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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. " ... Solar storms can cause major disruption to ..." a large panel of things, including for exemple: a, b ,c, d GoodLuck edit: sort of having thoose kind of magneto chemistry thingies bugging me somewhere in mind http://www.mdpi.com/2312-7481/2/1/14?trendmd-shared=0 http://www.kurzweilai.net/a-magnetic-memory-with-one-bit-per-molecule and else of that kind ... search?q=Fe-phen-molecule , ferroin, phenantroline and etc .. & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_compound ------------- good well ... there's more that has to pass through the mill, multiple correlation to "n" dimensions, gonna be fun they said, may be ( <= google translate) just curious, in fact, last time i used such software was 20 years ago so ... i just remain interested in the process ... (( remind the dna lotery thread a few week ago, oscilloscope and brain equivalent & a few gauss draws superthreaded here and there ... as said just curious , a theory is first a theory, then it may become a scientific fact or not ...)) all in all, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Neuroscience , gonna be fun they said " structure, function, development, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, pathology of the nervous system, and psychology. Traditionally it was seen as a branch of biological sciences. However,recently there has been a convergence of interest from other disciplines, including chemistry, computer science, statistics, physics, philosophy, mathematics, and medicine & ?." i tend to prefer jung approach over freud also, but that's personnal and it remain a matter of self-ego-sum-metaphorical-interpretations of both writing back in the days ... wich used to be socio-economico context (and tend to remain) over-exagerated regarding jung imho, kinda like reading Dune 8 books like a science fiction "scientologist" series or a metaphorical socio essay, with some historical, epoch contextual & projective stuff here and there, mostly a matter of each reader distance with the writings form, model sheet and background, same could apply with jung and "mysticism" conceptual writing form detractor (this falling philosophically in the irrelvant complaints categorie due to time stamp socio-eco model + current tech lvl & knowledge binds time to time in sciences history) (( imho))
  2. my desktop used to look exactly like yours back in the win 95 98 days with a mix of various files format editor, parser, converter and games ^^ Now close to empty because i like a lot the current background image kinda like a painting on the wall and avoid overlaping lot of shortcut (wow ... desktop img path is now transcoded in hexa ... serioulsy ?) wut the wut of the wut of the wut ? microhardSoftnot ? wut just wut right properties, path ? why just why ("" i have a rough idea, but still srly ?) ....oh my .... random collector find ... oki let's play share your windows 10 desktop background image with family and friend if you don't know a single line of code and registry hkey ... impressive ... lolok next ... this one just made my day
  3. An early access i enjoy too like Dres genuinely interested per the choices made per unknown world, and how they interact with the growing community and share concept ideas, implement and balance things wisely regarding the progression curve. A few hundreds hours and lot of enjoyement here too. Not played since the exo-suit update but sometime i just delay replay of games i appreciate.
  4. yup but you forgot about one thing, you can't land on the moon and wrote a commercial message right now because someone is already there and would prefer to write something like: "I m god, i grabbed a sit here because i can watch my beloved earth beings comfortably, don't come here, don't just don't, kindly with all the almighty kindness your dear and lovely all of you god wich love you all, and remind be as kind with me as i am with you my beloved all earth beings, just don't come" each day the message will be wrote a different languages from earth, if you've not learnt ant language, tree language or inuit after birth, well just wait for the right day with a language you've learnt since birth know ... oh well ... "oops 1/2" but ... sometime i just do wonder if that won't solve a few things temporarly ... ("god don't use money so you won't be able to buy anithing from him for your own message upthere")
  5. frankparsons frankeinstein same basket in the pocket https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Parsons_(rocket_engineer)#/media/File:Dark_Angel.png 14 52 ... welcome on earth, that a bit messy actually, bad luck ... 'sigh'
  6. it's investigation, guess, and amount of remaining data fragmented per time a way or another about this or that, mostly and sort of " amount "(?) so and then we can argue about said amount that could give a prank an impact, or if a very localized prank could glitch investigation and guess more or less or more or less, moslty and sort of (bis)
  7. more one is alone, well, more one is alone more one is alone, well, more one get time to reflect about some stuffs when weirdly, and for whatever the reasons, one spend 99.9% of it's awake time reflecting about some stuffs it's doing what mirors do, almost at least odly miror don't talk, but one could do when one move in front of a miror it will easily notice it's field of view of what's surrounding it is much larger than it's when they watch at each others for fact, one is facing a wall, mirors very rarely stand middle of grand'ma and grand'pa crops field, and it's can only face it one will see inside the miror, and of course the miror can't see inside it, If they could that would be called cheating. so they can reflect visible spectrum and nothing else, no other ondulatory phenomenom but rainbow colors whenever miror will be able to talk, it won't like it mirors don't lie in front of it, but one can lie itself in front of it more a miror is alone more a miror is alone don't reflect too much about it, it could just happen r a n d o m, well it is it just r a n d o m
