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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. yup ... § there a/some "little" decals on a few layers imo ... hoping they realize the need to feel the gap at some point // ea market, titles update rate & and all @voice reco @more touchpad in// a// a bit tedious cell phone @sendlog and etc ... & etc ...
  2. nope he's just already on a few other planets than earth ^^ that's why
  3. https://www.google.com/maps/@40.9580239,100.2920915,308m/data=!3m1!1e3 https://www.google.com/maps/@30.4009409,130.9774385,154m/data=!3m1!1e3 https://www.google.com/maps/@-2.317523,-44.3677244,307m/data=!3m1!1e3 https://www.google.com/maps/@28.6281467,-80.6204619,154m/data=!3m1!1e3 https://www.google.com/maps/@5.2396199,-52.7681503,308m/data=!3m1!1e3 https://www.google.com/maps/@45.9962344,63.5640335,342m/data=!3m1!1e3 and many many more ^^ i was about to say something but i did this instead ^^
  4. sure its also gonna may be a http://www.fontpalace.com/font-download/Trebuchet+MS/ day i wish @Felsmak (From a school assignment. No way I'll type those accent signs more than once!) to explain this s l o w l y v e r y v e r y s l o w l y
  5. we need uber as a sponsor stickers on every world space agencies rockets
  6. no wut no wut & no wut ^^^oohhhhh srrrlyyy ...
  7. just curious what everyone think of the market and platform since console joined the network (let's say ps2 or xbox1) market and update stuff + early access + etc. - do they offer enough typing help actually to share concept and idea - are they dumbing down the user by the lack of keyboard or or proper typing helper wich make sharing some sepcific kind of info a bit tedious i personnally tend to think console are not really in osmosis with the network aspect regarding that ... kinda a bit too much dumbly merchantile & play don't think on a few layers ... wich is bit counter productive regarding the current nowdays gaming market and interenet overall i ll be curious to read other feeling about that, not especially ksp related but more in general overall gaming market related UTF-8#q=ergonomics+layers+%26+various+kind+of+data+sharing https://books.google.fr/books?id=v8LrAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA652&lpg=PA652 . . .
  8. sure you fall with them in a sulfurique pit with a tree fern promptly i wish, hhhummm ... should i even make a wish ... oh well let's do that
  9. nope, but not far @sleepcentermd next ^^
  10. google was browsing the net, then someone decided to eat google cookies ^^ some really got some weird idea if you ask me ^^ indigestion detected ^^
  11. when you never get the luck to play SFii'' & tekken 1 &etc. etc. here 秋葉原, not that it wouldn't have been fun ... in fact don't ask ^^
  12. disclaimer: not for young audience :3 :3 :3 hahahahahahahah :3 :3 :3 but not for young audience but still gonna follow this one
  13. on the other hand or forum entry this week chalenge is about spice so why not folding thread and ressource on various place that require low delta-v while finding somehting better ^^
  14. some will leave some will stay, sound fairly simple to me, and imho leaving without as much diversity as possible is counter darwin and a dead end. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=dna+macro+fragment+assimilation+and+post+processing+over+generations just my lite autistic view & 2cp around the topic
  15. yup yup (& seel also near tabuk a bit sout west), just a rough estimation on sight , but the superficie covered seem approximately equal or not far to "rhode island" state superficie in the US thoose kind of installation and related set up in the desert are pretty interesting observed from google earth, and eventually once spotted search for the related tech documents (koweit as well seem to have some interesting terraformed area, and sure thing Nil, borders and delta are freakin' impressive when observed from mid zoom)
  16. well, send me there xDr also forgive *.jpeg irony, but well, why not after all at some point along the way could be handy // earth "energy stock"
  17. there this also , without canal, for exemple : (pretty impressive area terraformed middle of nowhere) https://www.google.com/maps/@30.1388792,38.3729501,140633m/data=!3m1!1e3 there also a few of thoose a bit away from the main nil valley & delta in egypt, as an exemple of pairing this kind of area with/along a main canal (see this also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Center_for_Agricultural_Research_in_the_Dry_Areas , there aslo a lot of report from various organism regarding repercussion and all, public and/or private, with various clear or unclear affiliation, so some of the reports you can find easily around the net should be take with caution regarding the investors/builders redistribution aspect it could be sometime a bit shady or truncated in parrallel with fauna, flora, local population long term real benefit depending the reports)
  18. ^video // abzû, it's impressive what they did with art approach that make the environnement the main caracters instead of the diver itself furthermore flora and fauna motion is simply astounding, and also amount of said flora and fauna, even if short really a title i enjoy a lot as a diver long ago, at some points in the exploration i really thought, wow i know thoose fishs and was really feeling like diving back in the days all in all it's been a while i not played a title and thinking afterward , wow they rlly rlly rlly did a great job on many many layers ( narraration, various metaphor, arts choice, tech side ...)
  19. who care a bout the moon: "launchs" are fake ^^ no launchs no moon ^^ hype train, hype bus, well it might cost a lot to bring every biped watching a launch once , but well that might "fix" a few sceptic
  20. ragequit corporation did a pretty interesting job, with displacment (accelaration, deceleration, hiding, aiming and map) beside the piloting skill required, there a lot of fast paced srategy in the displacement. Only played the first opus, but i m pretty happy to see this devs team make it to console as well with the second opus & a more consistent campaign and all futuristic yes and no, and yup yup really cool, no longer for me as well mp side, i m barely able to hide and stay alive and doing a few shot ^^ but as said really really really an interesting title regarding displacment, aiming and fast paced strategy
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