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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. this/that/range/nothing/everithing something polyvalent somehow poke poke poke who's knocking at the door: http://imgur.com/47sZzCu
  2. sorry nope i don't speak that @tralalala language too often ; ) Lajoswinkler next, may be
  3. nope i summon @/@palm or someone else xDr
  4. nope nope nope even if that tiny iss is so kawaï that dude with a rover and a medium username will be next , that mean i don't summon @SpaceplaneAddict ( ;op )
  5. kinda, vehicles, car system hacking will make the lawyer, court and a bunch story teller happy at some point, no doubt that shenanitralalala are only a myth. Tried thoose kind of system with car like 20 years ago so yup nothing real new. This thread may not bode bode well , but may use to happen often after april no fool joke in here. If whenever the whole planet car park made the transition things get differents, while some car will be drove by human and others by cpu thing will probably get a little messy ...
  6. in the heal heaven day of christmas, i gave to my kerbal: this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4exaXdPKS3Y , think about nice food, think about nice drink, think about nice food, think about nice drink,think about nice food, think about nice drink,think about nice food, think about nice drink,, and many copy of KSP
  7. ; ) legends are busy right now ; ) so that's all you ll get for now ; ) Galacticruler next, may be
  8. use this , it might/could/should work properly most of the time ...
  9. 16 presented the earth pressure changes of the tube during the 2nd layer tube injection in the underwater ... These caused low earth pressure under the tube.
  10. *yick* possibly some changes everywhere *yick - bis-*
  11. nice try but no xDr next is @tetryds ; )
  12. really ? xDr i admit i was tempted to double post & @harv xDr but i resisted so much xDr So nope just wink, and Vana next
  13. Banned because i rewatched this video again and because it's ages i no longer care about myself being banned again and again.
  14. main matter is that you misstyped "C" insteed of "L", anyway anwyay xDr
  15. nekoneko/meowmeow ,'') anyway i might had to stick to this one for a while dunno for how long ...
  16. yup ; ) another classic ; )
  17. http://steamcommunity.com/app/245550/discussions/0/558751179655265195/ (About reflexes and age)
  18. 10/5 twice as good as necessary ; )
  19. Same ,'') Gniark Gniark Gniark ,'')
  20. for now there a few workaround with stuff overlaying time to time, like adding caracter before and after using the arrow then mouse over + delete/backspace, dunno if you can do some similar kind of selection workaround with an ipad. Might to the trick temporarly.
  21. just passing by and playing the devil advocate a litl': i found it somehow kinda strange that many people continuously ask squad to restart thing over and over (wich squad do most of the time, not to say always), but when they have themselve to restart a few thing from scratch with some of "their" thread & newforum, eventually the simple fact of posting, it's like it's the end of time. i'm almost tempted to make some serious survey about it just to have a good laugh or not ... it might be fun at some point ...
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