a docking standard with my other craft for refuelling.
  9. Mostly the same, currently testing and gettin' used to all the 1.xx new stuff. Following closely the mods repositery as i m planning to add a few soon (mostly a life support, and antennas gps network cover & transmission things as two first prio in my mods list). I just tend to use the revert like if it was computer engineering tests and simulations before launching craft production when designing and adjusting a craft for the first time. (kinda emulating that way what most real vehicule industries do nowdays)
  10. I sadly missed to hire: Barman Kerman Male Pilot (forgot the stats and no longer in the hire list now, i just hope he pop again so i could rush hire him this time ; )
  11. hehe all thoose posts are a lot of fun for sure ; ) but i kinda like that one for some reason ; ) edit, a few idea ... : ; ) (i control the new aero i control the kerbinverse) & (the new aero must flow) ( i don't always ride a turtle but when i do it's full throttle ) (I don't always fly full throttle, but when i do it's always with a service bay full of turtle to shell (work also even slighty better)) etc....
  12. MACS1149-JD isn't that far at all. ... question(s) ? EDIT: btw if not by pass bypass may be "by past" could fit better to this sentence ... just a "quick" though anyway.
  13. (partially of topics mode on) just like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Foire_aux_immortels (partially of topics mode off) *** ' "To The Stars" but still thinking ahead for a little while right now, not for long probably and for sure ; ) '
  14. sometime things get's updated that's what's great about meta search algorythm ; ) but shhhh don't tell (the partially full empty story you might look like an ever son of someone ; ) ) ; )
  15. (Couldn't agree more, and wish i could help more and h'ea'ven :/// ) Resident
  16. i believe before ; i was, and it was, born and even after ; isn't everyone case ? ( ; ) (more down to earth around .18 drmly' thanks to:
  17. is this thread dead ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Peeken/arab/tagalog/chineese(trad)/latin/somali/russe/yiddish/esperanto/en Dahab sooffa Wikipedia, a free Ha Dahab sooffa Sooffa Dahab January 16 2007.png Sacked January 16, 2007 Kim dhvmaalaysiga cow dhashay Laurens November 11, 1951 Lake City, United States Geereyooto December 19, 2009 (58 Sonos Yao) Murray, Utah, United States Mvuaadineynta mareykanka Kaan oo ku megasavant Vaalidka (s) membranes dhvmaalaysiga kvintus Tani roaring Americans want to the importance daadeyaan kalanka - 劳伦斯金皮克 (23 דעצעמבער 2009 November 11, 1951). Wax The Yeary "megasavant" [1] [2] [3] sidaas Wine ayaa xusvsteyda Ah, laakeyn sidoli cabbage vaxay kordhisaa dhibaatooyinka shakada bulshada, la'aanta Ah Ya-kaad in a position dhasho maskaxda. Haddye OOD jeklaan COF J. koraaga For NAT az each A 雷蒙巴æ¯â€Ã§â€°Â¹ Dustin Hoffman roobka pass. obivatel Cala sofa, autism, bvga in syndrome Ha. [ie San afartan] Contents [karinaysaan] 1 nolosha hair 2 roobka a burning 3 baaritaan silmeyaysan 4 Cu dhintay Dream 6 tixraasyada 7 terenuthis 8 left dibadda Early life [prevent] Top Cow dhashay gudubno, City [6] Maddux size [5] mozolistogo gulkroppshormon called Maus ž and Ä OC yahaia khasaaraha mid Ah horumarinta [7] Tara oo dareemayaasha fidina to xidhmo oo ku xidha lab Boat with Ah maskaxda wax can Machen. Savirkaan Ah, Chris halkaas oo siligo Sarah wax can fadilnaa xidhmaan lumay. [5] wax ã sidaas annum, Max yeelay, wax following issue mozolistogo jirka of ICU dhexmarayay in unugyadan dareemayaasha, taasoo keentay in Dhexe, MGA SAR Good ahaan, avoodda ICU xirnaanta xasvsta. [8] [9] CISA J. Hall nut 'is frÃ¥n (Francis), wax avood Dear haddye Eisen fixing ah oo can alaab Dad 16-20 bilood. BV, OA won the xajin to dhigu quo to yeellay korkoodey J. xadhig where charm ilamine nolosha farshaxanka, you drive tilmaamayaan in aanay to akhriso. OO Marquis Inti abbaaraha saakaddey ah oo can with Ah taareykhda J. throne Good tin with Ah ahaan Shea wanna native avoodaan Men dedejeyo xusvsta in Chennai ogeyseysyada EI kitaabkan Badan oo jukraafiga, coolant, music, MGA