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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. ; ) talking about meteo but it's only true a few day ahead ; ) more than a few day ahead, i prefer to stay pretty random it's much more fun like that as time goes ; )
  2. Banido porque "level 9 high 5" e muito muito muito mais. e porque, para compartilhar, tente nem sempre é suficiente.
  3. Browsing random, totally, because randomness rules whatever.
  4. this or rewatch star wars episode 3 xDr there a good luck within i heard ; )
  5. mate/check pat pat patapon et ron et rond ça tourne en rond =^^= petit patapon, so famous somehow ; )
  6. when you like that song (full version especially) and that anime:
  7. A: It's like religion an important part of history, i can promise we will invest a lot in that too. Q: Do you feel better after i promised you that ?
  8. nope, wink all poêt poêt, because why not Aethon next ; )
  9. not fully back but partially back, thumb up, i warned ya xDr ; )
  10. as this turn to political kind of stuff, my answer is simple: kill/jail/isolate completly not partially single , for "against earthbeingty" take heritage ship in the process and reinvest, replace by another single. (notice that i m not speaking of humanity but earthbeingty this is slighty different, why most dinosaur and reptile disapeared, hungerness and greedness simple)
  11. now you need a son and teach him the same ; )
  12. banido porque eu trabalho melhorar o meu português ( : )@edu)
  13. Banido por maya'malam malayalam https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%ADngua_malaiala do estado de Kerala do período Neolítico
  14. bannido por senna i schumarer edit: + നിങ്ങൾക്കും ദ്രുത എയർ നഷ്ടമാക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല പാടില്ല സന്ദർഭം നീ എവറസ്റ്റ് ആൻഡ് k2 വളരെ നീണ്ട മുകളിൽ താമസിക്കാൻ നിമിത്തം
  15. this some lens and a vhs retroprojector. First space driv'in ever xDr (simple to assemble // some other stuff, costless, light, effiicient )
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