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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. Don't be so pad'a'won you'll end bored like hell.
  2. May "the camping the sub forum" be with you vaporo xD & wink@papi&manymanymore
  3. Finnally a meeting within i not missed something.
  4. "Let's start "thinking ahead" about self (e)S-team and 300's xp." - Selfy Pathkeeper 1989-1990 - everquest
  5. star war (that's an (un)expected mix result) shrug, yawn or bored with **
  6. By having a fairy tail talk with them samy. How to scooby doo ?
  7. I build some bridges that land to all thoose high lands hills like some tiny teeth bits. My "Presqu'île".
  8. Yup this + we tend to throw more expectation in mod by advance (apply to ksp too, remember thoose so nice drama days ...so pretty the same), than prefab wich could tend to slow the rep attribution process due to the fear of deception from said mod. Hello, light green people .
  9. 2011 yick , anyway :hailprobe:
  10. unratable/meaningless */worship mode on* (Sig 3 post before)
  11. A friend who rely on really wanting an atom.
  12. "troll" became totally meaningless nowdays, at the early internet beggining it was meaning something, but now ... everyone is childish on some aspect, on some point, on some whatever, mostly what make us human and complementary where each of us have some lack.
  13. Banned because i m just passing by + i haven't banned anyone since a long time. Bad luck and sorry
  14. A single hydrogen atom and his friend.
  15. Under may Over sometime it's almost the same.
  16. nit/neat beware of the star beyond
  17. Let me ask Noe© ... short answer ... none ... long answer ... all ... sum up ... what was the question exactly ?
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