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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. you get a keyboard you can space i wish when you die a short time you never come back
  2. nope, but is it that different xDr @Val next
  3. banned because i m selling a bunch of slave ; ) and no one is interested ... i don't get it ...
  4. *slighty sliding side of topic mode on* i think if every being on earth fart at the same time in the same location we might get enough isp to reach the moon xdr any way most fart while sleeping, weird *slighty sliding side of topic mode off*
  5. do not taunt the magic boulder you're gonna end hacking into everyone brain directly without asking for it, and you will watch all thoose people hacking computer not even understanding why they do such silly thing ; )
  6. when you know romlaglog 'sigh & shrug' still it remain a little bit annoyin xDr of course compass tend to aim at something and throwing pills in the ocean won't remove magnetism from earth
  7. not much to say but i ll keep that one as collector ; )
  8. discovering ets2 currently, listening to singsing: http://www.sing-sing-bis.org/results.php?kbps=Infinity (no pub, music, + another radio infos cut) it does a lot to be able to listen to true radio from everywhere while driving
  9. this one made my white night ; ) thks Kuzzter
  10. (bump) @Xannari Ferrows @Sampa may be ? why not ?
  11. , ) time time time always time cya ted
  12. i guess that's a collector sort of xDr edit: @cubinator because tricky copypast quoting so you use a sell fun and your not interested in orbital mechanics ? mmmmkay ..... xDr human .... are they even serious ... on the others hands they seem to like cells phones ... weird ...
  13. you ll find the values wrote on the floor if you continue walking here , on that bridge ; ) seen them long ago keep walking name: wookayr quest: building a c4 helmet, because it's should be pretty fast end efficient and use it away from as most being as possible, i still might hurt a few accarrii and plant but well ... do i look like a being awaiting any answer from any question ?
  14. nope ; ) i guess for novasilisko next
  15. /played city skylines 220 hours in 15 day well ... 220/15= 14h40min per day average ... too many games not enough time and i just bought eurotruck simulator bundle over steam because it's been a while i wanted to check this series ... mooaaaaaaaaaaaar games ... but time always miss in the meanwhile my waiting to paly list with early access titles & old game keep growing ... taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. /played city skylines 220 hours in 15 day well ... 220/15= 14h40min per day average ... too many games not enough time and i just bought eurotruck simulator bundle over steam because it's been a while i wanted to check this series ... mooaaaaaaaaaaaar games ... but time always miss 

    in the meanwhile my waiting to plly list with early access titles & old game keep growing ...

    taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme


    1. Atlas2342


      I feel you. I have games > time

    2. legoclone09


      If you want less time go buy Battlefield Bad Company 2. It's $5.

  17. (( np @monstah , ) and same, it's just that my offendability layers are not exactly the same as most people due to light "autitistic fiber spectrum sensibilities". Wich is also why i could appear weird often to many ; ) and why i camp the subforum mostly ; ) ))
  18. :3 tumblr_inline_mzkqk7Lgde1rr2wit.jpg :3
  19. nope nope ; ) but not far ; ) Let'sGoToMars next ; )
  20. :3 ... anata no asu, watashi wa hitori kaze ii sadasuo ... :3 a bit rusted but prolly not far ; )
  21. a clockwork range: a film about what you can reach a clockwork ornge: a film a bout rng and random stuff a clockwork orage: a film about capacitor and electricity a cockwork orange: a film about fruitophily a lockwork orange: a film about orange stuff in jail clockwork orange: film bout film with missing crcters a clockwok orange: a film about cooking in an orange wok
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