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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. yup, bought it 6 month ago a bundle, portal 1 and 2 ... not played it yet ... i will someday ... someday question is when answer is i myself dunno
  2. красивые фотографии , спасибо за обмен
  3. 'sigh' ie=UTF-8#q=history%20book 'sigh'
  4. in wich you make a LoneBaBy with your partner and start teaching and sharing a languages @ first with that baby the building is a lot of new beings everyday, not only whµman ...
  5. oh il commencent a faire chier les froggy, z'ont k a apprendre l'arabe, le thai, le chinoix, le cyrilique, le yiddish et mayamalam et etc ... comme tout le monde ... hehe ; ) that's sligthy "Tagalog" & "Gujarati" imho enfin bref ... après l'occulus rift, la fracture du cerveau ... aucun probleme tout va bien ... super ...
  6. there so much great one ; ) one thing i never tried yet with previous update are historical packs, i might try a few historical one with 1.1 , for now quietly checking the "mod repositery thread" on a regular basis to do so ; )
  7. cross different celebreties path within grand hostel corridor: 1 case: winkalltralala "hello, have a nice day" celebritie " hello, thks you too" 2 case: winkallpoet: working with a colleague at measuring the stairs celebretie: can't even walk, 300% shivering, boby like a mashmallow, 2 bodyguard helping celebritie walkin 3 case: someone: "may i have an autograph" celebritie: *ignore* (winkallschtroumpf and a colleague observing the scene from far) that's pretty simple ... and finnaly, measuring Mohamed Al Fayed bedroom, opening various formork and case to get the wall distance and bein' able to draw the plan later on autocad. Until you're named Elisabeth II, Harry potter or Willy the Whale. ask someone else simple as well. celebri wut ? don't even make me laugh ...
  8. part of ... why so much hate for caracters, writing, words, sentences we all use because no others choices but to discuss ted next
  9. 0: Please Fine Brother, please make a you tube episode like "elders react to ksp and ksp edu" https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFineBros
  10. i m not a pilot as first interest or main/favourites specialities/focus not that i can't but, more someone interested in creating satelite network similar to GPS for survey and land observations, geology, archeology, history(ies), lifeforms etc. so yup there's a few mods i prefer not to play without ; )
  11. bannings here because permabanned theres
  12. KerbalBe add simple intelligence (SI) and activities to our beloved kerbals, one of them being develloping a game called "Earth Space Program" with fictive being called whµman that live on a fictive world called earth , they brought other beings to space, this fictive beings communities will also have enough intelligence to use a forum and mod ESP ; )
  13. do you know you can code autocad on a texas intrument ? xDr adress adress good luck lex ; ) i just got hit 25 years in the face you pals roxx ; ) /applause
  14. let's speak about life: so i switched work many time, many various sectors of activities, one of them was land surveyor for like 6 years or so before doing something else ... worked from the sewer, to 10thstar hotel roof, military base, slum, museum, historical place,school, home, railway, industries etc. etc. crossed some people road, had some talk, entered some room here and there, seen some stuff ...keep smile @ life because if you want my own nowdays survey report: it's close and not far to "what a mess" EDIT: also worked a whole week somewhere aiming with the theodolite laser on the walls to measure distances, one week later a young dad got kill (gun shot) at the same place early at night because he took a picture of the new street light. the local littl' drug dealer under stress ... prolly ... or alike ... anyway ... ... ... ... want more ? i have plenty ...
  15. today i'm wondering around the net wich is a big place, sometime speaking about ksp, sometime speaking about something else ; )
  16. oh well ... cheater because, i m not convinced we have a sans comic translation for that caracter yet ... : " ₼ "
  17. later & 2001: Move this to the appropriate subforum and send a notification to every poster in the thread that's it's been moved.
  18. you granted with a wich not a wishe i wich for witch wishe ... oh well i want 4 that make only 3
  19. *starring at the sky* ; hum ; seen from here that's full moon everyday on earth
  20. superlobbies and superlobbies are on a boat with biofuel(s) from a large range of Bio(things) - that regrow more or less faster, - that require more or less fertilizer, - that require more or less chemical remanufacturing, - that arm more or less the environnement. superlobbies and supperlobbies are very annoyed ; ) i won't say more ... because you know how superlobbies and supperlobbies are ...
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