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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. sad i was expecting to killing this thread ^^ and you keeping on posting well keep it on posting for n o w ^^ ^think about i_t that's not a muddy day not a muddy day at all ^^ are we talking about mud again in this thread ? for rel ^^ of well if this is about mud then you know I M ALWAYS AROUND ^^ when it cume to mod i mean ^^ fact is i never been more than a 51% fan of the naval battle clubs(sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss) thread(sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss) but i guess naval battle club poster never been a fan of myself since i wonder around ass weell ^^ prolly ৠlist
  2. 000-0000-00000-00-00-0 oh well even if you don't ask me ... it happen all the time ... so it's "L"ike i really pay attetion to "t"hat or "t"his kind of little details ..... but still it's boring a little bit ...
  3. i can GET IT ^^ xDr https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obélisque_de_Louxor oh well i can't get it ... zuckerzoidberg can't assume it all i guess so sad ... ... ... ps @Matuchkin i tried ... ... and you know how some are ... well i guess suckerberg team don't Get It have fun with them .... i m bored ...
  4. gne ugggg orrr tuggg yooorgg grrrriggg tyyyrrr ?
  5. nope you 'll just get winkallkerb' instead (approaching a black hole is a bit weird if you'r still attempting to reach the star for me but well if your a boson i can eventually "attempt" to make an exception of course there no guaranatee you'll be able to turn your way back ^^) i wish you ask me for something ^^
  6. is anyone asking for a black hole it can't handle ? (i never liked this ((((( thoose ))))) thread)
  7. in ^^ because at login whenever is whenever ^^
  8. staround: a game about about Don't starve HHHHound ^^ http://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/U8721VM9p9C2v1o6cKJ4qEnGqnE7IoTQgZI-VTdwyTBeimAcIoxXpgK8bPeslY9pPJIvB5IWW2-452kaM8heLSRgleGBp7xOxe94OKAg0rSqDw8h5O9CVDziGkWEgTPGcO6swAQ2MJR7dUihws1NvdwCUJ9jVuLf1ggLHg/62fx62f
  9. don't just don't ^^ r a n d o m * ely ? = +* oh well feel free i ll watch
  10. i m starting thinking about designing a hot chick'n cheap that spit missile from it's torso (is this thread even serious ^^ ))
  11. i use a Xheel A xXxHeelXxX thoose are annoyin i this a grrrrrr gggr eee (gniark gniark gniark)
  12. a yup i m around starbound but kerbal is number two on the must want to p^lay list ^^ @sarbian next oh you ' " 'ordered' " ' to do something or am i wrong ^^
  13. you're supposed engage the discusion with clerverbot and it'his/her pal'z, and she:it:he always answer at last at least that's what's the script is supposed to let you expect ^^
  14. why not ^^ @To Infinity and Beyond next ^^ wich as nosthing do to with @ThisNay ^^
  15. nope just another excesively² tired random bein', because sometime it happen @worir4
  16. /barman kerman palm xD : ) (( rep limit )) btw "barman kerman" is real it can pop in your crew ; )
  17. that moment when candy is can die
  18. may be for part: don't poke the cnsa more than should @mm's next want one ? rlly ?
  19. nope but as i need a good laugh with a 0.0000000000000000001%§ old kid let's call @worir4
  20. as per report delete please, btw may be the report link could be modified per: "report or ask for a self delete" mutliple layer/windows/etc. sometime is a bit messy depending tiredness
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