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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. might be, 'again', the difference between year 2016 and 46 ,again, 'sigh' ... anyway calendar transition are always a matter ... but well i ll stick to 46 not 2016 old warmongering legacy and related mess and ugly olds habits from tribes fightting tribes next for women, money, and teritory , reproduced over generations ... wich make me enjoy a lot earth photography from the iss #OvumGenocideWolrdFirst #SpermatozoidSpreadWorldFirst #Wµhman #LotOfBooksAndStorieMixedTogetherForTheBestNotTheCrap this post include, politics, religion, sex, but that's fact to date up, feel free to delete. Don't whine afterward if you do ...
  2. same that spoon souper scope tsss tsss
  3. banned because your allowed to kill other being for energy and pee poo but don't overkill & don't overpopulate
  4. your skin will change color ? :3 just KidDing for half or for part ; )
  5. not much to say 1965 project(s) ((or so or around)), around 70's 80's first larger public test, now the market, one word: enjoy
  6. re-un-ind-re-related but well stuborn = stubborn 2 -89 -574 i wish i could have a quiet lunch ... once over 3 week ... seem that's a nope ...
  7. nope, or yes and both *winks* ask 20 questions about your humanity yes yes yes thanks please, well usually i bit that one in 1 or 2 move then i ll get beat too that 1 music out of 9 music in my head next
  8. sup'/sup' at least at a said time, you'r somewhere ... myght come handy whenever ...
  9. just added a thread with some correlated expended stuff ,'') might be slighty moore complicated overall ,) but you get my support // atmo // balance // thermodynamics // atmo,atom/void exchange // overall energetics signature ; ) time to dig the dataZzzZzzZzz with super lobbies and superlobbies ... yipeeeee ... - _ -
  10. Primordial Soup, wµhmans ratio praticing diving and sensitive to flow concern and dna inter-crossing, current generators, moon cycle flow generators discuss
  11. let's drill for thermo and don't refuel srly ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamic_equilibrium ... oh the earth energetic overall signature i c ... (what is shadowy place over there, that's the lobbies sciences labs, enough with the markets places shenanigans ...) current generator, and moon cycle generator are way underrated ... use mechanics + magnetics decupler ... might do it ... balance both win win ... one or the other alone won't solve anithing medium/long term [insert super lobbies + supper lobbies + exchange market investor + sector 2 and mostly 3 workers grumpy like hell here, anyway planet core low battery don't care about cars, biped does ? whose the selfish serial glitchers amongst the chains ... remove, fixed]
  12. ... when you forgot about coffee and cereale after woke up http://imgur.com/Ygy9lBZ.jpg (well fair enough xDr) that, happen ... i take over the network xDr meeeeh, stuck between 2 tables that appear to warmongering each day ... wow this escalated quicly /half side in&out like if ...
  13. first use fossil fuel, then add tectonic, then have a drink with the planet core. Let simmer ... attach ... enjoy xDr
  14. nope, just that annoyin' little detail over time ... @HilariMcCa next
  15. Nice new avater Jeb Keb, here's some littl' support: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tectonics + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_fuel + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_core also super lobbies & super lobbies i don't like you, you're a band of freakin a**h*le wow this planetary core refueling mechanics rules looks complex ...
  16. when you speak some languages with foreign caracters at random and translate afterward . , ;
  17. 1 - control , power , accumulation and/or share , walk side by side, redistribution 1 bis - tek evolution and population growth rate and overpopulation related to sector 1, 2, & 3 workers 2- ovum genocid all day, spermatozoid spread all day 3 - where's the glitchs ?
  18. Let's talk about accurate and serious science data for everyone,;,; sorry politics, religion,drugs,superloobies and sex are no allowed on the forum ... mmmkayy .. sad the first half is helpful for most while the others half ... did i say half just half ? alf is an extraterrestre
  19. wµhman, and wild life Stars & Black Hole
  20. the one i use come from "both & both & both" wich is a lot now less ; )
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