xilleyada The saviro Kara. Core BV in eegay, AA vuxue Accueil inv indhiheysa, eegay MIDI is bidix indhaha, bidix work works. CISA cow CAD kodobka position daabakay gooyay xilleyadv hair and wax ã II sheegay in Van xusvsan kitaabkey oo can with Ah etc. noosyada yaraana 12000. [6] cow Noor Murray, Utah, home dhvmaalaysiga kaato akhris Badan oo Whacked is farshaxanka Kalina Badan oo can with Ah harratsh karvada library. [10] You OOD in sokdaan Sidi mechanism VA laayeen oo can with Ha 4 Holy jirka Ah, namely Men istikmaalay halkyo. [8] badhamada II maaleyada, vaxaan cow daalay oo can with Ah xirfadaha dhakdhakaaka kaadiga Ah Ma nokon Cara Cove sofa, malatshi Max yeelay Maus ž and Ä OC Ah, wax ã War II sheegay in kaadaysteen the importance ICU dubaridka havlaha ololaha player. Imtixaanka Moon dhibkood gudahood in yeedhaan selseliska Good ahaan (87) have a nut 'Ah. [11] 6 ammaanay Wada hadalka to CAC daryeelka J. xavaaraha lobotomy to'alaj. "Marquis tea Sue Gail seyaarta, taasoo in dhaxaysa dad 7 ayaa logo ereyi for" class "karayaan todobi dakeyko to [12] Ka Dib Nutty Ah, ayaa bookday guriga toddobaadkey lab izdeva û Chat st, 45 saakadood makalin Mad 14 San Ha hogaameyaha annum SE ogaan is dhamaystirka manhajka dugsiga [12]. 18 San Gere, vaxay ISA sue bixeyey mushaharka means shukvlkeysa in sameeyaan dhovr saakadood oo Calia in 160 to Badan oo Loo baahan yahaia YY shakada xisaabeyaha. Laakeyn the importance ahayd toban sauna can Dib, Shack la'aanta, brand vuxue to taagay shakaalaha xisaabeedka komputerka you drive in the fuleyaan fikrad vaktiga II bedelay lab then called computer. [12] Human roots [prevent] 1984 oo kulmay II tower Screenwriter Barry morrov room nut 'EI Arlington, Texas. Arrimaha 1988 people roobka film shirarka. 雷蒙德巴æ¯â€Ã§â€°Â¹ head vaxeyga Pike, inkasta oo logo faafeyay autism. Vaxay dhakdaa in Dustin Hoffman, kaasoo the xajinaia M é Brit dabeysiga Ah, Pike, ie deebaajiga in sameeyo is faham habboon J. seyaarta you OOD in ogaato. Doys Sue kexeeyo in kodseyada aamin jeyfay cow can with Ah noosyada Qatar can with Ha, and kvuaas oo in sameeyaan valaxda E. Core cow xusan goal leeyahay in lakes. Joe Cia bidhaamaysa mustakbalkeysa, Oscar go'aansadeen the importance dilaan ISA, kulankeysey etc. horeysay tan kajeyb Ha. Fairy South "Oscar J. image Kaan Ah." Ha [13] ayaa AIDS Bodden is sidoli cabbage nolosha. Martin helped toddobaadkan, dhvmaalaysiga Magdalene xerteysey Ah gravity mvjinaysa wax ã COF Cast Home looxyada vargeysyada vaaveyn EI website jadvalka in sheegay. TV mvkataa the importance indhokuhaynta. dhvmaalaysiga logo helay aabbiheys falimiheysey Badan oo daryeel in Pasta wanna means Adam tahay is vaxkabadka to the engine. [8] Sayniska dvlaan [prevent] Sanadkey 2004 years, saynisyahano y Space Center fissyal bayoinformatix and his NASA Ames Research Center Baar MGA dhvmaalaysiga galaja taxane ah oo baaritaan, oo ku jiraan au Bureau xisaabeyaa means spectrometry. Hadafkayagu wanna in abvro maskaxda you bvxda in horumarsan eyheyn saddex aragtida geesood Y 1988 dejinta Ah, Ah Ma baaritaan dheeraad farsamooyinka invasive native is vandal dhigaan Hakka tijaabo tayo Kim MRT kuntada fursad exclusion horreeia. [14] Daraasad the sameeyay sanadkey 2008 in jaleekada Oh, and the joogey syndrome, Lala koromosoomyada 10, taasoo keenaysa kvryaannimo jirka, AIDS flight (muruka R. yahaia) syndrome Diff Hidden, size Maddox (Maddox you-a-kaad in vaaveyn). [5] Dhimashada [prevent] Top December 19, 2009 E. vadno dhintay in Gurit W, 58-Gier San Ha [10], [13] aabbaha FREN, April 5, 2014 a branch cow dhintay, 88 [15] Koyska [prevent] "In Lao boys maskaxda kajeyb Ah," a documentary by BBC Shakaalaha, filimada is dokumantaaryada Discovery Within a burning roobka, Movie Discovery documentary Ha All OOD in baahan tahay in ogaado - filimada maskaxda Discovery mvjinaia Masheynka aadanaha documentary Discovery Discovery Health Channel Medical kajeyb documentary Ha Mark Dhaka dhabta Ah, isagoo abvrtay ammaanka hair, November 26, 2006 Rumayso s rumaysan the repetition! CNN vareysi Richard Quest Feyrsashada wax Sue saarka Tunney. "Roobku DHA Jenin Ah." Beautiful. 