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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. 圣堂武士 (bored^too much to tell)
  2. kinda yup, it's like asking if the things in our body: virus, bacteria,etc. whatever, consider our body as there universe when they can't see the next universe next. They can communicate in this body universe, they can reproduce, and sometime they can migrate. Some of our smallest entities have some short lifespan and probably no counsciouness of a human as a whole (never seen a virus or bacteria with a telescope yet myself ; ) , but they do there job for us while we can't really communicate with them. And we're aslo doing our job for them allowing hybridation.
  3. Life is a "movement" your perceiving around you until you can't perceive it anymore , either because you miss time, either because what you're watching at is too small or too big for your own scale and life span. EDIT: That precisely why i see photon as a living small being, But as it's proven this being live longer than me before fading lightyears away if i can say from how far it may come i can't say for how long it may take for it to fade away. Is universe unique or not ? like many cells in the primordial soup, separated by distance superior to a photon lifespan none can tell. (kinda like many universe next to each other moving real slow motion in comparaison to human peception standard motion and our current 50 years old measurement abilities) i can't dis/prove it due to the fact were studying this accuratly since less less less time than the current distance and time we know a photon can travel.
  4. now you use a gif, that's kinda cheating, ms paint can't handle animated gif.
  5. Is fort tralala that close to the sun that it boil melt down ? xDr
  6. *grumpf* ... got to go in some military local space t-rex management waste ... when all earth beings survivals are in question ... i really don't get what's wrong with whµman after 50 000 years of conscioussness ... locally speaking ... anyway ...
  7. § so we can ask question ! without never finding the answer ?
  8. double post oops http://hospitality-on.com/fileadmin/_processed_/csm_PlanetOceanUnderwater_bb3c143906.png
  9. .../... when you lost the third A you could win a brutustical H atomicly pretty accurate somehow better to ate history than hate it's own son.
  10. H lol H lol in the hole i do must raise my knee and tip my hat : ) Vanamonde next yup ; )
  11. *in* sea snake, sea balloon ... of course thoose 2 won't make rockets fly away ... without speaking of relocating others energies sources and markets workers, and various linked industries to an acceptable quota/ratio ... Environmental/business/research sides do i need to reiterate the explanations for the bazillion(th) times ... nope i m bored to do so ... *out, don't ask ... kinda ...*
  12. nope get a not XX being instead. X olo Y olo next
  13. rate/weapon what for ? (commonly/shared could had fit as well xDr)
  14. so you feel like you need to ask ? weird ; ; ; anyway ; ; ; One-way films ; ; ; next xDr
  15. if you need a loop that badly ask a spherical master like @NovaSilisko (sorry dude they pushed me summoning you).
  16. whµman are currently busy doing so micro macro that guardian next
  17. nope nope nope & nope thoose are too obvious: @The White Guardian next & zoop
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