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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. wut the wut (xkcd rand @ 1692 for the district ) we got a 96 so i pick a 21 for a => 12
  2. "lost in translation" as a wwwhole because well local caracter set, grammar, orthograph, ponctuation, disambiguation, evolution are not a science usefull for anyone ... *grumpf* BB heLLOne rdy for launch ... kunt dawn ... not sure if cold or hot ... cal'horific
  3. banned for not trying "amharique" wich seem to concern 33 million peoples, most commonly born there, why no idea አሜሪካ
  4. ni knee ni knee , ni H on go ? rlly ... well if you ask history of word is weird ... also i do never mess with giglles tran's'alt'ing stuff but i do suspect that between mururoa, godzilla, sushi maki and sashimi, nagasaki, hiro de la luna, fugushima & testuo or tetsuo... that a serious amount of rad ... over time mine for part come from some biped most commonly named human i met in one work i had at some point in life wich as civilians and my elders worked in mururora during the nuclear test aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh the sun, the sand, the beach after launch and lunch sooooooooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooool the coral shell ? don't even make me laugh ....
  5. fun ; ) somehow randomness is random ; ) the internet is huge ; )
  6. what "amuse" me is kid with 160 fps screen that say "meeeeeeeh the framerate is too low i see the image flickering" .... lolok oki 25fps 50/60 hz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Neuroscience are they even serious nowdays with there "secrecy policy" everywhere ... silly imho ... happy disminushing return it's both hey look at random did you see that and lost in the sum of the back bones ... "what a mess ..." earth place under siege, civilian exil cell phone in hand ... louis xiv and it's palZzzZzz approve ... tsss tsss ... #*ulcer*&*shame*
  7. same as a random civilian i don't especially appreciate a few thing, like a few weeks/months ago next to some "kind" another internet place forum posting of my own wich must have annoyed the hell out some readers, it was like 2 week of non stop internet box restart, and some of my external power device, partially rip ... ip spam + internal voltage modif ... cool bro cool ... not that i did a few external and assembly coding 25 year ago on a ti 48gx for fun but slighty ... got some of the basic at least even if not praticing since long ... ghost file update history within are fun isn't it ; ) but well fair after all for most ; ) #farmer so some eat like if i had time to spend hacking and coding ... (btw i m not a farmer but well .. same)
  8. sure thing most pc are not water proof per default ; ) xDr (for your pc and it's chips safety don't throw your pc in water at home you might end with some pop corn)
  9. the plot of the two novel are kinda nice ; ) also the thematic of immortality via some metaphor near the end of dosadi if i remind well ; ) fanny mae is kinda an interesting caracter also regarding space agencies spectros studies of the sun and celestial bodies from the metaphoric pov ; ) kinda like the nautilus or whatever of that kind ; ) (( don't ask me ask kim peek i m not him it's not like i expect anithing from posting this from any random reader i have my own daily concern to deal with, all i can say is my realitease is/are not yours, while i prolly experienced yours you prolly not experienced mine )) "scholar?q=correlation+a+n+dimension" my brain is sort of permanently stuck in thoose kind of loop wich is all but fun to make it simple, it's both interesting and both very annoying green grin in the air to take a brhearth isn't it >?) and please keep in mind photon don't die they just travel much longer than you xDr scientist ; ) haha some time that's kinda flat e x c u s e m e if you can't prove me right on this one, give an attempt at proving me wrong xDr i m watching you xDr
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dosadi_Experiment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fannie_Mae a well that's too much for my sus'pen'sion of this be life xDr not sure if pen or pain anyway xDr
  11. banned because "so shi te そして" to "to と"
  12. just read a comment on a streaming site here, then started watching it month later ; ) was really suprised with the story line and caracters in a good ways ; ) definetly not what i was expecting/guessing ; )
  13. (( well totally per randomness like usual ; ) was kinda surprised with the plot(s) twist(s) ep 18 to 20 ; ) and as said the scene aboard are nice love it, as the shinigami teacher story line )) distracting series, some nice metaphors and thematic amongst episode , interesting cara.s design/models sheet ; ) and season 2 opening "question" is real cool too ; ) "what are you going to do with your talent wich is a leitmotiv amongst episodes" (( nati, latin => kids ; nati italian => born , the title in itself is fun in many multi-linguistics disambiguation ways ; ) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nati incomplete depending the left links ; ) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/natus#Latin proto-indo-european https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_language <=> & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nati wich is a pearl in the harbor somehow xDr kempai banzai senpai xDr in the aiss the nati is the beggining hend the and ; ) it all depend if latin or indy amusing no ? )) "senp ai So does p Love"
  14. : well it's a movie about a movie in one letter and without wich reappear while disapearing may be a movie with no title no poster but lot of content ; )
  15. i can't remind the said game name ; ) weird ; ) but it was sort of a copycat of probotector/contra/gryzor on super famicom a few month(s)/week(s) after contra release, prolly not that bad but well young kids are sometime evil and harsh ; ) i remind because most shops owners of fresh new "paris akihabara district" bought a lot of cartridge listening to us young kids ; ) ah the good old days playing on sunday inside shops when shops were closed ; ) hehe *almost dropping a tear* xDr wanna play sf 2 and a few others with me back in the days: many tried ; ) many failed xDr i hate(not) old fingers Osteoarthritis and low fps eyes ; ) aging ; ) hehe go go next gen's :3
  16. is sylvester hanger top of a mountain. the building is full of inca and egyptian both side of earth that never met each other but love the same thing then ...
  17. then time happen, fire is elsewhere the building is when 2000 year ago they were/was no schools for kids, but church (else) on sunday, bye bye christian(else) calendar hello unix calendar
  18. Persan/persic (iranian) ممنون مرسی mamnun mersi Merci. (thanks) pronounced more like "man moon" xDr (from an iranian friend i met a few week ago)
  19. when ibrahim = simon(simeon) = pierre = petros = more oh great ... when serious headache ( when the void is in the rock ) oh rlly ? (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aïd_al-Adha#Rites_et_traditions_islamiques & https://vimeo.com/1166968) when " En souvenir , de cette soumission totale d'Ibrahim à son Dieu " = "the rock can't be without the void" or alike when you don't give an avogadro a boot it
  20. the earliest is forum are not forum they are agora ... but well that's close to 2000 years old so ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agora :hail @r4pt0r: xDr zeus miss me, jupiter is nice but well there's only jool after all ; )
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