yup, lately they changed and enlarged the "nomenclature" (naming) for general public and communication concern also:
wich include a large range of stuff with similar behaviour (correlation) ... (fg syndrome, autism "autisitic fiber spectrum", etc .and etc ...)
but from my own "insider" experience with medication and all, medics corporation individuals and pharma lobbies not sure who's sick and who's not ...
notice that "autisitic fiber spectrum" could sometime be kinda close to "n"tmf process (statiistic "n" dimmensionnal correlative approach mutli/super threading ), strong feeling and hypersensitivites, sensibilities (think bat, dolphin infrasound or ants pheromon or else ...), kinda close to "mentat" in dune on some aspect per socio-psycho metaphor (human calculator) and aside the scientotralalala stuff ...
anyway flow generators (current / gravitationnal) are underated actually imho ...
[insert super lobbies song here and worker relocation + "maintenance" + potential combo of such platform (wind, solar, thermo, hostel, oyster perles, see farm, coral reef resplenish at constant depht // global warming & planet core tectonic fossil fuel resplenish , synthesis fuel and atmo etc. & etc. energy whenever if we land somewhere with liquids very very very later (eventually far from system star or low photon and cold, keppler ring sputnik planum anyone ? + easy landing / take off and else related as well kind of configuration) ]
wow this primordial soup first encounter rules look complex ...