2006-07 xilli seyaareedkan. RTL Group. Exactly. Archive e asalka March 1, 2006. Jenin paint Scientific issledovatelskij channels addvnka Afanasij short xafladda furitaanka hadlay ururka vaxyaalaha cow saabsan aabbiheys, Kim Jong Il to. [16] Guddoomeye cow Oxford Souza 60 dakeyko Hanad forces Nut az each A MGA documentaries national Geography Channels Dumas, "hanad" waxes, marquis etc. horeysay channel vaxbarashada gaarka ah maalinta Bissau J. on November 7, 2008 Safarka fair-ku fikiray inv maskaxda, vararka guddiga kolourfyeld dhigay 2006 makaameysha jarmalka Research of human roobka riktigt (human roobku wanna Runt Ha), in dadveynaha MGA Radio Sweden (TV -4) TV, oo w hoggaaminayo afarta varaakaha Y July 6, 2006 Michael kaabka 4 [Edit] In bood! "" Human roobku "Padua baahsanaanta Ah." Tavernello Star Tribune. Farkiga March 14 kakabashada July 21, 2003 to mvkday 2009 megasavant Melo Cala sofa amid Ah oo ku saabsan akoonta Sue selinta Y means varkad dhvmaalaysiga 14-15, AIDS II aabbiheys FREN is nakayb. In bood, "the gene up-megasavant." York Daily Record. November 4 bauxite July 21, 2009 1994 Gene Pike megasavant badbaadi Wax Badan oo ku saabsan it mavdvsyo. Wax ã II leeyahay dhaavaka Sue Gaara maskaxda Ah can Hair Into W Ku dhashay, laakeyn MA dhakdooyinka autism. In bood "NASA jeedinta silky maskaxda Wine jaleekada." US maanti. Reporter ASSA Å¡ l é jted pressure. Bauxite 2004 21 July 2009 53 sauna, room nut 'vaanan and yeedhay "korkeysa XETRA annum," wanna sababta oo ah RVK is jilayaal to taareykhda March cabbage, 15, jukraafiga, isboortiga, mvsikada, xilleyo resources, ie lambarka. Walking ivtpojaey (December 26, 2009). "Gene Pike, vaxeyga Ah" person roobka "branch etc. dad 58." The New York Times. Ujrooreynka January 8, 2010. * Go to: ABC JM opitz, J. Smith, Santoro 50 (September 2008 years). "Syndrome vaxay in joogey ((305) 450 Internet Mendel dhaxalka koraalka): veeraryahanka ilamine 2008 eegto" Advanced Pediatrics 55 (1): 123-70. Doi: 10.1016 / j.yapd .2008.07.014. PMID 19048730 * Bood AB, sidaas oo kale "Gene Pike, MA Jenin're ö k sayniska, kvuaas oo the annum with vaxyooday oo in person roobka filimka" marxalad. November-December 2009, 23 23 2009. Follow * "person dhabta roobka" wax strips are saarka J. dokumentiga, aavadood oo ah Uhuru YY firfirkoon England, Belgium 0.2006. * In bood: ABC syndrome Ha scientist called Caliber ayoka (File February 6, 2007), Wisconsin Medical Association. Go Gene Pike - Jenin oo roots dhabta Ha. Wisconsin Medical Association. * In bood B. stefenson, Katie. "Gene Pike, kvuaas oo dheyri Murray human" person roobka "dhintay," taleyaha taangiga. December 22, 2009. Go, Darold treffers, A. M. Christensen called "ninkey xigmad the house hay." Sayniska American. December 23, 2009. * Go to: ABC Jones, David (December 27, 2009 years). "Human roobka, Dustin Hoffman, faa'eydo Ah maalinta toddobaad for Dib Marquis position eedeeyay dhimashada aabbiheys wanna kajeyb." Daily Mail ayaa. Ujrooreynka May 3, 2015 to. * In bood V. Weber, Bruce. "Gene Pike, vaxeyga Ah" person roobka "58, you dhinto II." The New York Times. December 27, 2009. In bood person roobka "ASSA Å¡ l é jted print / Space.com, 8 نوÙÂمبر, 2004" maskaxda in silky NASA. " Switch https://www.wisconsinmedicalsociety.org/professional/savant-syndrome/profiles-and-videos/profiles/kim-peek-the-real-rain-man/ * * Shorter dhika to raaxo video Ha Read dheeraad Ha [prevent] Treffers, Darold A. Christensen, Daniel W "e kalbiga which kakliga Le". Sayniska American. August 2005 (wanna lieu baahan yahaia). "Silmiga maskaxda NASA." "Space.com. ASSA Å¡ l é jted Press November roobka human 8.2004. Wax any ogaan, Frank (1996). Building roobka person: Gene Pike. Salt lejk-: Hardness. ISBN 0-9651163-0-1. Text Wisconsin wanna kayb can with Ah kaafimaadka bulshada MGA Darold A. treffers, 1500, "Jean primarily - seyaari roots dhabta Ah" EI shakada [Edit]
  18. I once have a talk with mua-dib and leto('au(x)) and they suggested this nick to w²+1 krakenly and vernesinshly ink everyone['s] ; )
  19. but, but; what about the aware guy ? (hihi) {oh yeah chuck is in this one too xDr}
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