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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. yup around hum hum hum felsmak next may be
  2. *crappy pun mode on* humanity is going to be enslaved by evolution wich is enslaved by evolution wich is enslaved by evolution wich is enslaved by evolution so far no one voted for slavery ? weird make an effort, peoples slavery need love too xDr *crappy pun mode off*
  3. Earth History Campaign Mission V + updates! Thu, 05 Nov 2015 12:59:00 +0000 Hey fellow kerbonauts! It's high time we released another Earth History Campaign Mission. If you have no idea what EHC is, I suggest you read our previous blogpost. EHC Mission VHere are the blueprints, are you up to the task?This time, Kerbals are more ambitious than ever and set their sights on orbit. Following the blueprints of R-7, one of the most popular rockets in the history of spaceflight, they make their way out of the atmosphere. There's a whole teaching guide to go with it, too. Check them out on the EHC-website! We also want to thank some of our community members for the invaluable feedback on the missions.(cheers, BalrogGamer!) We know: it's been a while since the last update. We had some changes in KerbalEdu-team and one of the newest TeacherG
  4. well that an aircraft it could fly it could use some weapon 1/1 here's an aircraft you ll often find in my hair. I like them because they inspire a lot for designing new stuff.
  5. banned for welcome in the moderator team (hihi)
  6. you "attempted" to build something then someone said "welcome aboard" someone said "welcome aboard your plane"
  7. ancient greek is interesting good luck ; ) "ulysse against all odds" "hull ice" "permafrost" // yodisse // "ego" "sum" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguasphere_Observatory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_languages https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_de_langues see also, ideo-pictogramm, ideo-phonogramm, ideo-etc. (( (( caracters )) )) - DNA process applied to linguistic , linguistic genealogia, "caracters" genealogia) - psycho & neuro , learning curve, group identification, love / hate, friendship is magic / wars, ego & ego sum, , , >> 70 000 and keep counting here a rough approximation as tuto/explain (kinda a [wall over wall over wall over wall of text topic and legacy stuff also ]) https://translate.google.fr/community?source=t-new-user https://translate.google.com/community?source=t-new-user https://translate.google.(...)/community?source=t-new-user
  8. more optimistic scenario mean: low battery either sun, either planet core let's hope children(s) been able to bring some "stuff"/"knowledge"/"others being" somewhere else before it happen
  9. if you ask r2d2 and c3po: "the history is strong in that one" what ()is herstories
  10. banned for @r4pt0r and because why not
  11. this is the hahahahah language ; ) mostly about currency, ratio, fonction and other simple opperand related to the universe § so it make hahahahaha because the universe is very simple when it come to A 555 (Thaï) : )
  12. :3 yup this year too ; ) can't wait for the making off ; )
  13. reddit is on ipley- (ripley, well i laughed so hard htat i could'nt wrote it first and had to type it twice)
  14. what i dislike a little is that from an art / museum / history stand point most : https://www.google.fr/search?q=police+de+caractère+et+art (img mosaïc exemples) should be included per default on all os. edit: if people where encouraged more to read ideopictogramm ideophonogramm ideo[else] from all the earth place they would be less hack for everyone imho
  15. just a slight slide side off topic for the smile. @:D​ xDr that so newgroup and iirc back in the days ; ) u+00AC :3 :3 :3 back to topic : )
  16. it's more a concept, agora often discuss about concept so ... + size 72 + underlined + strike + bold + italic = ? you don't like concept ? what are you(we) doing here ? (not aimed) @false aim too generic miroring aim (food for thought) why i "camp" the subforum an rarely post elsewhere ... peoples are never happy with what i m saying. because "mirror" did i broke a mirror and get permabanned, from my "autistic spectrum fiber" stand point that's pretty irrelevant . . . autist you should must not talk ... well oki ... let's don't talk then ... not even allowed to try to tlak with others ... cool ... me happy a lot ...
  17. is there any single game not "hacked" today ? . . .
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