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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. :3 hehe that was HD and high fps gaming, pixels were a l l w a y s unoticeable (not even crystal liquids or leds) and no flickering never but you know lot of fun whatever and tons of hours as well even if it look like some prehistorical things now ^^ and age you know aperture, doesn't mean much so don't bother ^^, it's just the number of time the atoms your made of made a revolution around the sun together, but most of your atoms are older ^^
  2. (also see page 1 or 2 ^^; edit 2: a yup prolly one bbcode messed up with the forum software change) (( edit 3: a well i was thinkin' it was someone else ^^ but it was me xD, alzeimer really start gettin me , so updated previous pages links ^^ re-adding *.xxx or removing bb code tag)) @Matuchkin all i can say now after editing, is "first" ^^
  3. random log in fun it seem happy birthday then ^^ @diomedea next ^^
  4. a universe when "autist fiber spectrum" persons difference(s²^²^²^²) are respected by others insteed of calling them sick
  5. i clicked the thread so i must be interested a way or anothers, even if mostly from the historico-geopolitico-socio-psycho-ego-egosum-time-stamp-semantico aspect 'sigh' you can eventually add me to the list ... (wich is also the reason why i won't post too much in here due to the fact half of my post might fall under the forum rule: "not this, no that, no this&that")
  6. when addict to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceChem (wow 2011, i m 5 years late, but anyway definetly addict improving each assembly lines lately)
  7. for all the like i not dropped on your drawing <3 ^^ anata no durooingusu wa kireii desu ^^

  8. this on apple ][ & that, various game & watch
  9. (oops , &, but) ,no idea, you can eventually blame "spacechem" xDr
  10. yup yup as said @pxi mostly the same concern , more than 50 games i already bought from previous sales and not get enough times yet to play deeply, as i wish i like to usually do, so only grabbed five more for now, because high discount/and/or/long time in my wish/follow list ^^, if you'r curious :
  11. i remind my surveyor teacher long ago ^^ (thks for sharing & ) kudo ^^
  12. thks for sharing ^^ (like out for today)
  13. you know since the early mmo days necro always been the most overcheated class ? wich is why most don't like necro ... i was ranger back in the days, then they removed the ranger so i turned necro because is more usefull than it often seem, think different think baby, babies can't be without necro(s)
  14. impressive, things change so fast the last 50 years
  15. windows + not again please define paradox ... oh well
  16. /save /rename *_agrengda.img my own entry:
  17. nope the wink never hire onk rown @Bioman222 bis
  18. i love the 200g rock'n'roll before it turn classic xDr [teaser] spoiler [/teaser] @NSEP oh well xDr
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