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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. - first seat somewhere (yup it's easier to type fast seated) - grab a computer - grab a network - hack it's like lotery somehow, weird
  2. i did to so i don't play with cookies but well some peoples play with them i have heard
  3. when with your some autistic fiber spectrum person/being and they happen to "toc", you rework/rescript yourself ownself and the environnement surrounding them instead of attempting anithing on them &
  4. it's about age tech transition rate // socio-psycho habits, get used to it or go fallout imho, i m not convinced all the wars/conflicts that happened between -50 000 years ago, and tommorow will have/had happened if google traduction was there worldwide since -50 000 for every biped. now yup due to legacy over ages with have ugly habits deeply socio-psycho binded ... but thing chnage, sometime faster sometime slowly (see also knowledge over generation and neuronal scheme for each individual from elder to younger) just my 2cp about it, and i won't argue much more around the said topics. this is a very lite version of what i have in mind, not to get in ruled waring/ban thingies "again", you can watch the world/unvierse between your life span limitation, or watch it between larger time interval regardless of your ownself moslty the difference between "hhahahaha i can rule everithing whatever" and "hum whatever i m part of something bigger, i should stay humble about it" (when you can stand this topics, it's basically because you abuse it, don't whine about it assume it for what it is it's more and more trnasparent for everyone each days lately + it escalte so often to bloodbath at large scale that's it's moderated on many internet place https://playoverwatch.com/ as a word association pun)
  5. just woke up quiet the same days as eveyday, while a college friend not seen for 25 years is sleeping not far, quiet the same days like the last 8 years, friend aside
  6. when "we can resurect them, how, ... *laugh/giggles* i don't know"ben burtt clone war making off while speaking of old magnetic soundtrack from the first star wars
  7. checked the wiki page afterward, very detailed, and the video there is kinda cool too, that's just a totale nonsense but that's how it "feel" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_wave also other video from the series with doc huge, just well ... well ... well ... 20 years befores, 20 years then ... mostly sum up it all
  8. eyes and touch referential no ? @gooddog15 (mode on the late, + forum software weirdness with page shown )
  9. how does an empty cookies taste ? or test some things when full of nothing
  10. @op the soll opt out to internet is fallout or mad max imho ^^ they sell user data and then what ? you're not immun to that yet ? anithing you do you feel hiding to others, you feel some shame about something ? if you have nothing to hide, what's the matter sharing data ? also people having a lot of data, doesn't mean at all they will get the result they expect with them ^^ & anyway aside "god" the dog wich is always in you mind who can access everithing without any single hack ? story telling lvl very low low low (forgive the irony and nothing personnal) also this data selling system exageration the last 20years, tend to fall and collapse on itself all by itself, this is also another layers where it's even more ironic ; and what are data provider, basically, lotery ticket provider ^^
  11. still is there any way to cut the border with the highest land ratio possible instead of water ? (( )) ( )
  12. grab all the cookies you want to grab don't help you working on the flow without using any cookies at all my no cookie at all half pseudo deleted half pseudo of time you can still grab
  13. Barman Kerman is on eeloo, watching left watching right that's so teight
  14. same ; ) but being an idiot is nice time to time
  15. UTF-8#q=lisa%20pathfinder%20canceled /slap jonfliesgoats ^^ anyway safe travel Lisa ^^ http://sci.esa.int/lisa-pathfinder/58633-lisa-pathfinder-s-pioneering-mission-continues/ (see also 7 june result graphs , interesting interesting ^^)
  16. ntmf ntmf and eventually distorsion triangulation, but that's what lisa is about no ? after all that's just "pre" gps principle at bigger scale, it's like colomb map and nowdays mapping, now if the question is does cristophe colomb and nowdays map are different, well no idea ^^
  17. becasue aim pyre friend chic & § why be casu is not be cause ?
  18. some peoples are just inspired, great series
  19. just wanted to share thoose, some around might like them, pretty good for all (including young) audience also and so on discut afterward with the kids enventually https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poco's_Udon_World https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natsume's_Book_of_Friends Sengoku Choujuu Giga Kou https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiitarō_Shōnen_no_Yōkai_Enikki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobunaga_no_Shinobi https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ほのぼのログ&action=edit&redlink=1 (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/瀬戸麻沙美 2016) (contemporan stuff) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morose_Mononokean amongst the first that come to mind i enjoyed following lately
  20. this is where science and research is exactly like fishing: - your top of water - you throw your line and wait - you can't see what's lambda feet under - at some point, it may happen you have to struggle - could be a reef, a tire, or a fish, in addition with the water flow - aside what's your arms feel you have no infos, you just can feel the resistance of what you're attempting to bring up - at some point the line may broke and you have to restart and wait again - if lucky enough, you may bring a nice fish and make a meal to refill you'r battery
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