  8. Nothing to do with sf but some interesting stuff i enjoyed lately: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWumnfYjDT4 Fuwe no amu (trailer no sub): "the vast ocean of words, without a means to cross the ocean, we can only stand and watch, keeping the words we desperatly want to express inside. Dictionnary is a ship that allow us to cross this ocean" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDNj7mqOud0 Aku No hana (graphically and socio-scheme interesting, wich is pretty rare, it's, well, pretty crude and eventually disturbing i won't recommand that one if your too sensible, but that's also the reasons that make it unique and fresh in the anime market) and Ajin Season 2
  9. (( necro-phobia, usesearch-phobia, kids-phobia, repeat-phobia, school-phobia, dontusesearch-phobia, meehyoutroll-phobia, meeehnaaahyourthetrollnotme-phobia )) why make it simple when it's complicated, mostly than kind of thingies mixed and messed up all together
  10. starbound, factorio, celestial command, mini metro & plague inc: evolved mostly edit: because smiled wich is pretty rare ^^ :3 only one game got a launch shortcut on my own desktop: KSP, and 4 others game don't get some launch shortcut but some folder access for eventually messing with a few local files like save or else. so the sole game i could click anytime and launch from the desktop is .... well ... anytime, whenever ever anytime, whenever when any ever is time to when is ... i think you get it ^^ it amused me so wanted to share that ; ) is fun how we all manage/sort/use desktop and all ; )
  11. (( on the late + tldr, all you need is to glow stronger than sun, so yes you can, i mean you can try at least :3 or do it fast each time there an ecclipse somewhere ))
  12. As the title say: poster 1: - "i l d ike to be a vet" - "that's kind of you, so you'd like to heal wounded animal friends ?" -" No it's just that i m gettin old much faster than you, and i need all the stuff to make myself a proper chemical shot because i can't stand this whole mess anymore." But i know you used to be a angry kid as well, What would you like to do when you grow up ? poster 2:
  13. yup but, 2000 year ago they changed the calendar, prolly because of some things important, i guess they started to sent people to school on sunday all life long, not sure if they called it school back in the days tho' but nut that much people were able to read and write (properly "") it seem, also they removed multiple divinity for single divinity, having a lot of divinity was bit messy it seem within you own "frontier" and wasn't helpfull to war outside the frontiers (yup no one can war other, if peoples already fight inside, that's dumb you know ?), so they started wrote some book about this single divinity in various languages so everyone could know there only one divinity and not many like before, later once in while because death by birth ratio around 4/5 they used to sent men at war to keep thing equals for every remaining living thingy, to do so they argued that's this single divinity wasn't the same because the doG speak one languages not the other, the doG is dumb you know. I do wonder who still only go to school only sunday 2000 year later and the ratio of people that can read and write without gettin' it (still " ") Sure thing multiple gods scheme followers were probably grumpy 2000 ago, sometime thing changes, yup yup it could happen next time i may wrote something about the current exchange market model in depth stuffs, it could be as fun, or not, not sure not sure ^^
  14. :3/:3 And then i told them that about article 1: every being is born free with equal right, wich is why i ll prolly never get why lawyer apply different country law suit set. You see how thing can change fast, you're born then a few µsecond later bye bye freeness and equal right, wow that was fast hope you liked it and will be able to remind, you'll never see it again.
  15. (13.799±0.021)×109 / (13.799±0.021)×109 well seem like a good location for one
  16. get sent to pluto, open a fresh facebook account from there, and watch others peoples kids grow, at least you've been sent to pluto for a reason
  17. Nope that's idaho, tome 5 or 6 i don't remind exactly @TheKosmonaut next
  18. oh well that's kerbal unrelated, but that's not a mud'dy' day and as it's the sole ,place ^^ well you know ^^ notice that's flee it's just your best option when i m not in the mood ... sadly even if kerbzld unrelatzed it c o u l d ha p p e n ^^ don't i just say do not annoy a selfhie owner .... well feel free to poke at nike, reebok, cola coca ... just don't even think about poking s'elfhie right know ^^ just a sugg anyway your destiny is you own and each path can chnage anytime ^^ as long you can't see see them from Far and Far who care s
  19. floor @TheDOgYeah Taht doG: what are we talking about already ? wut all read y i forgot ?
  20. sometime i kill thread , somtime i sell missle missile, somtime i showcase area 51 tech it's like magic boulder enough advanced tech ^^ oh well that'zs random dna after all not if like i'm hiding or been unbeaten i mostly don't care as time goes pass by i sadly can't gauratantee your safety if you do so ; ) my ip is easy to check btw but well i just suggest you don't ^^ ^^ like if i had time for begginher ... keep always nin mind your expectation are not mine, the reason, is simpple , we not exactly at the same poijnt in "life" http://www.adkami.com/anime/1896 challenging me well you can ... you won't be the first ... i just want to ... "stay way"
  21. can't you you just let me kill this thread once again ... or are you attempting tio sell then put anithing in "someone" hand (wich is not your own) question ? or wut a g a i n ? )
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