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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. well .... romlaglog what else xDr
  2. dolphindude die of wut ? hypotralalala srly ? xDr after all penguin are not dolphin ; )
  3. day one @Andem but but but what are your looking upward, the cat's and the fishies ? xDr well seem legit xDr& guess what dolphindude(s) need a hand for thoose tools ; ) days two: discover a river ? srly ? xD oh my this one is gold i guess
  4. that's a bit heavy i have to say ; ) (oops & jk noi) but nice two shot ; )
  5. banned for U2 and Ub40 in a yell oh sub mar in
  6. banned for using a cell phone to receive one call insteed to use phone cells to receive many and try to decipher the whole mess, oh ... and also ... for hater gonna hate messy compass head with legs and shoulder aHaed and that's all folks ... (grrr 1/4 3/4 A_A A_A §§§ ) . . .
  7. not or xor ; ) prolly prolly but shh shhh ; ) day too son
  8. meanwhile, jebediah watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqCiY7MAT2U and then play with & mess around with this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Pendulum_search_pattern.png/220px-Pendulum_search_pattern.png oh look some sub tiles on the titles ; ) then the next meanwhile will be magnetically attracted without proxy or long distance disruption/disturbance or any any kind of wave train carrying @lvl "n+?", for science, of course
  9. yup yup it tend to change every time, weird stuff : \
  10. ask to the time machine: "what time is it n o w, and hope he/she/it answer" but well you know, prolly tricky, )
  11. ask erasmus of rotterdam, like usual, the meduse, the apple, the worm, the box and the jar jar binks, & gear gear banks i don't give a pandor a boot it ; ) (witch is very personal)
  12. find a/some word(s) not defined per it's/their contrast in the dictionnaries take your "TIME" and have fun ; )
  13. bah ; ) just a potatoes not a cube exaclty @GreeningGalaxy next
  14. btw, i do wonder if thinking about home cause heavy nightmare ; ) (( no clue xDr))
  15. holoyolo stabbed a lot last time ; ) so prolly a floran yup yup starbound (1.0 tommorow btw) (( sorry ultimate i hardly believe i killed you i call for shenanigans too xDr))
  16. the cornupia is fine when holoyolo the florans sssstaber not around xDr hehe
  17. hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha when you know about the 3 seashells
  18. a yup the little shell from demolition man ; ) normal xdr
  19. because you refill your own energy needs too much and don't poo and pee enough why why is tree letters and six later ?
  20. and then , marmot put the chocolate in foil paper
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