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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''
this evening my mom invited to the a theatre show ... what did i see ... well a nice show but it was kinda like watching tv 50 years ago (nice show for the elder other hand) (( ))... slighty outdated show, still nice for the elder at night, while the theatre produce show for the kids on the afternoon, most theatre do anyway, still they aimed the right adds media and the the theatre was was full, still they should play the "precieuse ridicule" soon, because investor oh ... you know investor and there pet around ... can't even drink a nice glass after leaving the show while waiting for mom without being anoyed by the said pet .... welcome to vr / htc / occulus gen #yawn
not to add thas us/we in chinneese is women ^^ /freetaunt @gender mode on/off +linguistig genalogia & settuppokate (this is where as a lite communicant autist i "laugh" a lot at IT.)
poet poet ^^ that's a wink just a wink ^^ @Badie
gtg & brb ^^
i have a stupid theory: they did it but made a false video because cold war and nananananere you russia you know we made it, but we won't share with you the data nananananere stupid well but in the cold war context (and a few others task repart worldwide afterward it's been done, related thing*) it's not ++ whocare now, the moon well meteorite hole after meteorite hole and dust, there nothing to see interesting there aside if you dig deep in // ocean moon cycle and women cycle // ocean // ... grab a telescope and you ll get fixed fast about the moon ... ++&++ story telling applied to politics the polemic used to be handy the past years here or there or elsewhere
there also one thing to keep in mind nowdays regarding necro, and forum dynamics, (seel also whole internet backbones dynamics and amount of information) post get sunk and eventually reappear, it's like baby en elder somehow, sometime it's better to let the thing sink into the forum all by themselve, they may reappear and get bump at some point or not, but this is like teaching slowly thing to a baby (hoping we're teaching the baby the right thing and not error from the past we not assimilated ownself, mostly about that)
oh well xDr :3 :3 :3 souvenir souvenir true true
i use this cheat excrements sheet: al am doulila ah l'ame doux lilas (((lit la) work as well in twice more way)) all am doom l'hill ah ! [insert eventually hill phonetics disambiguation) this weird linguistic mess hill no one remind whose baby lone it be long and where i sometime personnaly not sure wich languages i m phonetically speaking
you best friend and spiritual mentor is kim peek (rip bro')
do it let eventually the kid very later harvest something or not, if you don't try you ll never know ^^ [censored] because that being said i love cookies]
nope nope ; ) that guy who rarely post anywhere but here ^^ because @NOT A ILLUMINATI SPY next
nope but this gonna be fun // link a lot @RizzoTheRat
30 year ago your parents saying: would you please stop with this gameboy would you please stop with this gameboy would you please stop with this gameboy would you please stop with this gameboy and years later as someone who extremly rarely have it's cell phone charged while paying the monthly bill for it saying to your parent would you please stop with you cell phone would you please stop with you cell phone would you please stop with you cell phone would you please stop with you cell phone oh oh oh so much irony ^^ edit: wich bring us here:
to whoever read this:  you ll get a hug
meanwhile never seen that caracter before 西, still i translate it that way, death is never far in the house .... now i m checking google: chinnees 西 occidental ; occi dant all (wich is a mix of shakspear and moliere) jap ; west ... far but never that much ... extra "n" edit:
all you need is more maxx zorn duct tape, also don't click that
well this a google query time stamp dynamic draw NOT but XOr still mosaic to answer: "do this person really ask me about disminushing returns and bode fall" (( <= this is not the query in itself mostly due to i was msg with gg translation thread))
cook is made by cooker mail cock her to haim
i ll add him to my list of whenever if whenever "life is strange like marvel", i might grab a sit with him away from everithing in a natural park, watch the green ray and listen to bird and wind in the tree sharing a drink and a cereal bar with the bears around ^^
who 'still' care about the mün time to land middle of a "kraken" black hole ^^ gonna be fun they said ^^ wow it sound like a long trip, plane it wisely ^^ insert celerity here + @random star far far away decay woohohohoh doh a do nuts
oi : ) around cha o coffee ? @Sturmgeschutz
whut you use a flag ? argggggggggggggggggggggggg ^^ my current avatar is the ways i enjoy ksp