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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. efignagna afagnagna un fougnon , well look like you don't understand that language, but it don't exist anyway i wish you couldn't explain better why you'r camping the subforum
  2. time possess you, it always do, but aside buying a watch to read it a litl' you ll never possess time ... it has nothing to do with morbidity time will exist whatever even if there no one to talk about it also you can't buy time, because well time simply don't give a f*** @ money ; ) also time can get bored pretty quick regarding a large range of topics, because well time is experienced ; )
  3. you need a sponsor to do so: try "nike"
  4. remind me that's more or less where i get stuck long long ago with unity and landing gear. it used to not really allow any single variation in the hierarchy due to the amount of dynamic element within a single entity. thks for sharing the infos and thks to every contributor and tester. (Minor stuff to isolate doing some really weird results thing series it seem.)
  5. life is evil, because, well, life is world first killer 'sigh'
  6. well you walk in the street of life then it happen
  7. nope that could have been @Aethon or @lajoswinkler but it fact next is @Frida Space xDr
  8. 6+1 = 7 via Imgflip Meme Maker
  9. banned for not experimenting x1024 yet ...
  10. https :// www . youtube . com/watch?v=iXQZpgd5neY&feature=youtu.be&t= 5 m 42 s it's all about removing the space time i!i
  11. this day could be gone i guess time to time
  12. hum interesting ; make me ask does unity host sub forum for some of the games ... but top of that more important, not everyone is everywhere, reading both forum, some people will read more unity forum, some people will read more kerbal forum, etc ... so could be an interesting place (sub forum, pinned thread, whatever, dunno just like the "Unity forum highlight" linkage concept kerbal side, wich could sometime be a nice addition to meta-engine searching for a tuto or else result amount and sorting) to fully dedicated to share links with short explain and comments to unity forum thread about specific behaviour and fonctionnalities (FAQhelper² alike dedicated to unity.and modding sort of)
  13. "bah, in fact not a problem at all ideas are like trees, they have many roots and many branchs, but more important there time reference are not human one, let's them grow like precious seeds even if you not control there evolve or harvest them yourself, it's like child, ideas are magic in some way " look like a newer older avatar somehow
  14. first quietly read the explains, quietly planning things, quietly experimenting serioulsy and cautionously various stuff and then ; well ; then: ^
  15. hehe so you opened that door in that corridor late at night in the dark too a few year ago ? xDr Sort of collector edition with some goodies and making of stuff, artbook and all, supporting this as well whenever if whenever if ; )
  16. i expect a forum thread titled: what do you expect for ksp 3.0 ; )
  17. dy-methanil d'alzeihmer ? (oops couldn't resist sorry, but fact is it's a bit crazy when it was my job at some point to do that daily xDr and well can't no longer do it without a book close as helper)
  18. how do you spend time in ksp: (artitistic diagramm xDr) from a random user amongst others @ V 1.1 gmt + now
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