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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. yup it's a propeller waiter there's a why i don't watch tv, why i don't use cell phone, why i don't play ark, why i don't play path of exil, why i painfully, eat and sleep, why is there a creepy warm socio thermo-barometer in my sats network aIss soup
  2. banned for not deep autism kind of life stuck in a bed eyes in the void under heavy guinea pig medication ... heal autist with pilss ? throw them in the ocean gonna work ... ask the moon ...
  3. banned for 158 7458 785 985 frame per second TV (serious ban ... somehow gonna be fun ....)
  4. hello my name is u n i v e r s a l l pleased to meet you i'm ill really all you heel, your heal, your îles, your il, yours ills, your hills many many many many more relay mny mny more rely relie really more
  5. granted you grant tell Ikiey Niaise Isis i wish i post in this thread
  6. ik/ik++ ikari warrior aka rambo 2 player push start ... around 80's while ik is ik and ik++ is tree
  7. first you need two hands or anithing replacing hend, a head or anithing replacing ahead, then a sat network ... also don't forget to praise ... might require some time(s) also ...
  8. :3 let's do a show us your Rig V2 xDr harvy (keep up the great work)
  9. missinformation and exchange market are ironic no doubt ; ) so you need the subtitles ; )
  10. as long as no one use the word selfie, i ll be "sleeping somewhere" with cesar and cleopatre ; ) prolly in a dust atomic stat sparse here and there
  11. the question is do they use some cargo bay ; ) and drop some stuff here and there
  12. basically call that a photon or alike xDr and as usual, for now technically ; ) technically leave it to the next gen ; ) may be ; )
  13. well science people are no longer allowed to use any "asynchrone" stuff ; ) i guess they would be fine too ; ) anyway anyway just some thoughts ; )
  14. if you want a name try "Kim Peek" he used to be 1024bit for part not all
  15. how will being (including human) will react to long multigenerationnal space travel without a moon tag: evolution, dna, magnetic field, gravity etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Neuroscience https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayonnement#Exemples_de_rayonnements https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror
  16. hehe extreme squared ; ) as someone who not played mass effect 1 and mass effect 2 ; i gave a try at mass effect 3 i especially appreciated the writing it was kinda like doing that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebook
  17. hum, you could eventually attempt to land on the mün with a spaceship having a bigger mass than the mün *shrug* & why not after all xDr challenge accepted Whackjob ? ; ) ; ) ; )
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